There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.
Ecology and conservation of the four-horned antelope in the Eastern Ghats of India
This project aims to understand the foraging and breeding ecology of the four-horned antelope in the uplands of Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh - India, as well as to initiate...View Project
Spatio-temporal distribution of human-snow leopard conflict in Spiti Valley, India
Retaliatory killing due to the livestock hunting behaviour of the snow leopard is one of the major threats for the survival of this species throughout its distribution range. We propose...View Project
Conducting field surveys and supporting the National Conservation Training Programme
The intern will be closely engaged with the work of FFI in Tajikistan, including involvement with national level training in conservation, and also biodiversity surveys in a range of habitats...View Project
Promoting conservation measures for Ader’s duiker in Arabuko-Sokoke, Kenya
The goals of this project are a) survey Ader's duiker population; b) determine the conservation threats faced by this species; c) establish the perspectives of the peripheral communities towards Ader's...View Project
Supporting the BirdLife Americas Secretariat in IBA research and prioritization, Ecuador
The publication of the launch of the Americas Important Bird Area (IBA) directory in May 2010, which documented 2345 IBAs throughout the Americas, marked an important milestone in the Americas...View Project
Ensuring long-term protection of rare endemic plants at Lake Baikal, Russia
The initial CLP-funded project helped us to conduct botanical surveys and monitoring of rare plants on Lake Baikal. The main purpose of this project is to organize the long-term protection...View Project
Promoting fruit and nut forest conservation through climate change research and education
The internship will focus on, for example, gathering information and data on climate change and assessment of likely impacts of climate change on fruit and nut forests, gathering information on...View Project
Assessing bird species richness in shade-grown coffee farms, Chiapas, Mexico
The purpose of this project is to determine richness of insectivorous bird species in forest remnants and shade-grown coffee farms in the pine-oak forest near El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in...View Project
Coordinating working groups to implement the BirdLife Africa Species Programme
The primary objectives of the internship are: 1) to support coordination of the international Working Groups for Lesser Flamingo, White-winged Flufftail and Madagascar Pond-heron, to ensure active cooperation and successful...View Project
Improving Community Capacity for Salmon Conservation on Sakhalin Island, Russia
The remaining population of the endangered Sakhalin taimen, an ancient apex predator salmonid, is centered on Sakhalin island, Russia. The population continues to be on severe decline due to impacts...View Project
Saving pangolin and sea turtles from being eaten in Guangzhou restaurants, China
Guangzhou city has a long history of bush meat consumption is the most important hub of illegal wildlife trade in China, driving species like pangolin and sea turtles into extinction....View Project
Implementing the Oceanscapes policy framework in Fiji
This internship will develop a future woman leader in the Pacific. The intern will have developed understanding of the Pacific Oceanscape framework implementation in political and sustainable economical contexts under...View Project
Building capacity to manage watershed impacts on the Belize Barrier Reef
The Belize Barrier Reef is under threat from activities occurring in the watersheds draining to it. This project aims to build capacity to monitor the threats to this World Heritage...View Project
Building the capacity of local institutions to lead seabird conservation initiatives in Peru
Piura State's artisanal fishing fleet is the largest in Peru, which overlaps and interacts with endangered and threatened seabirds. However, little research or conservation efforts have addressed these issue. Increased...View Project
Policy and markets internship: towards a greener and more sustainable economy
The intern is to support the overall Conservation South Africa (CSA) vision of supporting South Africa's movement towards a greener economy through conservation, restoration and sustainable use of healthy ecosystems....View Project
Conserving threatened Polylepis forests to maintain ecosystem services in Bolivia
Polylepis forests are threatened high Andean ecosystems that provide important ecosystem services. We aim to raise public awareness of the importance of Polylepis forests for water catchment and climate change....View Project
Conserving wild goats in the Peramagroon and Barzan mountain
Wild goats (Capran aegagrus) in Iraq are under strong conservation pressure due to hunting and habitat loss. This project aims to protect the wild population of wild goats and their...View Project
Conserving the Critically Endangered Darevsky’s viper in Lake Arpi National Park, Armenia
The Darevsky's viper is an endemic Armenian snake classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List and the Red Data Book of Armenia. This project aims to continue our...View Project
Supporting terrestrial and aquatic management approaches to conservation and community development on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua
The overall objective is to provide a future conservation leader with on-the-job training and exposure to the day-to- day workings of a conservation NGO. The specific internship objective is to...View Project
Conservation of Christmas Island frigatebird in West Java, Indonesia
The Critically Endangered Christmas Island frigatebird breeds only on Christmas Island. However, 10-20% of the world population is regularly present in the Sunda Straits and Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. Both sites...View Project