There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.
Conservation status of red-handed howler monkey in Amapá, Brazil
Red-handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul) is a vulnerable primate endemic to Brazil and occurs within three areas: the Atlantic Forest and both banks of the Amazon river. At the Atlantic...View Project
Assistant Conservation Officer
The goal of this internship is to provide an opportunity for Hassan to enhance his skills and knowledge on the community-based conservation (CBC) approach and provide additional technical support for the...View Project
Conservation status of Craveri’s murrelet in Mexico
The Craveri’s Murrelet (CRMU; Synthliboramphus craveri) is an endemic species of Mexico, listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. This small alcid breeds on islands in the Gulf of...View Project
Zoning, conservation and research on Brazilian coral reefs
This project aims to perform zoning, conservation and research actions on a threatened coral reef complex in the north-eastern Brazil an area of great importance to marine biodiversity with many...View Project
Assistant Community Liaison Officer
Community-based wildlife conservation is a dynamic and evolving conservation tool, particularly with regard to integrated and participatory natural resources management. It requires specific skills, knowledge and most importantly the trust of...View Project
Conservation actions for cetaceans in Georgian territorial waters
Black Sea cetacean species are classified by IUCN categories (Common dolphin – Delphinus delphis ponticus - VU, Bottlenose Dolphin – Tursiops truncates ponticus - EN, Harbour porpoise - Phocoena phocoena relicta –...View Project
Empowering tree nurseries to grow threatened species in southern Brazil
The Araucaria Forest in Brazil contains more than 350 tree species. It is one of the most threatened ecosystems in the Atlantic Forest. As a result, many tree species are...View Project
Blakiston’s fish owl conservation in Russia: assessments of habitat suitability and recommendations for population restoration
The goal of this project is to provide a graduate student with training in sound study design, practical field experience, and to offer exposure to a global conservation organisation. The...View Project
Assessing the status of threatened elasmobranchs in the Andamans, India
In the recent past, there has been a decline in elasmobranch numbers globally owing to their increased demand in fisheries. Elasmobranchs are vulnerable to over-exploitation with a limited ability for...View Project
Conservation of two Endangered conifers in eastern Mexico
Deforestation and degradation of the habitat of Hickel's Fir (Abies hikelii) and Mesoamerican Yew (Taxus globosa) have caused the decline and fragmentation of their populations in eastern Mexico, specially in...View Project
Understanding the distribution, value and threats to ‘Okoubaka aubrevillei’ in West Africa
The tree species Okoubaka aubrevillei, also known as the ‘death tree’ is Endangered with only 100-2,500 mature trees remaining in Africa. During his internship Solomon be will helping to establish the distribution of the Okoubaka...View Project
Conserving periled “tiger of the river”: golden mahseer in upper Ganga, India
Once acclaimed as the 'tiger of river', the Himalayan or Golden mahseer (Tor putitora) is in peril owing to destructive fishing methods, indiscriminate fishing of brooders, habitat fragmentation due to...View Project
The purple frog for ‘President’! Improving the profile of amphibians among local communities of the Western Ghats, India
Our social surveys including the current CLP project revealed that frogs were less appreciated by local communities since they feared them or found them disgusting. They were also not keen...View Project
Developing capacity to fundraise with corporates and high net-worth individuals (HNWI) in Africa
This internship will establish a database of businesses and high net-worth individuals with a large footprint or bond with Africa, who can be jointly approached by partners and the BirdLife International...View Project
Innovative ecological research for high-priority aquatic reptiles in Sarawak, Malaysia
This study aims to conduct necessary field research to provide insight into the ecology of aquatic reptiles in Sarawak, Malaysia. Specifically, this study hopes to shed new light on species...View Project
Education and communication strategy for the Ecuadorian brown-headed spider monkey conservation in north western Ecuador
Since 2012 Proyecto Washu has been working in the buffer zone of the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve, mainly in the area of Tesoro Escondido where one of the last health populations...View Project
Wildlife inventory of two national parks in south eastern Angola
This project is based in the Angola section of the Kavango - Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA), the world’s largest transfrontier conservation area and Africa’s largest conservation landscape. Luengue-Luiana and...View Project
Building capacity in biodiversity conservation to implement the transition plan of BirdLife International Cambodia Programme
This opportunity will allow an intern, who is passionate about birds and nature, to input on processes developing the biodiversity conservation programme strategy and engage in conservation action in Cambodia. Within the...View Project
Western tragopan population assessment in Daranghati Wildlife Sanctuary, India
Information deficiency pertaining to its population status and distribution is a major limitation for conserving the Vulnerable western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus), an endemic montane pheasant occurring within a narrow distributional...View Project
First characterization of mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCE) in Cozumel, Mexico
Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) (reefs at 30-150 m depth) have been poorly explored due to inaccessibility, but are likely to be buffered from shallow reef impacts because of the depth...View Project