There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.
The Cambridgetanzania rainforest survey 1990 – A wildlife survey of the East Usambara and Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania
To report on the conservation status of two evergreen forests in the Ukaguru Mountains and in the Mtai Forest of the East Usambaras of Tanzania. Forest birds studied using mist-netting...View Project
The Manchester Indonesian island expedition, 1989
To provide baseline data on the status, distribution and habitat preferences of endemic birds on the islands of Buru and Sumba, and to test theories which attempt to explain why...View Project
University of East Anglia/International Council for Bird Preservation Sozoranga Expedition, Ecuador 1989
The expedition was set up to formulate a conservation strategy for the Tumbesian Endemic Centre. It rediscovered the Ochre-bellied Dove (Leptotila ochraceiventris) as well as locating 9 other threatened birds...View Project
Project Green: Ghana rainforest expedition ’89
Six separate but related fieldwork studies by Cambridge University undergraduates centred on a comparison of primary forest with secondary rainforest selectively logged 17 years ago. Entomological research included species abundance,...View Project
Merg expedition to Tsaratanana, Madagascar 1989
A survey in RNI Tsaratanana, one of the largest rainforest reserves and which includes the highest mountain in Madagascar. Surveys will investigate: forest extent and exploitation, rainforest structure, birds (particularly...View Project
Forest bird status in eastern Nepal
The forests of eastern Nepal are unique in the country and are at considerable risk of degradation and destruction. Within a relatively small area there is a high diversity of...View Project
The conservation of key forests and their threatened birds on Sumba, Indonesia
In common with many Islands, Sumba and Buru both show high levels of endemisim: there are eight endemic birds species on Sumba and ten on Buru. Knowledge of the birds...View Project
Barito bird project 1989
A thorough survey of bird and large mammal species at Barito Ulu, central Kalimantan. Forty-four mammal species recorded. Coverage of species identifiable in the field, including nocturnal species was good,...View Project
Gola Forest Project, Sierra Leone 1988
A survey of the forest's avifauna to determine the relative importance of forest areas with different logging and hunting pressures, with particular attention given to the endemic and threatened birds...View Project
Cambridge Columbus zoological expedition to Venezuela 1988
A study of the birds, dragonflies and butterflies of the Paria Peninsula National Park, Macuro. The ornithological projects included census work (88 species), and ecological and behavioural studies of several...View Project
1987 Pakistan
The expedition will search for the endangered Western Tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) in the steep-sided, forested valleys that flank the River Indus.
UEA Saint Lucia 1987
The team plans to look for four of the island's rarest birds, including Semper's Warbler (Leucopeza semperi), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Cooperatives. Need to...View Project
Rio Mazan 1986
The Río Mazán Project was initiated by conservationists in the town of Cuenca who successfully campaigned to protect 500 hectares of high Andean habitat in the Río Mazán valley in...View Project
Madagascar Serpent-Eagle
Search for the Madagascar Serpent-Eagle (Eutriorchis astur), which has not been seen since the 1930s.