There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.

‘Helping the skimmer skim’- Establishing a conservation model for Indian skimmers
Parveen Shaikh

The Indian skimmer is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and this species has almost become extinct from many countries in its distribution range in South-east Asia. Present known breeding records are only...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: India

‘Nature kids’: a holistic approach to reconnect kids and youth with Mother Nature in Sri Lanka. Back to bees and pelicans!

The purpose of the project is to reconnect kids and youth from an urban environment with Mother Nature by conducting awareness programmes and projects that get them outdoors and experiencing nature. Specific activities include weekly...

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BirdKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Sri Lanka

1987 Pakistan
Guy Duke

The expedition will search for the endangered Western Tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) in the steep-sided, forested valleys that flank the River Indus.View Project

BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1987
Country: Pakistan

A capacity strengthening intervention for FFI’s main partner NGO in Ecuador, Fundacion Sirua
Alfredo Ortiz

This internship will allow the opportunity for the intern to test and apply research methods with FFI’s main partner NGO in Ecuador, Fundacion Sirua (Awacachi Corridor in NW Ecuador - Esmeraldas Province) —as a capacity...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Ecuador

A carnivore conservation initiative in north-eastern forest reserves of Bangladesh
Muntasir Akash

The mixed evergreen forest reserves of north-eastern Bangladesh are known for a rich mammal assemblage. The reserves, the northern fringes of the Baramura-Atharamura-Longtharai Hills, are under formal protections encompassing two national parks, one wildlife sanctuary...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Bangladesh

A community-based recovery programme for the most threatened endemic plants in Egypt
Karim Abdelhai Omar

Endemic plants are a national and international treasure trove of science and socio-economic issues. Although Egypt harbours about 50 species of endemic plants, the unstudied impacts of human activities on these plants continue to grow....

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PlantConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Egypt

A conservation framework for furcifer chameleons in Madagascar
Christian Randrianantoandro

All of the 72 chameleon species in Madagascar are endemic but only four are considered threatened on the IUCN Red List. Three of the 18 furcifer species are vulnerable to extinction (IUCN Red List) and...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Madagascar

A desk-based review of illegal killing and capture of birds in sub-Saharan Africa
Consolata Gitau

The illegal killing, capture and trading of birds (IKB) is one of the threats faced by migratory birds in the African-Eurasian Flyway region. BirdLife International is actively addressing this problem through its Flyways programme, but...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Kenya

A feasibility study of reintroducing Chinese alligator to Yancheng Biosphere Reserve, Jiangsu Province, China
Liwei Teng

The Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis, is on the verge of becoming extinct in the wild due to loss of natural wetlands in the lower Yangzi River region. In 1983, a captive-bred program was established to...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: China

A field survey for the grey-shanked douc langur
Ha Thang Long

The grey-shanked Douc langur (Pygathrix cinerea) is endemic to Vietnam and occurs in a restricted range in the central coastal region and the central highlands of Vietnam (Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Kon Tum...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Vietnam

A foundation for the future: Building India’s first comprehensive model for snow leopard conservation
Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi

Snow leopard Panthera uncia is a wide ranging species occurring across the high mountains of Asia. Snow leopards (and other wildlife) overlap with domestic livestock in this region, which is the main source of livelihood...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: India

A mega transect for monitoring and searching breeding areas of milky stork in the east coastal of South Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Muhammad Iqbal

The milky stork (Mycteria cinerea) is currently listed as Vulnerable because it has undergone a rapid population decline due to ongoing loss of coastal habitat, human disturbance, hunting and trade. Its status in Indonesia is...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Indonesia

A schools- and science-based participatory approach to conservation in Bhutan
Tshering Dendup

Bhutan is committed to protecting its forests. However, it has insufficient conservationists to survey, monitor and assess the increasing threats to this globally important biodiversity. We will showcase how Bhutan's schools (currently an under-used scientific...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Bhutan

A study of the birds, small mammals, turtles and medicinal plants of Sao Tome & Principe
Philip Atkinson

Considering the small size of the four islands in the Gulf of Guinea, they hold a remarkable number of endemic animal and plant species. Sao Tome and Principe, the middle pair of islands, hold 26...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Sao Tome and Principe

A study of the diversity and conservation of the avi-fauna in Tianjing China
Zhang Shuping

The project team carried out fieldwork and conservation awareness work in the wetlands of Tianjing along the west shore of Bohai Bay, China. This area of wetlands is considered an important resting site for migrants,...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: China

A survey on the existent status and habitat requirements of white-eared night heron in South Guangxi
An Shuqiang

The species is so rare that we have little information about it, especially about its habitat preferences and requirements. In 1999, two breeding site have been found in Shangsi and neighbouring Fusui counties respectively (Zhou...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: China

A sustainable seafood network to conserve mobulid rays thresher and hammerhead sharks
Muhammad Ghozaly Salim

Indonesia is the world’s largest shark and ray fishing nation, many of which are endangered. In the Bali Strait, mobulid rays, thresher and hammerhead sharks are caught as bycatch in non-selective gillnets. Their catch per...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Indonesia

Aberdeen University Unimas Sarawak ’95
Giles Mackey

Working in conjunction with five Malaysian students the aim of this project was to assess the relative abundance and distribution of bats, birds and small mammals in five distinct habitats (peat swamp; plantation; primary forest;...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Malaysia

Aberdeen University/Unimas Project Swallow Reef ’96
Giles Mackey

Working in conjunction with members of staff from the Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation (IBEC) and the University of Malaysia, Sarawak (UNIMAS), Project Swallow Reef will be the first in a series of surveys...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Malaysia

Abundance of Mountain Tapir in Puracé National Park, Colombia
Fernando Sanchez

The mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) inhabits high Andean forest and paramo ecosystems in Colombia. Populations of this species are declining as a result of habitat loss caused by anthropogenic action. To date, little has been...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Colombia

Action for primate conservation in Korup National Park, Cameroon
Orume Robinson Diotoh

Illegal wildlife hunting for bushmeat is a serious threat to Korup National Park, one of Africa’s oldest and most biodiverse rainforests and home to a rich primate community of 14 species. Pressure on the park’s...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Cameroon

Action plan for amphibians in northeastern Colombia: ten years of monitoring and research
Aldemar Alberto Acevedo Rincon

The northeast of Colombia is one of the least explored areas in terms of diversity and biological conservation of amphibians; however, since 2010, a continuous programme has been undertaken to increase our knowledge about their...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Colombia

Action Sampiri: conservation of endangered parrot species on the Sangihe & Talaud Islands
Jon Riley

The Sangihe and Talaud islands support three of Indonesia’s four endangered parrot species; these are: Red-and -blue Lory Eos histrio, Sangihe Hanging-parrot (Loriculus catamene) and Blue-naped Parrot (Tanygnathus lucionensis). In 1998, Action Sampiri, a joint...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Indonesia

Action Sampiri: Sangihe & Talaud conservation project
Jon Riley

Building on their 1995 surveys on the islands of Talaud and Sangihe in Indonesia, the team returned in 1996 to initiate a conservation programme for the endangered Red-and-blue Lory (Eos histrio) and undertook further research...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Indonesia

ADEPT Project Management: Biodiversity Monitoring and Research Centre Management
Madalina Marian

Madalina Marian is a biologist based in Sighisoara, 5 km from Angofa Wildlife Centre (AWC), property of ADEPT, a centre for research and accommodation for field work, and for school visits and nature tours. Madalina...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Romania

Adji Lake ecosystem – conservation for future
Mikhail V. Banik

Adji lake is the only large wetland area along the western coast of Caspian Sea between Caspiysk, Russia and Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan. This lake has great importance as a wintering and breeding site for globally...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Russia

Advancing seabird conservation in Peru’s artisanal fisheries through education and research
Mariela Pajuelo

Beginning in 2003 Pro Delphinus began actively investigating seabird interactions with artisanal fisheries in Peru. That work has documented the by-catch and targeted take of seabirds, including endangered and threatened species, by long-line and gill-net...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Peru

Agrosilvopastoral systems: a win-win strategy for tropical Mexico
Marinés de la Peña Domene

Worldwide, animal agriculture is the leading cause of habitat destruction, species extinction, and a large contributor to greenhouse emissions. Conversely, it represents the main economic activity of many rural communities. We are faced with an...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Mexico

Alder Amazon project: conservation across the Argentina-Bolivia border
Luis Rivera

Yungas forests are been degraded and lost at an alarming rate. In order to assure the conservation of these forests it is necessary to revert the unsustainable use that locals make of the forest resources...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Argentina, Bolivia

Alder Amazon: neglected issue in conservation priorities – defining its population status and distribution
Luis Rivera

The Alder Amazon (Amazona tucumana) is a highly endemic and poorly known parrot that inhabits the Yungas montane cloud forest of Argentina and Bolivia. The Yungas Forest is a high biodiversity region with numerous endemic...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Argentina

Amazonian manatee conservation project, Anavilhanas National Park, Brazil
Cristina F. Tofoli

This project focuses on the research and conservation of a wild population of Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis), at Anavilhanas National Park, lower Rio Negro region, Amazonas, Brazil. The objectives of the project are to investigate...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Brazil

Amazula ’90
Rob Williams

Team investigated the cloud forest on the Coedillera de Cyaanilla in Loja Province to determine the status, distribution and threat to the 14 globally threatened birds species known from the region. Surveys revealed that all...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Ecuador

Ameliorating threats to the manatee in the heart of Belize
Jamal Galves

Belize has the largest surviving population of the endangered Antillean manatee. These herbivorous mammals, like dolphins, many fish species and even humans depend on the lower Belize River as a medium for migration and as...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Belize

Americas IBA programme
Eugenio Coconier

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Argentina

Amphibians of Goa 2001
Polly Crouch

Amphibian populations are declining worldwide. The Western Ghats is one of the world's hotspots of diversity and contains very speciose communities of amphibians (60% of all species known from India). 89 of the 117 species...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: India

An amphibian strategy for the consolidation of the Páramo de Sonsón action plan in Colombia
Gissella Pineda Sanchez

The purpose of this project is to evaluate the population status of three threatened frog species (Pristimantis leopardus VU, Andinobates opisthomelas VU, and Hyloscirtus antioquia VU). These species are in the newly created protected area...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Colombia

An evaluation of community utilization, conservation and perception of a Kenyan wetland; a case study of the Yala Swamp
Romulus Abila

This team of students from the Maseno University College, will work in the Yala Swamp - Lake Kanyaboli wetland, Western Kenya. They aim to evaluate the role the local community currently plays and can play...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Kenya

An examination of an ecosystem-based adaptation approach to managing natural tropical eco-systems in Guyana
Lili Ilieva

The main goal of the internship will be to examine the benefits and opportunities of ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) and produce technical and policy recommendations for the inclusion of EbA into Guyana’s response to climate...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Guyana

An integrated approach towards giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) conservation in Bolivia
Paul Van Damme

The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is one of the most endangered mammal species in the Neotropical region and one of four endangered otter species in the world. The project aims to contribute to the conservation...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Bolivia

An integrative research and conservation programme for the Chamaeleonidae from southwestern Madagascar
Hajaniaina Rasoloarison

The dry and spiny ecosystems of south-west Madagascar are home to locally endemic chameleons. The conservation status of most of the species are Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Data Deficient. These species face different threats...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Madagascar

An Internship for the BirdLife Flyways, Species and Forests Programmes in the Americas
Abigail del Pozo

The goal of this internship is to facilitate activities related to the Flyways, Species and Forests Programmes in the Americas. The intern will work jointly with the Conservation Officer and Manager of the Americas and...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: Ecuador

Analysing the communication skills of BirdLife Partners in the Middle East
Rama Al Ramahi

Rama will conduct a communication skills gap analysis among BirdLife Partners in the Middle East. She will determine their existing communication skills, the strengths and weaknesses for each Partner, and the gaps between their existing...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Jordan

Andean cats and Puna biodiversity, Argentina
Mauro Lucherini

The Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita) is one of most endangered felids in the world and occurs almost exclusively in the Puna ecoregion, a regional conservation priority. The data we have collected since 1998 show that...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Argentina

Andinoherps 2000: amphibians and reptiles of northern Ecuador
Nora Schultz

Project AndinoHerps is a cooperation between Oxford University and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador – Sede Ibarra (PUCE-I). The primary aim is to collect baseline data on the herpetofauna of the High Andes of...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Ecuador

Anglia Polytechnic University Colombia ’91, Cambridge Rainforest Expedition
Dave Gandy

The expedition aimed to justify the proposed creation of a Biosphere Reserve in the region by compiling comprehensive bird and mammal inventories of the tropical moist forest between 1000-3500m, particularly looking at threatened , poorly...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Colombia

Angola’s central scarp forests: threatened bird habitats and human impacts
Francisco Maiato

Angola’s central scarp forests are the key habitat of the western Angola EBA. This project aims to study habitat preferences of threatened birds and human impacts on bird habitats at Kumbira, the best example known...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Angola

Anoa ecology and conservation in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Asri Dwiyahreni

Bushmeat hunting is one of the main threats to large forest mammals in the tropics. The lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) is an endangered dwarf buffalo species endemic to the Sulawesi island group. This study aims...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Indonesia

Applying GIS and remote sensing in the South Gobi of Mongolia to support conservation interventions
Undral Erdenebat

This internship program included two main works such as GIS and remote sensing in the South Gobi of Mongolia. Objectives: Learn how to develop and manage a database for a multi-project GIS program Learn how...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: Mongolia

Aquatic wildlife conservation in China
Wen Cheng

Aquatic wildlife conservation in China is a challenging task. There are numerous endemic fish species in South China, especially in the Karst region. However, most of them live outside of nature reserves or other protected...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: China

Araripe manakin conservation center
Alberto Alves Campos

The Araripe Manakin is the most endangered manakin in the world with less than 800 individuals and 28km2 of remaining habitat. The overall goal of this proposal is to consolidate previous actions related to the...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Brazil

Araripe Manakin Wildlife Refuge, Brazil
Weber Andrade Girao e Silva Silva

As a result from previous efforts, a conservation plan for the Araripe manakin was published in November 2006 after thoroughly being discussed with stakeholders and environmental authorities, in order to avoid the extinction of this...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Brazil

Ascension 1998 – estimating the status of endemic plants
Lucy Webster

Ascension Island hosts ten known endemic species of vascular plant, three of which have not been seen since 1889. Of these 10, 6 were found by the team. Quadrat data was collected on each of...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Falkland Islands

Assessing and mitigating the impacts of bycatch mortality of endangered loggerhead turtles, Baja California Sur
Natalia Rossi

The critically endangered North Pacific loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nests exclusively in Japan, and juveniles undertake developmental migrations that can last several decades and span the entire Pacific. Juvenile loggerheads aggregate in the rich waters...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Mexico

Assessing bird species richness in shade-grown coffee farms, Chiapas, Mexico
Daniel Camilo Thompson Poo

The purpose of this project is to determine richness of insectivorous bird species in forest remnants and shade-grown coffee farms in the pine-oak forest near El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas, Mexico. We will use...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Mexico

Assessing fencing impacts and local community attitudes in the Changtang Nature Reserve, Tibetan Autonomous Region, China
Tang Ge

The overall goal of the internship is to provide the intern with an opportunity to design and implement a small project that addresses the critically important issue of fencing, its impacts on endangered ungulates and...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: China

Assessing human impacts on threatened freshwater cetaceans in Bangladesh
Emile Mahabub

Two threatened freshwater cetaceans, the Ganges River and Irrawaddy dolphins, remain sparsely distributed in sufficient numbers in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh for early conservation interventions to be effective for protecting both species. Assessing the magnitude...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Bangladesh

Assessing impacts and potential conservation solutions related to tourism and coastal development in Con Dao
Tam Thi Thanh Do

Fauna & Flora International (FFI) are currently commencing marine conservation work in Vietnam’s Con Dao archipelago, which supports some of the country’s best remaining marine biodiversity. To support this process, the intern will support baseline...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Vietnam

Assessing populations and promoting Sokoke scops-owl and Usambara eagle owl in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania
Ezra Mremi

The Sokoke scops owl (Otus ireneae) and Usambara eagle owl (Ketupa poensis vosseleri) are iconic owl species inhabiting the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, a region of immense ecological significance. This research aims to conduct...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Tanzania

Assessing the conservation status and economic importance of Kenya’s Marlin fisheries
Nelly Kadagi

Worldwide, populations of threatened blue and black marlin are declining due to unsustainable fisheries and diminutive determination to conserve them. In Kenya, information about these species is poorly understood resulting in no species specific plans...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Kenya

Assessing the conservation status of a poorly known endemic lizard in Nigeria
Lotanna Micah Nneji

The Ondo forest gecko (Cnemaspis petrodroma) is a poorly known lizard species endemic to Nigeria. It lives in forest and rocky areas of the Idanre Hills (UNESCO World Heritage Site) in southwestern Nigeria. The habitats...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Nigeria

Assessing the conservation status of tigers in West Sumatra
Yoan Dinata

At c.3,000 km2 the Batang Hari Protection Forest (BHPF), west Sumatran, has the potential to contain a large Sumatran tiger population. Human-tiger conflict at the forest edge confirms tiger presence, but scientific data is lacking....

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Indonesia

Assessing the Current Status and Distribution of Imperial Eagle and Lesser Kestrel in Azerbaijan
Shahin Isayev

Within Azerbaijan, several species of migrating and breeding raptor can be found including the globally threatened imperial eagle, lesser kestrel and Saker falcon along with many other birds of prey. Large numbers of raptors can...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Azerbaijan

Assessing the current status and distribution of imperial eagle and lesser kestrel in Azerbaijan

To provide training for park rangers and scientific workers in important protected areas in support of a major project aimed at improving the conservation of imperial eagles, lesser kestrels, Saker falcons and other globally threatened...

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BirdKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Azerbaijan

Assessing the extinction risk of Kenya’s exploited coral reef fish
Levy Otwoma & Sarah Buckley

Wild caught fish are declining worldwide due to increasing levels of anthropogenic impacts. Without an understanding of historical baselines, dramatic declines and extinctions can occur undetected. In particular, the historical exploitation and susceptibility of tropical...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Kenya

Assessing the impact of electric power lines on birds in the Central Kazakhstan Steppe
Vera Voronova

Central Kazakhstan steppe comprises a very large area crossed by thousands of kilometres of power-lines. These man-made structures are thought to be advantageous for birds that use the treeless steppe during migration. The main goal...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Kazakhstan

Assessing the status and threats to the Nigerian white-bellied pangolin
Charles Agbor Emogor

The white-bellied pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis) is one of the world's most heavily trafficked, yet least understood wild mammals. P. tricuspis populations are thought to be declining, and their survival is threatened by habitat loss and...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Nigeria

Assessing the status of threatened elasmobranchs in the Andamans, India
Zoya Irshad Tyabji

In the recent past, there has been a decline in elasmobranch numbers globally owing to their increased demand in fisheries. Elasmobranchs are vulnerable to over-exploitation with a limited ability for recovery if fishing intensity is...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: India

Assessing the status, ecology and distribution of the Elfin Woods warbler (Dendroica angelae) to influence its long-term conservation
Veronica Anadon

The Elfin Woods Warbler (Dendroica angelae) (EWW) is endemic to Puerto Rico where it is found in four distinct populations. It is a globally threatened species, listed as an endangered species candidate by the US...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Puerto Rico

Assessing threats to bird conservation in proposed Important Bird Areas of Macedonia
Danka Uzunova

Declining and unsustainable populations of lesser kestrel, imperial eagle and Egyptian vulture in proposed IBAs in Macedonia indicate severe human impact and lack of conservation measures and efforts. Assessments of resource availability and threats in...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Macedonia

Assessing threats to ecosystem connectivity in a Mayan tropical rainforest, Mexico
J. Antonio de la Torre

One of the most important sections of the Mayan Tropical Rainforest is located at the Greater Lacandona Ecosystem, Chiapas, Mexico. However, the connectivity of this area with the rest of the Mayan Tropical Rainforest it...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Mexico

Assessing tiger translocation in Sumatra, Indonesia
Dolly Priatna

Human-tiger conflict is one of the key problems in tiger conservation. The Indonesian government has tried new ways of resolving human-tiger conflict by translocating problem tigers. The project goal is to provide information on resident...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Indonesia

Assessment and conservation of Cundinamarca antpitta at Farallon de Medina, Cundinamarca
Francisco Javier Cortes

The Cundinamarca antpitta is a very poorly known and endangered species. Recent field observations by the principal investigator strongly suggest than the species specializes in large-leaved herbs. The purpose of the project is to conduct...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Colombia

Assessment and conservation of grey-necked picathartes in south-east Nigeria
Fidelis Akunke Atuo

The grey-necked picathartes is restricted to the lower Guinea forests of Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. The population of the species is already highly fragmented and most of the breeding colonies are small and...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Nigeria

Assessment and Conservation of Threatened Bird Species at Laojunshan, Sichuan, China
Jie Wang

Laojunshan Natural Reserve, located in Pingshan County of southern Sichuan Province, is a Global 200 ecoregion (WWF).This area harbours a tremendous diversity of plants and and animals including a high diversity of endemic bird species....

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: China

Assessment of conservation status of newly rediscovered southern horned curassow and associated biodiversity in Peru
Melvin Gastanaga Corvacho

The Peruvian taxon of southern horned curassow was discovered in 1969 yet no scientist had actually seen this bird until 2005. No scientific data exists about its habitat and conservation requirements in Peru. We know...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Peru

Assessment of elasmobranch species status in Gabonese artisanal fisheries in Corisco Bay, Gabon
Youri Ivann Mvomo Minko

WCS Gabon has managed an on-board observer programme for the industrial fleet, suggesting a total catch of around 240,000 rays per year in the industrial fishery. As several species of elasmobranches are known to occur...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Gabon

Assessment of present status of Ibadan Malimbe in South-Western Nigeria
Bunmi Jegede

Ibadan Malimbe (Malimbus ibadanensis) is an Endangered but poorly known weaver bird endemic to Nigeria. The population is estimated at 2,500 individuals for its remaining range of about 112km2 of non-contiguous and severely fragmented forests...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Nigeria

Assessment of seabird bycatch in Peruvian artisanal fisheries
Paola Melly

Albatross and petrel bycatch in global fisheries has been a growing concern since the early 1990s. Information on seabird bycatch is scarce for the southeast Pacific. This gap makes difficult decision making and, as a...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Peru

Assessment of the traffic disturbance to Tibetan antelopes in Hoh-Xil national nature reserve
Lin Xia

The Tibetan Antelope or Chiru is listed in the IUCN Red List as a Threatened Species. Each year, Tibetan antelopes will migrate to the hinterland of Hoh-xil to give birth to their offspring. Incidentally, the...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: China

Assistant Community Liaison Officer
Khan Muhammad Gul

Community-based wildlife conservation is a dynamic and evolving conservation tool, particularly with regard to integrated and participatory natural resources management. It requires specific skills, knowledge and most importantly the trust of local communities who depend on...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Pakistan

Assistant Conservation Officer
Hassan Abbas

The goal of this internship is to provide an opportunity for Hassan to enhance his skills and knowledge on the community-based conservation (CBC) approach and provide additional technical support for the Wildlife Conservation Society’s field team...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Pakistan

Hassan Abbas CLP Intern, 2017
Assistant to FFI’s NORAD funded REDD project
Urias Sunday Goll

The intern is expected to work alongside the Chief Technical Advisor (TA) on FFI’s NORAD funded REDD project. In this capacity, the intern will assist the TA in general aspects of project implementation such as...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Liberia

Assisting in the development of new ideas on threatened fruit trees and bulbs in Tajikistan
Sakina Imomnazarova

As an early career Tajik conservationist, Sakina will have the opportunity to work as an integrated member of FFI Tajikistan, gaining exposure to the day-to-day workings of an international conservation NGO, with on-the-job training and...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Tajikistan

Assisting with formation of an Ecuadorian Alliance for Zero Extinction
Pablo Menendez

Earlier this year, several Ecuadorian conservation organizations, government officials, in addition to a few international organizations agreed on the idea to form an Ecuadorian Alliance for Zero Extinction whose goal it would be to identify...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Ecuador

Avifauna of Mount Talinis, Philippines
Renee Palaan

This Filipino project aimed to survey the avifauna of Mt. Talinis on the island of Negros. The project consisted of three components: (i) an assessment of the relationship between altitude, habitat and bird species endemic...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Philippines

Baird´s tapir conservation in Nombre De Dios National Park, Honduras
Luis Alberto Herrera

Baird´s, or Central American Tapir (Tapirus bairdii), is the largest land mammal in Honduras. It is classified by IUCN as Endangered due to habitat loss and hunting. Two or three large, isolated tapir populations are...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Honduras

Barito bird project 1989
Guy Dutson

A thorough survey of bird and large mammal species at Barito Ulu, central Kalimantan. Forty-four mammal species recorded. Coverage of species identifiable in the field, including nocturnal species was good, but only three species of...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Indonesia

Bat census in Crimean caves
Lena Godlevska

There is little information available about the status of the 22 bat species found in Crimea (from the total 28 bat species of Ukraine). However, it is known that over the past 50 years, the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Ukraine

Bat conservation at Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve, North-East Vietnam
Vu Dinh Thong

This project aims to promote bat conservation in Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve by: 1) conducting field surveys to determine species diversity and population structure; 2) assessing the principal threats to the bat population; 3) drawing...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Vietnam

Bat conservation Madagascar
Richard Jenkins

Bat Conservation Madagascar will conduct a series of projects designed to improve the capacity of Malagasy biologists to study bats and to provide relevant information on the ecology and conservation of threatened species. The project...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Madagascar

Bat count 2003
Tammy Mildenstein

Large flying foxes in insular Southeast Asia are the most threatened of the Old World fruit bats due to deforestation, unregulated hunting, and little conservation commitment from local governments. Despite the fact they are globally...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Philippines

Bat count Philippines
Tammy Mildenstein

Flying-foxes are a conservation priority. They are not only endangered but are also important ecologically, valued by local communities, and may serve as umbrella species and charismatic flagships for conservation. Our project is developing baseline...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Philippines

Bat survey in the Slovensky Raj National Park (Slovakia)
Katarina Janeckova

Slovensky Raj National Park, in the Slovak karst region of Slovakia, has a high number of caves and underground spaces which serve as important habitat for bats. Some surveys have taken place in this area,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Slovakia

Befriending the three Critically Endangered pygmy chameleons in Morogoro, Tanzania
Eva Johnson Ayaro

The three pygmy chameleons (Rhampholeon acuminatus, Rhampholeon princeeai and Rhampholeon waynelotteri) are evolutionary distinct and Critically Endangered chameleons that are endemic to the South Nguru Mountains forest reserves - a key biodiversity hotspot in eastern...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Tanzania

Behavioural ecology and conservation of Rhinopithecus avunculus in Vietnam
Hai Dong Thanh

The Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus (Presbytiscus) avunculus) is a critically endangered primate endemic to northern Vietnam. It remains relatively unstudied in comparison with the other members of the 'snub-nosed' group. Thus, this will be the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Vietnam

Bengal florican conservation and research initiative in BTAD, India
Namita Brahma

The Bengal florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) is one of the most endangered (IUCN) grassland birds with a world population of 1500 individuals. Its populations have declined as a result of habitat loss and hunting and in...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: India

Bia forest ’99
Paul Lascelles

Taking place in forests of western Ghana, this joint British/Ghanaian project will study the effects of disturbance by man on habitat structure and species diversity by comparing the fully protected Bia National Park and the...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Ghana

Biodiversity assessments and community carbon inventory in high conservation value forest

The internship is envisaged to meet 3 objectives: 1) exposure to a broad range of biodiversity conservation issues in the Philippines. The intern will work closely with FFI staff on gap analysis, evaluation of effectiveness...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Philippines

Biodiversity assessments and community carbon inventory in high conservation value forest
Christian E. Supsup

The internship is envisaged to meet 3 objectives: 1) exposure to a broad range of biodiversity conservation issues in the Philippines. The intern will work closely with FFI staff on gap analysis, evaluation of effectiveness...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Philippines

Biodiversity conservation in the wetland Vlãdeni
Cristian Cojocariu

Project VLADENI 2000 “Biodiversity Conservation in the Wetland Vladeni” is an initiative of Romanian students from the Faculty of Biology, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi. The team aims to continue the study undertaken between...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Romania

Biodiversity research for park management and community development
Placide Masengesho

This internship falls under WCS’ strategy of being a hub for continuous skill transfer for future enthusiastic conservationists for Rwanda. The intern will be particularly attached to practical activities related to biodiversity research and the...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Rwanda

Biodiversity surveys, community conservation, and socio-cultural activities in Diamer District
Abdul Raqeeb

The activities of the intern will focus on scientific biodiversity surveys (research), community conservation and socio-cultural activities. Research targets -to expand our knowledge of the unique biodiversity in Diamer District, collect comprehensive information on the presence/absence...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Pakistan

Biodiversity, climate change and biofuels
Saulo Marques Andrade

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Award Year: 2005
Country: Brazil

Biodiversity, climate change and biofuels – Indonesia
Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Indonesia

Bird conservation in two Pacific islands, Solomon Islands
Graeme Robertson

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Solomon Islands

Bird species survey in Boni and Dodori Forest Reserves, north coast of Kenya
Timothy Mwinami

Boni and Dodori's potential as an Important Bird Area (IBA) has been prone to insecurity in the past, and for a long time, researchers were not been able to visit this area. Although the situation...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Kenya

Birds of Rio Muni
Matthew Shirley

Equatorial Guinea has been under extreme political turmoil throughout the latter half of the century. Due to instability, researchers have not been able to enter the continental part of the country to document species and...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Equatorial Guinea

Birds of the slash and burn habitats
Javier Ortiz

Working in the successional forest of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Southern Mexico, the team of 5 will determine status, abundance and patterns of distribution, for both resident and migratory bird species in relation to...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Mexico

Black-breasted puffleg habitat conservation in Ecuador: Promoting local participation
Fernanda Coello

The black-breasted puffleg is the most endangered endemic hummingbird in Ecuador. Its habitat, the High Andean montane forest at Pichincha Volcano, is rapidly disappearing due to human activities such as charcoal production and conversion to...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Ecuador

Blakiston’s fish owl conservation in Russia: assessments of habitat suitability and recommendations for population restoration
Rada Surmach

The goal of this project is to provide a graduate student with training in sound study design, practical field experience, and to offer exposure to a global conservation organisation. The practical conservation component of this...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Russia

Bolivian forests ’97
Elizabeth McDonald

Working with a Bolivian forestry project, Proyecto Bolfor, the ultimate aim of the project is to contribute to the reduction of the degradation of biological resources, namely tropical dry and subhumid forest, through the use...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Bolivia

Breeding bird survey Kizilirmak Delta, Turkey 1991-92
Henk Nijmeijer

A preliminary visit for a longer study in 1992 which will involve a team of Dutch and Turkish ornithologists collecting detailed information of species composition and numbers of breeding birds in the delta. It is...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Turkey

Breeding ecology of Baer’s pochard in central and north China
Qingxin Li

Baer's Pochard (Aythya baeri) is classified as a Critically Endangered species on the IUCN Red List as it is apparently undergoing an extremely rapid population decline. The total population is now likely to be fewer than...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: China

Bringing bats off the brink: conservation action for the Critically Endangered Seychelles sheath-tailed bat
Terence Vel

This study will build on the previous BPCP funded ‘Bats on the Brink’ (BOTB) project by testing three alternative hypotheses about the causes of the severe population decline of Coleura seychellensis. Having identified the major...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Seychelles

Bringing the wild into the classroom: online conservation for Chilean teachers
Marioli Paz Saldias O'Hrens

The specific objectives of the intern are to: (1) receive formal training in environmental education and biological conservation; (2) learn about WCS’ conservation vision in Chile and how WCS works to achieve this vision through...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Chile

Bristol University Lake Chilwa expedition, Malawi
Luke Pullough

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Malawi

Building a home for people and biodiversity in Mangabe Reserve, eastern Madagascar
Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka

Mangabe Reserve was created in 2015 primarily to provide an oasis for the Critically Endangered golden mantella frog Mantella aurantiaca and the lemurs Indri indri and Propithecus diadema. The sustainability of the Reserve depends entirely...

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MultipleKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Madagascar

Building blocks for youth empowerment in marine conservation in Fiji

This project will focus on the Reef Ranger programmes on Kia Island and the Great Sea Reef, aimed at educating the community about the threats resulting from increasing fishing pressure on the marine ecosystem. In...

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MultipleKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Fiji

Building bridges between rainforest conservation and livestock grazing in Mexico
Marinés de la Peña Domene

Extensive deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and over-grazing put tropical communities at universal risk of destruction. Maintaining regeneration potential in highly fragmented landscapes is critical for conservation. Our work takes place in Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve a...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Mexico

Building capacities in coral reef restoration in the Bay Islands National Marine Park of Honduras
Zara Betsabe Guifarro Castro

Caribbean corals have been going through their own pandemic in recent years, threats such as water pollution, overfishing, diseases such as Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, lack of awareness and governance have caused a devastating...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Honduras

Building capacity for community-based conservation in Cap Esterias, Gabon
Innocent Ikoubou

The objectives of the internship are two-fold: strengthening skills that will strongly benefit Innocent’s project (computer skills, database use, engaging international partners, promoting conservation programmes, budget management, fund raising, setting up and strengthening a local...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Gabon

Building capacity for conservation in Bokor National Park, Cambodia
Chhin Sophea

Although a large, nationally protected area and IBA, little is known about the biodiversity of Bokor National Park in south-west Cambodia, though the site is believed to have suffered less from habitat loss and degradation...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Cambodia

Building capacity for fundraising and communications for conservation in southern Belize
Roberta Kamille Pennell

The ultimate goal is to improve the financial sustainability of leading Belizean conservation organization, Ya’axche Conservation Trust, and in turn secure the long-term conservation of critical areas for biodiversity in the Toledo District, southern Belize....

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Belize

Building capacity for influencing policy in Africa
Ibrahim Mitole

The internship goal is to provide the intern with hands-on skills and knowledge on how to use policy as well as advocacy to achieve conservation outcomes at site and national levels.  The intern will appreciate...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Kenya

Building capacity for locally-led and participatory MPA development and monitoring
Ith Srey Oun

Ith Srey will have a key role in developing and delivering training for local stakeholders, with the aim of building her capacity for future Marine Protected Area (MPA) development and monitoring. Her skills will also...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Cambodia

Building capacity in biodiversity conservation to implement the transition plan of BirdLife International Cambodia Programme
Lenghieng Laing

This opportunity will allow an intern, who is passionate about birds and nature, to input on processes developing the biodiversity conservation programme strategy and engage in conservation action in Cambodia. Within the ten month project period, the...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Cambodia

Building capacity to manage watershed impacts on the Belize Barrier Reef
Maximiliano Caal

The Belize Barrier Reef is under threat from activities occurring in the watersheds draining to it. This project aims to build capacity to monitor the threats to this World Heritage Site and provide data to...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Belize

Building community capacity and support for conserving the lesser florican
Supriya Jhunjhunwala

The lesser florican a globally endangered bird has lost over 90% of its habitat. Being widely distributed, it shares its habitat with communities. Only a combination of a site-based approach of protected areas (private or...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: India

Building data sets for coastal wetland sites and species factsheets in the Middle East
Azhar Ananze

The intern will contribute to WBDB (BirdLife International Data Zone) and establish a dataset with key information to enable the coastal areas situation analysis planned for a later stage, to strengthen the strategic national, regional...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Jordan

Building knowledge and increasing capacity for community-based bear conservation in Bangladesh
Sourav Chakma

Asiatic black bears and sun bears have received very little or no conservation focus in Bangladesh.  By dispersing seeds, bears aid in the regeneration of forests, critical to protecting watersheds for biodiversity and agricultural practices...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Bangladesh

Building knowledge, tools and capacity for mammal conservation in Chaco agroecosystems of Argentina
A. Sofía Nanni

The largest subtropical forest in the world, the Gran Chaco, is a global hotspot of agricultural expansion and intensification, which coupled with high hunting pressure of the local inhabitants exert great pressure on its biodiversity,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Argentina

Building Local Capacity in Delivering Effective Behaviour Change Education
David Kwarteng

This project aims to equip and empower local champions to combat extinction threats to amphibian species e.g. human consumption and habitat destruction. Project update: Twenty motivated champions, selected from biodiversity hotspots across Ghana, attended a...

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AmphibianKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Ghana

Building marine conservation capacity of fishing communities in Fiji
Akosita Rokomate

Previous work in the region has shown that the community of Kia Island, northern Fiji, is almost completely dependent on the marine resources of the Great Sea Reef for subsistence and their livelihoods. Over-exploitation and...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Fiji

Building the capacity of local institutions to lead seabird conservation initiatives in Peru
Natalia Ortiz Escobar & Jessenia Ortiz

Piura State's artisanal fishing fleet is the largest in Peru, which overlaps and interacts with endangered and threatened seabirds. However, little research or conservation efforts have addressed these issue. Increased international awareness of seabird threats...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Peru

Butterflies of Vietnam and their role in tropical nature conservation
Pham Nhat Tan

Butterflies are the most common invertebrate targets of terrestrial conservation efforts. A handful of species are threatened and/or protected by international law, but the group is especially well-suited as ‘ecological indicators’ of ecosystem health and...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Vietnam

Pham Nhat Tan CLP intern
Calayan Rail Project II: Building stakeholders’ capacity to conserve an island-endemic species
Carl Oliveros

A preliminary survey of the Calayan Rail has found this island-endemic species under threat from hunting and habitat loss. Through a series of community consultations, a conservation action plan was created with local stakeholders that...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Philippines

Calayan Rail Project: Targeting community involvement to conserve an island-endemic, Philippines
Cynthia Adeline A. Layusa

The previous phases of the Calayan Rail Project have seen the initiation of a long term conservation programme on Calayan Island and building local skills of local stakeholders for conservation. Building on the progress of...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Philippines

Cambodian Turtle conservation project: extending chelonian research, education and conservation in Cambodia
Sitha Som

This project proposes to build on the research results from our first year project and go to these next steps: 1) focused monitoring of the Endangered species we have found; 2) surveys to look for...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Cambodia

Cambridge Barbary leopard expedition 1990
MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Morocco

Cambridge Columbus zoological expedition to Venezuela 1988
Christopher Sharpe

A study of the birds, dragonflies and butterflies of the Paria Peninsula National Park, Macuro. The ornithological projects included census work (88 species), and ecological and behavioural studies of several species, including 2 which may...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1988
Country: Venezuela

Cambridge Ethiopia groundwater-forest expedition 1990
Mark Telfer

The park comprises typical river valley habitat, and the expedition aim was to produce inventories of the birds and mammals, with subsidiary observations of other faunal groups. Ornithological work produced a check list, and transect/point...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Ethiopia

Cambridge Flores/Sumbawa conservation project, Indonesia 1993
Stuart Butchart

A survey of the remaining forests and the threatened endemic birds of Flores and Sumbawa. Ornithological inventories were produced to support current initiatives for the creation of protected areas in this region; much urgently required...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Indonesia

Cambridge Laos ’92/’93: A rainforest conservation project
Tom Evans

The expedition surveyed wildlife resources of two protected areas. Information was obtained on the distribution of many key bird and mammal species (including Kouprey, Elephant, Dhole, Gibbon, Peafowl, Giant Ibis, White Shouldered Ibis and Sarns...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Laos

Cambridge Solomon Islands rainforest project 1990
David Buckingham

A study of rainforest birds on a selection of islands in North Melanesia. Priority was given to islands with concentrations of threatened endemic bird species, data were collected on geographical and altitudinal distribution, population densities...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Solomon Islands

Cambridge Tanzania rainforest project 1992
Mathias Hague

A survey of threatened birds and mammals in several tropical montane forest blocks was implemented, to assess their relative importance for conservation. Species lists were made and approximate densities of the rare species calculated. Nine...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Tanzania

Cambridge University project Mount Nilo ’95, Tanzania
Nathalie Seddon

This project surveyed forest birds and mammals in northern Tanzania. The team assessed the ecological requirements and threats to the survival of restricted-range and globally threatened birds in remnant patches of submontane forest in the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Tanzania

Cambridge-Royal Holloway & Bedford Amazon 1992: A Cambridge-Royal Holloway & Bedford expedition to Colombia 1992
Tigga Kingston

5 British students worked with 3 Colombians from Universidad Nacional de Colombia to produce the first records of the birds, bats, invertebrates and plants of the white sand rainforests of the Serrania de Naquen, a...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Colombia

Can golden-headed lion tamarins survive in Cabruca Agroforest? Management implications for an endangered species and habitat
Leonardo Oliveira

This report is part of an ongoing study which aims to evaluate the responses of an endangered species to the matrix surrounding suitable habitat. The golden-headed lion tamarin (GHLT; Leontopithecus chrysomelas) is an endangered primate,...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Brazil

Capacity building for the research and conservation of endangered sea turtles in Venezuela and Colombia
Hedelvy Guada

The Caribbean Sea is a rich basin inhabited by a wide diversity of marine flora and fauna. Its warm, sandy beaches and rich coastal ecosystems including coral reefs and sea grass beds, are critical to...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Colombia/Venezuela

Capacity building for the research and conservation of Endangered sea turtles in Venezuela and Colombia
Hedelvy J. Guada

This follow-up project will continue work in northern Peninsula de Paria, Venezuela and the San Andres Archipelago and Islas del Rosario, Colombia. A team of ten students, professionals and NGO staff will undertake field research,...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Colombia/Venezuela

Capacity development and delivery of the IBA Programme in Africa
Grace Sengohol Torkura

During her internship Grace will assist with the implementation of the Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) Programme in Africa. This includes supporting capacity development towards the successful delivery of the IBA Programme in Africa, updating African IBA site...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Kenya

Capacity for conservation and resource management event-planning and projects support
Vivian Cherotich Kosgei

This internship will develop conservation capacity of Vivian through on-the-job training at FFI East Africa, and through exposure to a partnership network. Vivian will gain an understanding of FFI’s work within an office environment which will...

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Award Year: 2015
Country: Kenya

Case study analysis of BirdLife Asia’s work with local conservation groups
Mithi Gonzales

The internship is intended to contribute to compiling, assessing and sharing BirdLife Asia’s experience of working with local conservation groups, ecosystems services assessment and developing further work along these lines as part of contributing to forest...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Philippines

Cebu black shama (Copsychus cebuensis) conservation project
Philip Godfrey Jakosalem

The endangered Black Shama (Copsycus cebuensis), endemic to Cebu Island, Philippines, survives in at least nine forest fragments with forest cover ranging from 30 to 1,200 hectares (Jakosalem et al., 2005), where most fragments were...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Philippines

Chagra ‘2000: Ukrainian project of conservation and studying chalk grasslands
Tatiana Atemasova

Chalk grassland is an unique ecosystem of North-eastern Ukraine. Chalk grassland sites occupy relatively small areas along elevated right banks of rivers. The sites are well remote one from each other and can be considered...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Ukraine

Chagra 2010: enhancing conservation of the chalk grasslands in Ukraine
Mikhail Banik

Chagra 2010 is a project for enhancing the conservation profile of chalk steppe ecosystems, rich in endemic plant species, in North-eastern Ukraine. We are focusing on the support of the recently created Dvourechansky National Park....

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Ukraine

Chameleons for conservation: surveys and monitoring in Menabe Region Madagascar
Christian Randrianatoandro

We will make a quantitative assessment of chameleon populations across a gradient of habitat degradation in Menabe's dry forests. We will survey roosting chameleons at night from randomly located transects and will use distance sampling...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Madagascar

Changes in habitats & population dynamics for wetland birds in Dongting Lake, Central Yangtze
Zhao Shuqing

Project Dongting Lake '2001 will assess the conservation status of threatened and endemic bird species in this area, and provide a preliminary proposal on how to preserve the threatened habitats and bird species based on...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: China

Changing attitudes of youth in Amur tiger habitat, Russia
Anna Mukhacheva

The Amur tiger is listed as Endangered and is on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The primary threats to Amur tigers across their...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Russia

Citizen science with Mexican artisanal fishers in community marine reserves
María Fernanda Pérez Alarcón

The Gulf of California is a unique habitat, but heavily overfished (Sala et al. 2004). In 2016, proposals to create four fully-protected marine reserves (2.16 km2) and a Marine Protected Area (MPA) (40.7 km2) where...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Mexico

Climate change impacts on the conservation of birds in Asia
Jagadish Singh

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Award Year: 2008
Country: India

Climate Change Programme Support
Vincent Fibanda

During a recent brainstorming session on fundraising ideas between staff at EAWLS, aligning programs with climate change emerged as a pivotal opportunity to attract increased funding and membership while remaining responsive to evolving environmental challenges....

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Kenya

Coastal communities engagement for marine turtle conservation in Cambodia
Ngouan Tharamony

Sea turtles are classified as endangered and protected species in Cambodia’s Sub-decree No. 123 on the 23rd of August 2009. Activities that threaten their populations in Cambodia, such as trawling resulting in bycatch must be...

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Award Year: 2023
Country: Cambodia

Cochabamba ’95
Thor Hjarsen

The area surrounding Cochabamba, Northern Bolivia has a unique and threatened woodland type with many endangered or vulnerable species of birds, including several endemics. The team surveyed bird fauna and vegetation in natural forests (dominated...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Bolivia

Colombian weasel project 1993
Dave Fawcett

The Colombian Weasel (Mustela felepei) has only recently been discovered and has never been studied in the wild. Two British and three Colombians are hoping to instigate a detailed study of a Colombian Weasel population,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Colombia

Combating the illegal trade of marine turtles in Palawan
Sue Andrey Ong

The islands of Palawan are a mega diverse hotspot torn apart by illegal mining, unregulated logging, unmanaged coastal development and active poaching. Nevertheless, its remote beaches still host some of the last remaining nesting grounds...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Philippines

Combatting illegal trade and conserving Kyrgyzstan’s fruit and nut forests
Aigul Zhumabaeva

The goal of this internship is to provide experience to a young conservationist through active involvement in FFI’s programme in Kyrgyzstan. The intern will be involved in all ongoing projects of FFI Kyrgyzstan related but...

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Award Year: 2023
Country: Kyrgyzstan

Combining research and local community involvement to save lemurs
Sylviane Volampeno

The distribution of the blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) is restricted to the north-western part of Madagascar and the Sahamalaza-Iles Radama National Park (SIRNP) is its main habitat. The lemur is primarily threatened by habitat...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Madagascar

Commander Islands – 1996 expedition
Elena Kruchenkova

The project analysed the use of fur seal rookeries by arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) and assessed the conservation of relict Alopex populations on Mednyi and Bering Islands, in the Commander Islands, North Pacific. On Mednyi,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Russia

Communicating Locally Led Conservation Action in Antigua and Barbuda
Sherrel Charles

Sherrel is supporting the Environmental Awareness Group’s (EAG) team to communicate scientific information generated by their programmes, projects, and activities through the development of strong communication materials. Sherrel is working alongside the Programme Coordinators who...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: Antigua and Barbuda

Community awareness and capacity building for Endangered turtle conservation in Northeast India
Chittaranjan Baruah

The northeastern region of India, located at the conjunction of the Himalaya and Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots, is regarded as one of the major centres of turtle diversity. The populations of many species of freshwater turtle...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: India

Community conservation actions for the Endangered Bolivian spinetail
Monica Beatriz San Cristobal Gonzales

The Inter-Andean dry forest in La Paz and Cochabamba departments of Bolivia is a restricted endemic habitat with many endemic threatened Cacti species. The endemic Endangered Bolivian spinetail is found only in this dry forest...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Bolivia

Community perception on forests and birds conservation: the Case Kerita indigenous forest
David Kuria

The Kerita Forest is a part of the Kikuyu Escarpment Forest, listed as an Important Bird Area. Among Kenya's 60 IBAs, this area is listed in the highest priority class - 'Critical' - for conservation...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Kenya

Community-based conservation in Important Bird Areas with a focus on the Khurkh-Khuiten Wetlands
Tuvshin Unenbat

The overall goal is to expose the intern to the full range of stages in a conservation project from the collection of biological data to the development, implementation and evaluation of conservation strategies.  The first...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Mongolia

Community-based conservation of Critically Endangered vulture species in western Nepal
Khadananda Paudel

According to various research findings, the white-rumped vulture, slender-billed vulture and red-headed vulture have been declining in South Asia, including in Nepal, since the 1990s. All three species are categorized as Critically Endangered by the...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Nepal

Community-based conservation of cycad in Mayuge District, Uganda
Dennis Kamoga

Encephalartos equatorialis exists in a natural habitat in Luwerere-Mayuge district in Uganda. The species is Critically Endangered with estimates of 300 plants, yet with little known data. The project will improve habitat conditions of the...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Uganda

Community-based conservation of Lake Kuyucuk Ramsar site
Onder Cirik

For this project we will build on the awareness we created to secure a sustainable future for Lake Kuyucuk, its wildlife, and surrounding communities. We will lobby for strict protection of the site. Strict conservation...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Turkey

Community-based conservation of Lake Kuyucuk, Kars, Turkey
Onder Cirik

Despite hosting over 30,000 birds of 128 species, Lake Kuyucuk, in the Caucasian Biodiversity Hotspot, is little-protected, little-known and lacks a conservation plan. The local government lacks the necessary knowledge, capacity, and qualified people. We...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Turkey

Community-based conservation of red panda in Arunachal, India
Rimung Tasso

Habitat destruction coupled with hunting and feral dog attacks have become global concerns for red panda populations. Arunachal Pradesh harbours the largest number of red pandas in India but ironically, not much is known about...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: India

Community-based conservation of sea turtles on Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Ferguson Vaghi & Michael Esbach

The plight of sea turtles in the Pacific has captured the attention of scientists and conservation practitioners around the world. Their fate lies heavily in the hands of indigenous or local communities who are often...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Solomon Islands

Community-based eco-tourism as an income generating activity to reduce illegal turtle trade.
Luis Carlos Negrette Babilonia

The goal of this internship will be to strengthen the community-based conservation program for the Critically Endangered river turtle Podocnemis lewyana, by improving the eco-tourism initiative implemented as an income generating activity and substitute for...

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Award Year: 2015
Country: Colombia

Luis Carlos - CLP intern
Community-based management of wildlife in the Peruvian Greater Madidi-Tambopata Landscape, Peru
Akira Wong Sato

The intern will be trained in the Living Landscape approach and adaptive management through active participation in the designing of a monitoring plan for the Bahuaja Sonene National Park (BSNP), within the Greater Madidi-Tambopata Landscape...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Peru

Community-based Marine Resource Management
Mwanaidi Juma

The overall goal of the community-based marine resources management Career Placement is to facilitate and support coastal communities to sustainably manage and conserve marine resources. Through hands-on experience and engagement with local stakeholders, interns will...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Tanzania

Community-based reptile conservation in karst forests of southern China
Tiandu Zhang

Lack of information about population status and biological knowledge of the The Karst forest of northwestern Guangdong harbors several endangered reptile species. With continuing illegal hunting and habitat degradation, reptiles are experiencing population decline due...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: China

Community-based wildlife management in the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Community Reserve, Peru
Mari Guadalupe Inga Saquiray

The intern will receive training in methods and techniques used for the monitoring of key indicators and landscape species. Under the guidance of her supervisor, the intern will attend advanced WCS field courses, and will...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Peru

Community-based wildlife monitoring in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Hari Prayogo

The "Heart of Borneo" Initiative aims to conserve the largest continuous rainforest in Southeast Asia through creating a network of wildlife corridors, protected and sustainable-use areas. Participation of local communities is crucial for the long-term...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Indonesia

Community-Driven Conservation of Cambodian Chelonians
Sitha Som

Every month, government rangers in Cambodia confiscate turtles that are being exported to neighboring countries. One of the greatest threats to endangered turtles and tortoises in Cambodia is hunting – rural people are poor and...

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ReptileConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Cambodia

Comoro Islands rainforest and biodiversity conservation project
Hugh Doulton

Comoran rainforest is being rapidly degraded, mainly due to banana underplanting. We aim to help produce plans to slow this process, which is putting at risk many endemic and red data book species. Habitat and...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Comoros

Complementing local communities biodiversity conservation initiatives in Southern Cebu, Philippines
Philip Godfrey C. Jakosalem

The island of Cebu, Philippines is considered an endemic and important bird area due to the presence of six restricted range species and two endemic bird species - the Cebu flowerpecker (Dicaeum quadricolor) and the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Philippines

Conducting actions to stop Titicaca flightless grebe accidental fishing net deaths in Bolivia
Hugo Aranibar

The Titicaca Flightless Grebe is in a fast decline through accidental fishing net deaths in Bolivia and Peru. Birds are washed up on the beach daily. If no actions are taken immediately in a few...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Bolivia

Conducting field surveys and supporting the National Conservation Training Programme
Dilshod Akhrorov

The intern will be closely engaged with the work of FFI in Tajikistan, including involvement with national level training in conservation, and also biodiversity surveys in a range of habitats across the country. The intern...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Tajikistan

Conducting forest birds survey and monitoring waterbirds in Vietnam
Phan Van Truong

The BirdLife Vietnam programme is in the process of transforming into a national NGO, a future BirdLife partner in Vietnam. This internship is an opportunity to have additional capacity to implement our existing projects (and...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Vietnam

Conflict and conservation: Wild yak on Tibetan Plateau in China
Lishu Li

Lack of information about population status and biological knowledge of the wild yak (Bos mutus) is a serious problem when conservation initiative are planed for this unique species on the Tibetan Plateau in China. Increasing...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: China

Connectivity of whale sharks between Mexico and Colombia
Frida Lara Lizardi

Due to the remote location of the Revillagigedo Archipelago, there has been relatively little research of the marine fauna. Status of shark populations at the Revillagigedo is unknown, although evidence indicates heavy exploitation by fisheries....

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Mexico

Whale shark © Isabelle Masters
Conservation action on protecting the endemic owls in the Lianhuashan Mountains in Gansu, China
Yun Fang

During our work on the conservation biology of the Chinese grouse at the Lianhuashan Mountains, we got the new discoveries of two endemic owls, one is the Sichuan Wood Owl (Strix davidi), the other is...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: China

Conservation action planning and Sakhalin taimen: Sakhalin, Russia
Ovchinnikov Vladimir Ivanovich

A Conservation Action Plan (CAP) focused on Sakhalin taimen, the world's largest salmonid, will be prepared for the Langry and Bolshaya basins in Northwest Sakhalin. The CAP process assists and informs the conservation of particular...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Russia

Conservation Action Planning: Application on the ground, Sakhalin Island, Russia
Vladimir Ivanovich Ovchinnikov

We propose to work with local stakeholders to refine and implement the Conservation Action Plan (CAP) developed in 2008 for the Langry basin in Northwest Sakhalin. The CAP focuses on Sakhalin and Siberian taimen, the...

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FishConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Russia

Conservation action, training and research in the Androy Region of southern Madagascar
Barry Ferguson

The Androy region of central and southern Madagascar is home to the Antandroy people and consists of a wealth of endemic and threatened wildlife. The region, which has been identified as a global biodiversity conservation...

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MultipleConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Madagascar

Conservation actions and invertebrates investigation in Sataplia-Tskaltubo karst caves, Georgia
Eter Magradze

Cave-dwelling invertebrates in the Sataplia-Tskaltubo karst cave massif of the Imereti region, western Georgia, have been poorly investigated. Only 34% of the 49 caves have been studied biospeleologically (i.e., the formal biological study of cave-dwelling...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Georgia

Conservation actions for cetaceans in Georgian territorial waters
Temur Shvelidze

Black Sea cetacean species are classified by IUCN categories (Common dolphin – Delphinus delphis ponticus - VU, Bottlenose Dolphin – Tursiops truncates ponticus - EN, Harbour porpoise - Phocoena phocoena relicta – EN). The seawater conditions combined...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Georgia

Conservation actions for the imperial eagle in Kakheti Region, Georgia
Natia Javakhishvili

The eastern imperial eagle, Aquila heliaca is classified as Vulnerable and decreasing by BirdLife International. Eastern Georgia’s steppes form an important breeding and wintering site, holding an estimated 35-50 breeding pairs. The population appears to...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Georgia

Imperial Eagle
Conservation and culture: customary forest assessment in Jambi Province, Indonesia
Eko Waskito

The communities in Hulu Batang Asai have a basic knowledge of conservation, which can be seen in the principles of forest management in customary law. Their traditional forest areas link to Kerinci Seblat National Park,...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Indonesia

Conservation and ecology of giant ibis in Western Siem Pang IBA, Cambodia
Ty Srun

Once widespread throughout South-East Asia, giant ibis (Thaumatibis gigantea) is listing as Critically Endangered by IUCN and restricted to the dry forests of north-eastern Cambodia. Its population has declined rapidly late 20th century and continues...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Cambodia

Conservation and management of Amazon turtles, Brazil
Camila Rudge Ferrara

Turtles are among the most vulnerable animals in Amazonian cultures because they have been traditionally harvested as a source of protein. The project goal is to provide necessary skills and practical experience to attend the...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Brazil

Conservation and monitoring of Tibetan antelopes in Hoh Xil Nature Reserve
Lin Xia

This project is to monitor the Tibetan antelope during their migrating season. Tibetan Antelopes is one of the most rare and precious animals in the world, live in the vast expanse of 880,000 square kilometres...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: China

Conservation and Research of Distribution of the Critically Endangered Darevsky’s viper in Armenia
Levon Aghasyan

The Darevsky's viper is a Critically Endangered snake (IUCN category CR C2b) distributed only in Armenia's south-western part of the Javakheti Ridge. This project consists of 2 stages: (1) investigations to reveal and determine the...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Armenia

Conservation and research on mangroves in the coastal region of Myanmar
Tin Zar Ni Win

The goal of the project is to train Tin Zar, a young conservation leader, on nature conservation in Myanmar. Tin Zar will lead the design and implementation of a research project on the community forestry...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Myanmar

Conservation and sustainable use of wetlands in south and central-eastern Rwanda
Serges Joram Nsengimana

The threats to the Nyabarongo and Akanyaru Wetlands are a result of a complex mixture of people's attitudes, a lack of alternatives and the fact that in Rwanda the wetlands are free lands. Current threats...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Rwanda

Conservation assessment and action plan for a threatened Colombian cycad
Cristina Lopez-Gallego

Zamia encephalartoides is a threatened cycad endemic to a unique ecosystem, the arid Chicamocha Canyon of Colombia. Its distribution and population status are poorly known, and expanding agriculture and other human activities are rapidly extirpating...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Colombia

Conservation assessment of amphibians in Tama Bi-National Park, Colombia-Venezuela
Aldemar A. Acevedo

The global decline of amphibians is one of the main challenges to conservation. Many regions have a lack of information which is a constraint to evaluate and generate adequate conservation plans. Tama Bi-National Park, shared...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Colombia/Venezuela

Conservation assessment of Arabian dragon tree (Dracaena serrulata) in Oman
Ghudaina Ahmed Al Issaey

70% of the global population of the Arabian dragon tree are found in the Dhofar mountains in southern Oman. It is listed as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List. However the designation is based...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Oman

Conservation assessment of rare endemic plants of Mandrare Valley, Madagascar
Tsagnangara Zafiniriko Cedric

The project will focus on some rare endemic plants appearing on the IUCN red lists in the Mandrare valley. This place is known as a habitat for many of these species and where there are...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Madagascar

Conservation biological study on the Chinese grouse (Bonasa Sewerzowi)
Sun Yue-Hua

We will use landscape ecological methods to study the wildlife conservation and management at Gannan Tibetan Autonomous State in the southern Gansu Province. The Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi), which is an endemic and rare bird...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: China

Conservation biological study on the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) 2
Sun Yue-Hua

The Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) is a rare and endemic mountain bird found almost exclusively in the highly threatened and fragile virgin spruce-fir forests of south-west China. The project will build on previous radio-tracking work...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: China

Conservation Field Training for Young Park Rangers in Argentina
Maria Jose Pacha

The last remaining continuous block of the Atlantic Forest needs skilled park rangers to adequately protect this ecoregion and attend to the complex environmental, social and economic needs of this endangered ecoregion. The overall goal...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Argentina

Conservation in the Takamanda-Mone landscape
Indah Eni Kuchambi

The intern will have a number of responsibilities including: scientific presentations, small project management, scientific research, scientific writing, fund raising, communication, timely production of reports for specific field projects, and preparation of a publishable manuscript...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Cameroon

Conservation initiatives for greater adjutant stork in Assam, India
Purnima Devi Barman

The endangered Greater Adjutant (Leptoptilos dubius) is currently known to breed only in Assam, India, and Cambodia. Out of its total estimated global population of 1,000 about 600-700 birds are found in Assam. This poorly...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

Conservation management intern: investing in future guardians of Antigua and Barbuda’s natural environment
J'nai Spencer

The Environmental Awareness Group is the longest existing non-governmental, environmental organisation in Antigua & Barbuda. In its 26 years of existence, the organisation has managed many successful conservation projects and has been instrumental in developing...

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Award Year: 2015
Country: Antigua and Barbuda

Conservation management plans for focal species in the Cauca Valley
Catalina Gutierrez Chacon

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Colombia

Conservation of African wild dogs in northern Mozambique
Jean-Marc Andre

The vast wilderness of Mozambique provides potential habitat for the Endangered African wild dog, allowing for a more or less continuous range for the dogs across neighboring countries. Using both interviews with local people as...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Mozambique

Conservation of an endemic and Endangered oak tree in Baja California Sur, Mexico
Daniel Wblesther Perez Morales

Quercus brandegeei is an Endangered and endemic oak tree in Baja California Sur, Mexico. One-third of its 3,000 km² range is within a protected area, Sierra La Laguna Biosphere Reserve (SLLBR). During the past three...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Mexico

Conservation of an IBA in collaboration with students and local land users, Kazakhstan
Maxim Koshkin

The inventory of IBAs in Central Asia and the recent nomination of the Central Kazakh steppes and wetlands as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, Saryarka, demonstrates the outstanding importance of this region for nature...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Kazakhstan

Conservation of an island endemic; Calayan rail (Gallirallus calayanensis)
Carmela Espanola

The Calayan Rail (Gallirallus calayanensis), an endemic of Calayan Island in the Babuyan Islands, Philippines, was discovered and described last year by Allen et al. (2004) and was assigned a provisional IUCN "vulnerable" threat status,...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Philippines

Conservation of black softshell turtles in Assam, northeast India
Daisy Das

The black softshell turtle was thought to be extinct in the wild, only being known from a sacred pond at the Bostami shrine in Bangladesh. Recent records from Nagaland, West Bengal and other locations along...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: India

Conservation of Bornean hornbills in Malaysia
Ravinder Kaur

The Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary is a regenerating forest and the population of critically endangered helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil) and near threatened rhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros) are declining based on monthly river surveys conducted by HUTAN....

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Malaysia

Conservation of cetacean in Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam
Long Vu

Over-fishing threatens coastal cetacean populations around the world. In Vietnam, there is no conservation status assessment for any cetacean species. In Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve (KGBR) unsustainable fishing persists, along with a lack of knowledge...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Vietnam

Vietnam Cetacean © Vu Long
Conservation of Christmas Island frigatebird in West Java, Indonesia
Iwan Febrianto

The Critically Endangered Christmas Island frigatebird breeds only on Christmas Island. However, 10-20% of the world population is regularly present in the Sunda Straits and Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. Both sites have no legal protection, the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Indonesia

Conservation of Critically Endangered Bengal florican in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal
Aditya Pal

The Bengal florican is one of the rarest bustard species and is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. Its estimated population is less than 100 individuals in Nepal. It is highly threatened due to...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Nepal

Conservation of dugong in Phu Quoc Islands, Vietnam
Quang Vo Van

The dugong (Dugong dugon) is a precious marine mammal and a threatened species. The dugong has a range that spans 37 countries in the Indian and Pacific Oceans ranging from east Africa to Vanuatu. Dugong’s...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Vietnam

Conservation of endemic bats in previously unprotected roosting sites in Vietnam
Vu Dinh Thong

The Cat Ba-Ha Long Landscape Complex (CBHL) and Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park (PNKB) are two well-known areas with the highest potential value for bat research and conservation in Vietnam. With support from CLP and...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Vietnam

Conservation of endemic titi monkeys through strategic outreach in Bolivia
Pamela Carvajal

The Bolivian endemic titi monkeys (Callicebus olallae and C. modestus) are Endangered (IUCN, 2010) and have an extremely restricted distributional range in fragmented forests in Southwestern Beni Department. Both species are threatened by significant habitat...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Bolivia

Conservation of Gangetic dolphin in Brahmaputra river system, India
Abdul Wakid

The Brahmaputra river system is one of the major habitats of Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in the world. However, due to the lack of site-based and people-oriented conservation approaches, dolphin populations in this habitat are...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: India

Conservation of green peafowl in the proposed A Yun Pa Nature Reserve, Vietnam
Thinh Vu

The green peafowl is the galliform species at most immediate risk in Indochina. The species has dramatically declined, or even disappeared, in most of its historical range in recent decades. The overal goal of this...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Vietnam

Conservation of Herpetofauna in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
M. Irfansyah Lubis

Sulawesi Island, the heart of Wallacea, has around 110 species reptile with 41 endemic species. The project aim to collect baseline data of herpetofauna diversity and also bioecological data in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park vicinity...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Indonesia

Conservation of Indian skimmer in the National Chambal Sanctuary, India
Parveen Shaikh

Indian Skimmer is listed as a ‘Vulnerable’ species on the IUCN Red List but its population is undergoing a rapid decline due to widespread degradation and disturbance of lowland rivers and lakes. India holds the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: India

Conservation of Melocactus actinacanthus (Cactaceae)
Luis Roberto Gonzales Torres

Melocactus actinacanthus is a critically endangered cactus in Cuba. The unique known population was strongly reduced by amateur collectors and habitat destruction. In fact, the current population size is less than 50 individuals and it...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Cuba

Conservation of muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) along Serra do Mar, Brazil
Andre Monnerat Lanna

The Atlantic Forest is one of the 34 world hotspots of biodiversity and currently only 11.7% of its original cover remains. The Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) is an endemic species of the Atlantic Forest and...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Brazil

Conservation of otter habitats through stakeholder participation
Atul Arun Sinai Borker

Otters play a crucial ecological role in maintaining functioning riverine systems. Smooth-coated Otters (Lutrogale perspicillata) and Asian Small-clawed Otters (Aonyx cinereus) found in Goa, India and are classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List....

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: India

Conservation of otters through community participation in River Moyar, Tamil nadu
Kannathasan Narasimmarajan

Otters are apex predators of freshwater ecosystems. Being an umbrella species they have been severely affected by the loss of riparian habitats to agriculture, hydroelectric projects and use of dynamite in fishing, which have severely...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: India

Smooth-coated otter © Isabelle Masters
Conservation of Oxyura leucocephala in Barabinskay lowland (Russia)
Evgeniy Murzakhanov

The project will be implemented in Barabinskaya lowland, the south-east part of Western Siberia. The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of the local work in studying and conservation of Oxyura...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Russia

Conservation of pampas meadowlarks (Sturnella defilippii): effect of grassland transformation
Pablo Tubaro

This project will study the population trends, status, distribution and ecology of the threatened Pampas meadowlark (Sturnella defilippii) in Argentina. This bird species is dependent on the grasslands of a small area of the south-western...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Argentina

Conservation of private lands for the protection of the Huemul in Central Chile
Varia Dellacasa

The Nevados de Chillan, an area spanning 560,000 hectares in Central Chile, contains the northernmost population of Huemul deer and is a globally recognized priority site for biodiversity conservation. The team has chosen a focus...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Chile

Conservation of raptors in Batumi Flyway, Ajara Region, Georgia
Alexander Rukhaia

The Batumi Bottleneck is a spectacular destination and raptor flight there is very diverse. At least 35 different species of raptors have been observed migrating through the region. Unfortunately this migration process is affected by massive...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Georgia

Conservation of rare plants of Lake Baikal: monitoring of plants and education of local community
Denis Sandanov

The project will take place on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Russian Federal Government has recently designated this region as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Russia

Conservation of sandbar shark breeding habitat in Boncuk Cove,Turkey
Mert Ardar

Boncuk Cove in Gulf of Gökova in Turkey is a rare and important nursery ground for sandbark sharks in the Mediterranean. Recent surveys in 2008 and 2012 clearly show that the cove is actively used...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Turkey

Sandbar shark © Isabelle Masters
Conservation of savannah elephants in Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria
Adetutu Ojomo

Elephants in Yankari Game Reserve are being threatened by an unprecedented rate of poaching (fueled by the huge illegal ivory trade market existing in the region and apathy resulting from the destructive behaviour of elephants)...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Nigeria

Conservation of slender-snouted crocodile in the Lake Region of Gabon
Cyrille Mvele

The lake region of Gabon is thought to have one of the largest remaining populations of slender-snouted crocodile in Africa. While the species is formally protected in Gabon, it is heavily hunted for bushmeat and...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Gabon

Conservation of southern Amazonian marmosets in Brazil
Rodrigo Costa Araújo

The southern Amazonian marmosets encompass 14 species of primates from genera Mico and Callibella that are commonly known as "marmosets", and occur on south Amazon rainforest. Southern Amazonian Marmosets (SAM) are little studied in the...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Brazil

Conservation of Southern Tuco-tucos in Pampean dunes:creation of sanctuaries and threats alleviation
Rodrigo Calvo

The Southern Tuco-tuco, Ctenomy australis, is one of the most Endangered mammals from the Pampean grasslands in Argentina. This endemic and fossorial species is an ecosystem engineer, adapted to live only in coastal sandy grasslands....

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Argentina

Conservation of spoon-billed sandpiper (Calidris pygmaea) in Leizhou Peninsula, China
Chengyi Liu

Spoon-billed sandpiper (Calidris pygmaea, hereafter “SBS”) is one of the most endangered species in the world. As a long-distance migrant, the protection of key stopover sites along its migratory route is critically important. Situated in...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: China

Conservation of spot billed pelican (Pelecanus philipensis) in north central and central provinces of Sri Lanka
Kanchana Weeracoon Ranasinge

Spot Billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) is one of the important bird species categorised as vulnerable and the only known present day breeding populations occur in Sri Lanka, India and Cambodia (Threatened birds of Asia, the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Sri Lanka

Conservation of the Araripe manakin (Antilophia bokermanni)
Weber Silva

This project will study the ecological requirements of the range-restricted and Critically Endangered Araripe manakin (Antilophia bokermanni) by systematically visiting its known distributional range in Chapada do Araripe throughout the year. Information on the socio-economic...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Brazil

Conservation of the Caatinga howler monkey (Alouatta ululata), Brazil
Thieres Pinto

The Caatinga Howler Monkey (Alouatta ululata) is an Endangered (IUCN, 2008) primate and probably the least known howler monkey in the world. Poaching and habitat loss are the main threats to the species. Our long...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Brazil

Conservation of the Critically Endangered Bolivian frog Psychrophrynella Illimani
Arturo Muñoz

The endemic frog Psychroprynella illimani, classified as critically endangered by the IUCN, resides in the high Andes of Bolivia between gold mines and the Totoral community. Combining field research and education we hope to establish...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Bolivia

Conservation of the Critically Endangered frog, Conraua derooi, in Ghana
Caleb Ofori Boateng

This project will protect the last known viable population of a Critically Endangered frog (Conrau derooi) from the threat of habitat destruction and consumption. It will also provide information on the distribution of several threatened...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Ghana

Conservation of the Critically Endangered Hammerhead Sharks in Ghana
Tabitha Adinorkwor Alimo

The great hammerhead and scalloped hammerhead sharks have undergone more than 80% depletion globally in three generations pushing them to the brink of extinction. Their major threats include fins and meat trade, by-catch mortalities, and...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Ghana

Conservation of the Critically Endangered Seychelles sheath-tailed bat
Sarah Burthe

The Seychelles sheath-tailed bat has undergone a severe decline during the mid-to-late 20th century and is now extinct on most islands. Complete extinction seems likely without the implementation of conservation measures. The species is chronically...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Seychelles

Conservation of the Critically Endangered toad skinned frog in India
Pathinettam Arun Kumar Kanagavel

The toad skinned Frog, Indirana phrynoderma is an evolutionarily distinct and Critically Endangered amphibian, endemic to the Anamalai Hills of the southern Western Ghats in India. It is range-restricted to a single location (< 100...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: India

Toad skinned frog © Isabelle Masters
Conservation of the Critically Endangered Togo slippery frog
Caleb Ofori Boateng

The Togo slippery frog (Conraua derooi) is an evolutionary distinct and Critically Endangered frog known to occur in only two isolated sites: The Atewa mountains and the Togo-Volta Hills. Previous conservation efforts have focused on...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Ghana

Conservation of the Endangered Preuss’s monkey on the Obudu Plateau, Nigeria
Netanela Duke Ekpenyong

The Preuss’s monkey (Allochrocebus preussi) is classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. In Nigeria, A. preussi is restricted to the montane forests of Cross River National Park, the Sankwala Mountains, and the forest...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Nigeria

Conservation of the Endangered Salim Ali’s fruit bat in Western Ghats, India
Nithin Divakar

Salim Ali’s fruit bat (Latidens salimalii), one of the three rarest bats in the world, is an evolutionarily distinct, monotypic and endangered frugivorous bat species endemic to the southern Western Ghats of India. It is...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: India

Conservation of the grey-breasted parakeet, Brazil
Fábio de Paiva Nunes

The grey-breasted parakeet (Pyrrhura griseipectus) is the most endangered parakeet in the Americas, considered Critically Endangered by IUCN. Less than 250 individuals exist in the wild. The grey-breasted parakeet used to occur in a large...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Brazil

Conservation of the Medemia argun and the Nubian Desert Oasis biodiversity in Egypt
Haitham Ibrahim

Medemia argun is a mysterious and little known palm, it occurs as very few populations in the Nubian Desert. Dungul oasis support the only known population in Egypt, other sites remain almost unexplored.The ecosystems are...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Egypt

Conservation of the Myristica Swamps – the highly threatened and unique ecosystem in the Western Ghats, India
Bhausaheb Tambat

Myristica swamps are one of the unique ecosystems in the Western Ghats—a global mega diversity hot spot in India. Located in low-lying, poorly drained depressions, these swamps form an extensive network along the watercourses through...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: India

Conservation of the Syrian serin in Lebanon
Soumar Dakdouk

The Syrian serin is one of the species of birds that breeds in and migrates through Lebanon and is considered "globally threatened" by IUCN (Evans 1994). It is a "restricted-range" specie (BirdLife Category 2) whose...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Lebanon

Conservation of the tri-spine horseshoe crab and its habitat in Palawan, Philippines
Lea Janine Gajardo

Horseshoe crab research in the Philippines is developing. As such, important baseline data are missing.    Repeated monitoring in a nursery habitat in Palawan revealed that increasing human impact strongly altered the juveniles’ distribution. 13...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Philippines

Conservation of the Vulnerable Malabar Grey Hornbill in Southern Western Ghats, India
Ahirbudhnyan M

The Malabar grey hornbill (Ocyceros griseus) is a keystone species, endemic to the Western Ghats in India, and categorised as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List owing to habitat loss, fragmentation, logging and lack of...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: India

Conservation of the Vulnerable rufous-spotted torrent frog in China
Yuzhou Gong

The rufous-spotted torrent frog (Amolops loloensis) is endemic to southern Sichuan and has been categorized as Vulnerable (VU) in the IUCN Red List. The population of this species has been experiencing declines, with one population...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: China

Conservation of the white-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis) in Bangladesh
M. Monirul H. Khan

The white-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis) was once abundant, but today it is at the brink of extinction due to diclofenac poisoning and lack of food. The breeding success of this threatened species needs to be...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Bangladesh

Conservation of threatened amphibians in Barbas-Bremen Natural Regional Park, Colombia
Carlos Alberto Soto Garzón

Amphibians globally are threatened by habitat fragmentation, destruction and by climatic changes, because of this it is important to realize studies that allow conserving them and the places they live in. We will achieve a...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Colombia

Conservation of Threatened and Migratory Birds in the Eerguna-Midflow Transboundary Wetland, China/Russia
Zheng Lijun

The Eerguna-Midflow is a wetland area straddling the China-Russian border in the northeast of Inner Mongolia. The Eerguna Provincial Wetland Reserve only includes the northwestern part of these wetlands, which provide important breeding and stop-over...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: China/Russia

Conservation of threatened birds in Azerbaijan
Mehrab Guliyev

A rich diversity of landscape types in Azerbaijan creates ideal conditions for a high number of globally threatened species. Six species were selected for this project based on the fact that insufficient data had been...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Azerbaijan

Conservation of threatened conifers in the Eastern Dalat Plateau, Vietnam
Tran Thi Thu Trang

In response to the recommendations made by the Fauna & Flora International’s Vietnam Conifer Conservation Status Review 2004, the project team will initiate in situ and ex situ conservation programme of threatened conifers in cooperation...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Vietnam

Conservation of threatened fish species of the Mekong Ramsar Site, Cambodia
Chouly Ou

The Mekong River has long been known for its importance as a source of biodiversity and as the primary livelihood (e.g. fishing) for many Cambodians. Natural resources have declined dramatically due to anthropogenic activities. Our...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Cambodia

Conservation of Threatened Harrisons Giant Mastiff Bat at Mt Suswa Conservancy Kenya
David Wechuli Barasa

Bats represent about 25% of global mammal diversity. They are essential in maintaining ecological processes and providing valuable ecosystem services. The globally Vulnerable Harrison’s Giant Mastiff Bat (Otomops harrisoni) uses cave roosts of the Mt....

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Kenya

Conservation of threatened migratory and resident shorebirds in the Banco dos Cajuais, Brazil
Victoria Maria Reis de Souza

The Banco dos Cajuais, located in the municipality of Icapuí, Ceará state, is recognized as an important stopover/wintering area for shorebirds that are priority species in the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Shorebird...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Brazil

Conservation of threatened plant species in a high diversity area of the Brazilian Atlantic forest
Elton John de Lirio

The Santa Teresa municipality, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, is internationally known for its high biodiversity. However, native and endemic plant species are under pressure due to deforestation and urban expansion, as it is known...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Brazil

Conservation of threatened wildlife in southwestern Amazonia – Brazil
Willandia Chaves Didier

Many gaps in knowledge impede conservation actions for species of concern in Amazonia. Our study-sites are large protected areas within the known or potential range of several globally threatened and/or restricted-range species. Our goals are:...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Brazil

Conservation of Tricholoma matsutake in Northwest Yunnan, China
Anthony Amend

The ectomycorrhizal species Tricholoma matsutake has been exported since 1985 from southwest Yunnan, China. It has quickly eclipsed logging and pastorialism to become the major contribution to rural livelihood and local government revenue. Productivity of...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: China

Conservation of two Endangered conifers in eastern Mexico
Jerónimo Vázquez Ramírez

Deforestation and degradation of the habitat of Hickel's Fir (Abies hikelii) and Mesoamerican Yew (Taxus globosa) have caused the decline and fragmentation of their populations in eastern Mexico, specially in the Cofre de Perote mountain....

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Mexico

Conservation of unique ecosystems for ecotourism in Kamchatka, Russia
Anna Zavadskaya

The Kamchatka peninsula has a high concentration of unique conservation objects, but also a rapidly developing ecotourism system. Unreasonable management of vulnerable ecosystems may lead to their significant modification, and to the loss of habitats...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Russia

Conservation of velvet scoter on Tabatskuri Lake in Georgia
Conservation of Velvet Scoter on Tabatskuri Lake in Georgia

The populations of velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca) is decreasing worldwide and the species is classified as Vulnerable by IUCN. Within the Western Palearctic two populations are recognized: a large population of northern Europe and western...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Georgia

Conservation of waterbirds and their habitats in Chongming Island, China
Zhijun Ma

Chongming Island is an important stopover site for migrants as well as a wintering ground for waterfowls. More than 500,000 individuals of 108 waterbird species are counted there. The silt from sand and soil brought...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: China

Conservation of white-headed duck in Russian Federation
Murzakhanov Evgeniy

Numbers of white-headed duck in Russia have drastically reduced during the last 40 years. This project will help reduce the degradation of 46 key sites of white-headed duck in Russia by i) creating a National...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Russia

Conservation planning for tropical dry ecosystems of Cucuta, Colombia
Silvia Juliana Alvarez Vargas

Tropical dry forests in the area of Cúcuta, northeast Colombia, have been recognized as important representatives of inter-Andean dry forests and their protection has been identified as a national priority. However, there is little information...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Colombia

Conservation research of Cao Vit gibbon in China
Fan Pengfei

The critically endangered Cao Vit gibbon survives in a small population (approximately 100 individuals) in a remaining forest area of less than 3,000 hectares along the border of China (Guangxi) and northern Vietnam. Fuelwood collection...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: China

Conservation status of Craveri’s murrelet in Mexico
Yuliana Rocío Bedolla Guzmán

The Craveri’s Murrelet (CRMU; Synthliboramphus craveri) is an endemic species of Mexico, listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. This small alcid breeds on islands in the Gulf of California and in the Mexican...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Mexico

Conservation status of parrotfish species in protected coral reefs, Colombia
Juliana Lopez Angarita

Current climate change and anthropogenic pressures impose significant challenges to scientists and conservationists because of their synergetic impacts on coral reefs biodiversity and functioning. Particularly, overfishing of key species such as parrotfish (Genus: Scarus and...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Colombia

Conservation status of red-handed howler monkey in Amapá, Brazil
Renato Richard Hilário

Red-handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul) is a vulnerable primate endemic to Brazil and occurs within three areas: the Atlantic Forest and both banks of the Amazon river. At the Atlantic forest, species is restricted to...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Brazil

Conservation status of the bumble-bee bat in Myanmar
Ramos Pereira

Background: - the bumble-bee bat is the world's smallest mammal, weighting 2 grams. Until recently its distribution area was thought to be restricted to a small area on the River Kwai, Thailand. In March 2001,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Myanmar

Conservation status of the Fijian crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis)
Peter Harlow

Subsequent to the discovery of the Fijian crested iguana (Gibbons 1981), the species was reported on a further 7 islands (Gibbons 1984). At the time Gibbons regarded the species as rare on all of these...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Fiji

Conservation status of the montaine slender loris in Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka
Saman Naliya Gamage

Loris tardigradus nycticeboides is a small endemic nocturnal primate found in Sri Lanka. It is confined to the Horton Plains National Park, a montane forest whose fauna and flora are under threat from heavy human...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Sri Lanka

Conservation status of the Pacific Goliath grouper in Colombia
Gustavo Adolfo Castellanos Galindo

Groupers are very vulnerable to overfishing and their reduction may result in severe changes in marine ecosystems where they act as top predators. To assess the conservation status of the Pacific Goliath grouper in two...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Colombia

Conservation status of threatened fish taxa of Eastern Ghats, India
Paromita Ray

Unlike Western Ghats, biodiversity of Eastern Ghats has received very little attention from researchers and conservationists. The lower taxa such as fishes are all the more neglected since several areas are yet to be explored....

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: India

Conservation, human rights and indigenous peoples
Ria Saryanthi

BirdLife is working to better understand the impact of its conservation actions on local communities and Indigenous Peoples and the role that those affected by conservation could have in both promoting conservation and benefiting from...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Indonesia

Conserving Angolan scarp forests: a holistic approach for Kumbira Forest
Ninda Lara Baptista

The central escarpment forest in Angola, with Kumbira Forest as its key site, is one of the most important areas for biodiversity in the country especially for threatened endemic birds. Nevertheless, human activities, especially slash-and-burn...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Angola

Angolan scarp forest
Conserving Bañados del Quirquincho: a key area for threatened species in Argentina
Patricia Beatriz Puechagut

The Bañados del Quirquincho is one of the few wetlands in the Dry Chaco of Argentina and an Important Bird Area. It harbors many threatened species such as Chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri), Lowland tapir (Tapirus...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Argentina

Conserving endemic and globally threatened fish in Lake Manguao, Palawan, Philippines
Joie Matillano

The endemic fish fauna of Lake Manguao is poorly known and increasingly threatened by habitat conversion and introduction of exotic species. This project aims to develop appropriate management, conservation, and outreach initiatives for globally threatened...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Philippines

Conserving endemic endangered birds in Mau Narok/ Molo grasslands IBA: using alternative community-based conservation friendly approaches
Geoffrey Mwangi Wambugu

Mau Narok/Molo Grasslands Important Bird Area (IBA) in Kenya, is renowned for holding a significant population of the Sharpe’s Longclaw (Macronyx sharpei) and Aberdare Cisticola (Cisticola aberdare), both endangered birds endemic to Kenya. It also...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Kenya

Conserving European ground squirrels in Eastern Romania
Emanuel Stefan Baltag

The European ground squirrel is a small mammal which is endemic to Europe and in continuous decline across the entire distribution range. In 2013 we have conducted 872 quadrants surveys in order to establish the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Romania

Conserving globally threatened fauna in Balabac Island, Palawan, Philippines
Nevong Puna

Very little known about the status of birds on Balabac Island. A recent rapid assessment by Matillano et al. (2002) identified the threats of direct persecution of bird and pressure of their habitat. The aim...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Philippines

Conserving livelihoods and Semnopithecus Ajax: Resolving conflicts around Khajiar-Kalatop Sanctuary
Martina Anandam

Human-primate conflict is a burning issue in Chamba, northern India, with 76 of the 244 surveyed sites reporting conflict with Chamba sacred langurs, otherwise known as Himalayan grey langurs (Semnopithecus ajax), due to crop raiding....

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: India

Conserving Ophiocordyceps sinensis in the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India
Pramod Kumar Yadav

Caterpillar fungus also called Kira Jari locally, is endemic to the Tibetan Plateau and the adjacent alpine Himalayas. Over the last few decades, the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) dwellers have become astute to the...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: India

Biosphere reserve fungus project
Conserving periled “tiger of the river”: golden mahseer in upper Ganga, India
Saurabh Dewan

Once acclaimed as the 'tiger of river', the Himalayan or Golden mahseer (Tor putitora) is in peril owing to destructive fishing methods, indiscriminate fishing of brooders, habitat fragmentation due to construction of dams and barrages....

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: India

Conserving shorebirds through community engagement in the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Thu Trang

Vietnam lies within the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, which itself makes up the central part of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Declines of migratory shorebirds have been largely attributed to habitat loss, while hunting was often overlooked....

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Vietnam

Conserving the Chinese pangolin in India’s Kaziranga-Karbi Anglong landscape
Kuladip Sarma

The occurrence and distribution range of Chinese pangolin in India is yet to be explored systematically. However, the species has been experiencing major anthropogenic threats in terms of local trade and hunting especially in the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: India

Chinese Pangolin © Isabelle Masters
Conserving the Critically Endangered Darevsky’s viper in Lake Arpi National Park, Armenia
Levon Aghasyan

The Darevsky's viper is an endemic Armenian snake classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List and the Red Data Book of Armenia. This project aims to continue our previous efforts on viper research...

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ReptileConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Armenia

Conserving the Critically Endangered Satara gecko with local stakeholders in Western Ghats
Vaishnavi Apte

Open ecosystems, which are critical for biodiversity, are threatened globally. The Western Ghats’ rock outcrops with the Critically Endangered Satara gecko being found only on one unprotected lateritic plateau are a case to the point....

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: India

Conserving the Endangered Himalayan grey langur in India’s Chamba Valley
Martina Anandam

The Himalayan grey langur (Semnopithecus ajax) is an Endangered colobine confined to the Chamba Valley of the Western Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh state in India. The langur has a narrow occupancy range spanning just about...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: India

Conserving the Endangered silvery-brown tamarin in highly degraded forests
Lina Maria Valencia

Throughout Colombia, primate species suffer from widespread and ongoing habitat fragmentation. The silvery-brown tamarin (Saguinus leucopus), an endemic primate of Colombia, is one of six Colombian primates listed as endangered due to a dramatic reduction...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Colombia

Conserving the last of the wild: pumas and wild camelids in the semiarid landscapes of the Argentinean Andes
Emiliano Donadio

The loss of species interactions may result in negative impacts that affect both interacting species and the biological communities and ecosystems they inhabit. Unlike North America, southern South American predator-prey systems have been disrupted mainly...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Argentina

Conserving threatened Polylepis forests to maintain ecosystem services in Bolivia
Vanesa Serrudo Gonzales

Polylepis forests are threatened high Andean ecosystems that provide important ecosystem services. We aim to raise public awareness of the importance of Polylepis forests for water catchment and climate change. We will work in the...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Bolivia

Conserving West Indian whistling-Ducks on Antigua and Barbuda’s offshore islands
Natalya Lawrence

The offshore-islands of Antigua are habitat for endemic and globally threatened wildlife. Offshore-islands within the North East Marine Management Area have earned designations such as Key Biodiversity Area, Important Bird Area, and Alliance for Zero...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Antigua and Barbuda

Conserving wild goats in the Peramagroon and Barzan mountain
Korsh Ararat

Wild goats (Capran aegagrus) in Iraq are under strong conservation pressure due to hunting and habitat loss. This project aims to protect the wild population of wild goats and their habitat in the Peramagroon and...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Iraq

Contributing to fruit and nut forest conservation and snow leopard conservation in the Kyrgyz Republic
Akylai Kabaeva

This internship provides Akylai Kabaeva with the opportunity to work as an integrated member of FFI Kyrgyzstan team, gaining exposure to the day-to-day workings of an international conservation NGO, with on-the-job training and networking opportunities....

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Kyrgyzstan

Akylai Kabaeva CLP intern
Contributing to terrestrial conservation projects focussed on flora and bees
Davide do Espirito Santo Ceita Dias

The aim of this internship is support an early-career conservationist to assist Fundação Principe Trust (FPT) in building local capacity to conserve threatened flora of Sao Tome & Principe and help reduce pressures on forest...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Sao Tome and Principe

Davide do Espirito Santo Ceita Dias, CLP intern 2017
Contribution of WCS’s Andes-Amazonia and Amazon waters to sustainable development goals and key international agreements
Giulianna Aguilar

For Giulianna, the overall goal is to receive on-the-job training on conservation issues, in particular on international conventions relevant for nature conservation and sustainable development. This is also an opportunity for networking with high-level conservation...

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Award Year: 2015
Country: Peru

Contribution to the “Adaptive fisheries management in Kenya’s coral reefs” project
Douglas Maina

Artisanal fishing is one of the main activities carried out by coastal communities on the Kenyan coast particularly in coral reefs, the dominant coastal ecosystem. WCS has been conducting research on fishing and impacts on...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Kenya

Cooperation and conflict between Irrawaddy dolphins and fishers of Chilika Lagoon, India
Coralie D'Lima

Fisheries bycatch is a major threat to the Irrawaddy dolphin worldwide. Nonetheless, these dolphins are known to forage cooperatively with fishermen. The dolphin population in Chilika lagoon is small (View Project

MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

Coordinating working groups to implement the BirdLife Africa Species Programme
Jean Paul Ntungane

The primary objectives of the internship are: 1) to support coordination of the international Working Groups for Lesser Flamingo, White-winged Flufftail and Madagascar Pond-heron, to ensure active cooperation and successful implementation of the International Single...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Rwanda

Coral larvae distribution, settlement and early-survivorship at Los Roques National Park, Venezuela
Adriana Humanes

One of the central interests in marine ecology is to assess the connectivity among populations; (i.e. the proportion of larvae or propagules that migrate from one population to the other) as well as the identification...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Venezuela

Coral reef conservation in the largest Brazilian Marine Protected Area
Pedro Henrique Cipresso Pereira

Coral reefs are threatened by pressure from tourists, overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Due to this series of impacts, reefs have been dramatically reduced all around the world and up to 50% of those areas...

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InvertebrateConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Brazil

Coral reef conservation through optical-chemical ecological assessment of Pacific Panamanian reef habitats
Luis Camilli

In 2002, an agreement to form an Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (a.k.a. the “Pacific Biological Corridor”), was signed by the governments of Costa Rica, Panamá, Ecuador and Colombia with the aim of conservation and sustainable...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Panama

Coral reef monitoring
Roberto Jean Luc Komeno

Madagascar is one of the top 15 countries with the largest area of coral reefs in the world, boasting more coral species than any other country in Africa, the Indian Ocean or the Red Sea...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Madagascar

Roberto Komeno
Coral Reef Monitoring in Tanzania
Luqman Khamis

This coral reef monitoring Career Placement will contribute to the conservation and management of coral reef ecosystems by collecting and analysing data on reef health, biodiversity, and environmental parameters. Under the supervision of the Ecological...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Tanzania

Corridor capacity building program in north east China for Amur Leopard
Ying LI

The far eastern, or Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis; Schlegel, 1857) is probably the most threatened large felid subspecies in the world, and has been listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List since...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: China

Creating a roadmap for China’s mining sector to reduce net biodiversity loss
Jinyu Yang

WCS has launched an effort to develop strategies to engage with China’s business stakeholders and prioritize biodiversity in their overseas investment. Mining is one of the key focus sectors of this initiative, which involves working...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: China

Creating a safe haven for the Critically Endangered Barbados leaf-toed gecko
Dennis Connor Blades

This internship will train a young conservation leader on how to plan and carry out practical conservation actions to secure and increase a population of the Critically Endangered and endemic Barbados leaf-toed gecko (Phyllodactylus pulcher)....

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Barbados

Creating a safer environment for seabirds on Príncipe island
Yanik Mendes

This internship will introduce Yanik to the field of conservation, by giving her the opportunity to participate in data collection and processing and coordination of relevant seabird-related projects on Príncipe island. This will allow Yanik...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Sao Tome and Principe

Creating capacities for the conservation of sharks in Honduras
Gabriela Ochoa

In Honduras, despite Shark Sanctuary Legislation, artisanal fishers in the Moskitia region continue overfishing sharks. This fishery targets endangered hammerheads and other sharks to meet the demand for dry fish during Lent. Most consumers are...

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FishConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Honduras

Creating the grassroots to conserve the Santa Fe frog in the South American Great Chaco
Ana Lis Lopez Etcheves

Leptodactylus laticeps (Santa Fe frog) is an endemic amphibian from the South American Great Chaco (Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay). Its global conservation status is Near Threatened (2004), with a decreasing population trend. In Argentina, it...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Argentina

Crested ibis 2001: conservation biology and environment pollution monitoring
Chang-Qing Ding

The Crested Ibis is a globally threatened species and ranked as critical endangered (Collar,1994). After the rediscovery of the wild birds in Yangxian, Shaanxi province in 1981, great conservation efforts have been taken. The...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: China

CROC (community-based research, observance & conservation project)
Jan van der Ploeg

The Philippine crocodile was once widely distributed and abundant throughout the Philippines. Intensive hunting and habitat loss have led to the disappearance of C. mindorensis in most parts of the archipelago. In 1982 the wild...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Philippines

CROC – crocodile rehabilitation, observance and conservation, Philippines
Jessie Guerrero

The endemic Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) is the most severally endangered crocodile species in the world. The species was rediscovered in 1999 on the island of Luzon which led to the establishment of the Crocodile...

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ReptileConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Philippines

CROC: A follow-up proposal for the conservation of the critically endangered Philippine crocodile
Jan van der Ploeg

The Philippine crocodile is a critically endangered species (IUCN 2000) and considered to be the most threatened crocodile species in the world. This endemic freshwater crocodile, once thought to be extinct in Luzon, was recently...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Philippines

Curbing forest and wildlife crimes through policy and regulation improvement
Herovan Alfin

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Indonesia

Daggel ’01
Gadzhibek Dzhamirzhoev

Daggel’01 is a new joint Ukrainian-Russian project following up activities started under Adji lake conservation project (1998 BP/BirdLife/FFI Conservation Programme winner) with more broad involvement of local participants. The project aims at promotion of conservation...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Russia

Data management in the Albertine Rift and the Greater Virunga Landscape, Uganda
Richard Ssemmanda

The internship is designed to provide training and experience for the intern in data management, analyses and presentation. This will also strengthen WCS’s data management capabilities by strengthening our systems in this area.View Project


Award Year: 2011
Country: Uganda

Dependence of Tibetan foxes on plateau pikas
Qunxiu Liu

A unique web of fauna and flora on the Tibetan plateau is facilitated by the existence of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae). Blamed for causing range degradation in western China, pikas are currently the target of...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: China

Desert spectacled bears design their own reserve
Renzo Guidice

Telemetry of Spectacled Bears captured in the Chaparri Ecological Reserve will be used to assess their spatial needs and identify priority areas for conservation as part of the Lambayeque Biological Corridor. Additionally, the study will...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Peru

Designing and delivering impactful environmental education program for primary school children in Madagascar
Chantia Mahavory

Madagasikara Voakajy believe personal conviction forged by education is key to achieving local and global conservation and development goals. Through this Career Placement, Chantia will use her social communication knowledge and skills to design and...

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Award Year: 2023
Country: Madagascar

Designing marine protected area networks in Bua Province, Fiji, using decision support software
Gander Wainiqolo

This internship will provide technical mapping and analytical support to the WCS Fiji Program, with the goal of establishing resilient marine protected area networks across the four currently unmanaged districts in Bua Province. WCS Fiji...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Fiji

Developing a Community Forest Buffer for the Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary, India
Sameer Punde

The Bhimashankar Sanctuary is located in the Western Ghats is recognised as an Important Bird Area. Since its demarcation as a wildlife sanctuary, forest resources traditionally used by tribal communities has largely been restricted to...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: India

Developing an environment education programme for Important Bird Areas in Fiji
Mere Sauya Valu

This internship will provide an opportunity for the intern to learn about environment education for children, access resources, and acquire lessons from children environment clubs that have frameworks that are widely applicable in Fiji and...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Fiji

Developing biodiversity monitoring skills of a future conservation leader in Cambodia
Yav Net

This internship will provide on the job training in monitoring and pilot restoration of the non-breading habitat of Sarus Crane in Boeung Preak Lapouv Sarus Crane reserve. Within this twelve months period, this internship project...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Cambodia

Developing capacity to fundraise with corporates and high net-worth individuals (HNWI) in Africa
Louisa Mwenda

This internship will establish a database of businesses and high net-worth individuals with a large footprint or bond with Africa, who can be jointly approached by partners and the BirdLife International Secretariat for support. This support...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Kenya

Developing effective conservation communications to support FFI conservation programs in Nicaragua
Carla Veronica Caceres Espinoza

The overall goal is to provide a future conservation leader with on-the-job training, exposure to the day-to-day workings of a conservation NGO, and networking opportunities by working as a member of a FFI Latin American...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Nicaragua

Measuring a baby turtle © Carla Veronica Caceres Espinoza
Developing partner capacities for IBA and KBAs
Carolina Tavares da Silva Bernardo

The long term goal of this internship is to develop partner capacity to manage and inform conservation actions in Brasil, a megabiodiverse country with 234 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and 8000 km of coastline. SAVE...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Brazil

Developing skills in primate research which support gibbon conservation in Laos
Ladsamy Phanthamixay

Primate conservation is a priority for biodiversity conservation in Laos as demonstrated by the national gibbon conservation action plan, but there is a lack of Lao primate conservationists. FFI’s entry point into Laos has been...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Laos

Developing the communication, monitoring, evaluation and learning skills of an early-career Ugandan conservationist
Clinton Mwebaze

The goal is to increase the visibility of WCS Uganda both nationally and internationally through communication, and support evidence-based programming, using creative solutions to document and publish our program strategies, activities and successes. This internship...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Uganda

Development of catching techniques and tagging of the red-breasted goose by satellite transmitters in Kazakhstan
Zuban Ivan Aleksandrovich

The main purpose of the project is to develop a method for catching and tagging red-breasted geese (Rufibrenta ruficollis) with satellite transmitters at migration stopover places in northern Kazakhstan. Northern Kazakhstan is a unique place...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Kazakhstan

Development of community education network with WCS China
Yufang Gao

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Award Year: 2008
Country: China

Development of conservation measures for the Darevsky’s viper in the Caucasus
Levon Aghasyan

The Darevsky's viper is critically endangered and found so far only in a small area in extreme N.W. Armenia adjacent to the border with Georgia. The principal threats are livestock breeding and strong preferences of...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Armenia

Diadema ’98: biological research and conservation in the forests of New Caledonia
Jon Ekstrom

New Caledonia is an overseas territory of France situated about 1,200km east of Australia. The islands have an extraordinary diversity of fauna and flora with an extreme level of endemism in many taxa including birds...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: New Caledonia

Dipper project: conservation and status of Cinclus schulzi in Argentina
María Verónica Miranda

Rufous-throated dipper (Cinclus schulzi) is an endemic bird of the subtropical montane forests of Northwestern Argentina and Southern Bolivia or Yungas. This dipper is highly specialized on rivers, sensitive to river alterations, and considered a...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Argentina

Disease epidemiology and its link with domestic and ecosystem health with WCS’s global avian influenza network for surveillance
Glenda Ayala

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Bolivia

Distribution study of white-shouldered ibis (Pseudibis davisoni) in East Kalimantan-Indonesia
Edy Sutrisno

The White-shouldered Ibis (Pseudibis davisoni) has been listed as an endangered species in the Red Data Book, due to its small and declining population. There is still limited research on this species, especially about its...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Indonesia

Distribution, abundance and conservation status of the Fijian ground frog (Platymantis vitianus)
Joape Kuruyawa

This project, focusing on the promotion of the ground frog (Platymantis vitianus) as a national heritage icon, will be the first stage in what is envisaged is a long-term conservation goal in Fiji. The ground...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Fiji

Distribution, relative abundance and commercial trade of tortoises in peninsular Malaysia
Reuben Sharma

This project will conduct the first ever survey on the distribution, population and ecology of three species of wild tortoises in the forests of the lower slopes of the Titiwangsa mountain range, peninsular Malaysia. The...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Malaysia

Diversity patterns of amphibians in lowland Amazonian forests, Southeastern Peru
Rudolf von May

Biological diversity is threatened worldwide and it is a priority to develop regional and local strategies to conserve and manage wildlife habitats. In order to develop these strategies there is a need to generate detailed...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Peru

Do protected areas of India’s Western Ghats conserve fish diversity?
Robin Kurian Abraham

Protected Areas (PA) designed to preserve charismatic species have been recently challenged in their efficiency in conserving more obscure species like freshwater fish that are not initially taken into account. In this study, we aim...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

Documenting and safeguarding traditional medicinal knowledge on Príncipe Island
Dirciley Vieira Teixeira

The islands and islets of São Tomé and Príncipe have had a long-standing history of using traditional plant-based medicines for treating various ailments and afflictions. However, various factors, such as increasing forest degradation, compounded by...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Sao Tome and Principe

Dong Khanthung 98
Stephen Ling

Up until 1992, Laos had not been subject to any coherent biological survey work and uniquely in Asia had no protected areas. Since then surveys, mainly concentrating on birds have been carried out in 20...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Laos

Dracaena ombet tree community-based conservation project, Gabel Elba Protectorate, Egypt
Usama Mohammed

Dracaena ombet is a globally endangered tree and its subpopulations in Gabel Elba (GE) in Egypt are particularly threatened. Our Future Conservationist project report stated the urgent need to conserve remaining populations in GE as...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Egypt

Dracaena-MAP-Egypt: Dracaena ombet Monitoring & Assessment Project in Gabel Elba Protected Area, Egypt
Usama Mohammed

Dracaena ombet tree sub-populations in Gabel Elba in Egypt and Sudan are particularly threatened. This is one of the few species that can survive the extensive periods of drought in all parts of its range...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Egypt

Dugong Without Borders: Building capacity for Indian Ocean sirenian conservation, Comoros
Patricia Davis

The islands of the Comoros and Madagascar harbour the last dugong populations in the South West Indian Ocean Islands. However, these populations are currently unstudied, apart from work in the Comoros co-funded by the CLP....

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Comoros

Dugongs for Life: Incentivizing Malagasy communities for marine ecosystem stewardship
Lalarisoa Rakotoarimino

Our team has been working in the Nosy Hara Marine Park region since the completion of our CLP Follow-up Award Project, Dugongs without Borders, in 2010. We have an intimate knowledge of the challenges facing...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Madagascar

Ecological and conservation assessment of Rosa arabica in St Katherine, Egypt
Karim Abdelhai Mourse Eissa Omar

Sinai Rose, Rosa arabica, is endemic to the high mountains of south Sinai, Egypt. The global population is less than 100 individuals, localized in nine locations within St. Katherine Protected area (SKP). It is threatened...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Egypt

Rosa arabica © Karim Abdelhai Mourse Eissa Omar
Ecological and distribution assessment of hicatee in Southern Belize
Elmar Requena

The Central American river turtle (Dermatemys mawii) is Critically Endangered (IUCN 2012) with populations still declining. Its distribution is limited to river reaches within Belize, Honduras and Guatemala. In Belize, hicatee (as it is locally...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Belize

Ecological assessment of hispid hare in Manas National Park, India
Naba Krishna Nath

Except for a few indirect pieces of evidence, no detailed information is available about the Hispid hare (Caprolagus hispidus) in Manas National Park. Up to date information on the distribution, viable population, and survival threats...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

Ecological impacts of upstream oil palm plantations on birds and primates in peninsular Malaysia
Badrul Azhar Sharif

The establishment of commercial oil palm cultivation areas has caused massive tropical deforestation in Southeast Asia. Palm oil industry is perceived as the main threat to biodiversity despite being portrayed as sustainable producer of palm...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Malaysia

Ecological studies and conservation status assessment of tiger in Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province, China
Limin Feng

Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve on the border with Myanmar and Laos hold the last promise for the survival of Indochinese tigers in China and conservation action is urgently needed after the first photo of tiger spotted...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: China

Ecological Studies and Conservation Status Assessment on Threatened Species of Genus Vibrissaphora in China
Ben Han

Almost all known species with severely fragmented distribution of genus Vibrissaphora are poorly studied in China. Two species are listed as Endangered by the IUCN. Another species rated as Near Threatened may underestimate threatens to...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: China

Ecological studies on Dugong dugon and its habitat: A contribution toward species conservation, India
Elrika D'souza

The population of Dugong dugon from the Andaman & Nicobar Islands is reported to be in decline. The presence of around 40 dugongs was reported in 1999, however, this number may have reduced due to...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

Ecological studies to conserve the endemic Philippine forest turtle, Palawan, Philippines
Diverlie Acosta

The Palawan endemic Philippine Forest Turtle (Siebenrockiella leytensis) ranks among the top 25 most Critically Endangered turtles in the world. Knowledge on this species' habitat requirements and reasons for the limited distribution are negligible so...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Philippines

Ecology and Conservation of a Bush Dog Population in Brazil: A Monitoring and Educational Programme
Guilherme Braga Ferreira

Bush dog is a poorly known South American canid classified as Vulnerable by IUCN. One of the few sites known to still have the species in Brazil is a river valley that holds a great...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Brazil

Ecology and conservation of frogs of Mount Gede Pangrango national park
Mirza Dikari Kusrini

Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, which is one of the last remaining pristine areas in the highly populated province of West Java, little is known of the local frog fauna, despite the high degree of...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Indonesia

Ecology and conservation of Ganges River dolphin in Karnali, Nepal
Gopal Khanal

Lack of updated information about population number, their status and ecology and low level of awareness among riverbank fishing communities is becoming a major constraint in the conservation of Ganges river dolphin in the Karnali...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Nepal

Ecology and conservation of pearly tree frog at Mt.Ungaran, Indonesia
Lutfian Nazar

Pearly tree frog (Nyctixalus margaritifer) is a Javanese endemic that is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN because of a continuing decline in areas of suitable habitat. We will work at Mount Ungaran - one...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Indonesia

Ecology and conservation of reef fish spawning aggregations in the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil
Ronaldo Francini-Filho

The Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations project aims to determine the location and characteristics of spawning aggregations of threatened and commercially important reef fishes (Lutjanidae and Serranidae) in the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil—a priority area for biodiversity...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Brazil

Ecology and conservation of residential populations of Gangetic dolphin in Brahmaputra River System, India
Abdul Wakid

For the long term conservation of last two residential populations of Gangetic dolphin in Brahmaputra Valley, detailed ecological study will be conducted on the identified dolphin habitats of Kulsi and Subansiri River. To reduce the...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: India

Ecology and Conservation of Saiga in Russia
Nadezhda Arylova

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Russia

Ecology and conservation of sharks in a nursery area in the São Paulo state coast, Brazil
Rafael Cabrera Namora

Sharks are an important component of the marine coastal fauna in the southeastern of Brazil. In this region several species have been exploited or caught as by-catch without any regulatory measures. Identification and conservation of...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Brazil

Ecology and conservation of the endemic Nicobar flying fox (Pteropus faunulus) in the Nicobar Islands, India
Bandana Aul

The Nicobar Bat project focuses on the conservation and ecology of the endemic fruit bat, Nicobar flying fox (Pteropus faunulus) in the Nicobar Islands of India. The proposed project is a follow-up of the project...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: India

Ecology and conservation of the four-horned antelope in the Eastern Ghats of India
Suresh Jones

This project aims to understand the foraging and breeding ecology of the four-horned antelope in the uplands of Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh - India, as well as to initiate conservation work involving local communities....

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: India

Ecology and conservation status of Aberdare cisticola in the Mau Narok-Molo grasslands, Kenya
Mercy Mwanika

The Aberdare cisticola is listed as globally endangered (Birdlife International, 2000). It inhabits moist grassland in Mau Narok-Molo and Aberdares in central Kenya (Bennun and Njoroge, 1999). It is threatened by habitat loss due to...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Kenya

Ecology behaviour and conservation of the La Plata Dolphin (Pontoporia Blainvillei) in Northern Patagonia, Argentina
Pablo Bordino

The La Plata dolphin or Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) is endemic to the coastal waters of the central western South Atlantic (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina) and one of the rarest and most poorly known South American...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Argentina

Ecology, distribution, status and protection of three Congolese fruit bats
Patrick Kipalu Kongo

Two or three endemic fruit bats occur in the savannas south of the Central African rain forest block: Epomophoris grandis, Micropteropus intermedius and Epomophorus cf. labiatus. According to IUCN, two are Data Deficient and one...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

Ecosystem accounting in WCS priority landscapes in Madagascar
Andry Randriambololona

Ecosystem accounting is a developing practice that aims to inform the development of mechanisms to capture the economic benefits of ecosystems services to benefit conservation outcomes. Global interest in ecosystem accounting is growing, yet despite...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Madagascar

Andry Randriambololona
Education and communication strategy for the Ecuadorian brown-headed spider monkey conservation in north western Ecuador
Nancy Nathalia Fuentes Salcedo

Since 2012 Proyecto Washu has been working in the buffer zone of the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve, mainly in the area of Tesoro Escondido where one of the last health populations of the Critically Endangered Ecuadorian...

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MammalKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Ecuador

Education centre for the conservation of the Serra do Urubu Important Bird Area, Brazil
Tatiana Pongiluppi Souza

SAVE Brasil has been working for the conservation of the Serra do Urubu Important Bird Area since 2004. Over the past five years it has become apparent that in order to ensure the long term...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Brazil

Effect of landscape change on mammals in Eastern Ghats, India
Vikram Aditya

The northern Eastern Ghats forests in southern India harbour several endangered species of flora and fauna. Landscape change driven by irrigation projects, mining, road construction and encroachments are degrading these forests and affecting mammalian populations...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: India

Elephant and lion monitoring and anti-poaching efforts around Yankari Game Reserve and Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
Nyanganji Gills Gilbert

The intern will be based at Yankari Game Reserve where he will give support to the existing WCS project designed to improve levels of elephant protection in collaboration with Bauchi State Government. The intern will...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Nigeria

Empowering local youth for the conservation of the Bengal florican in Koshi, Nepal
Aditya Pal

The Bengal florican, a critically endangered bird, faces severe threats in Nepal's Koshi region due to habitat loss. Previous CLP project surveys have found a sizeable yet vulnerable population living outside protected areas, where conservation...

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BirdKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Nepal

Empowering tree nurseries to grow threatened species in southern Brazil
Paula de Freitas Larocca

The Araucaria Forest in Brazil contains more than 350 tree species. It is one of the most threatened ecosystems in the Atlantic Forest. As a result, many tree species are highly threatened and need to...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Brazil

Enabling Support for Sharks in the Miskito Cays of Honduras
Gabriela Ochoa

In 2011 Honduras was declared a Shark Sanctuary and prohibited all shark fishing. In 2016, this was partially repealed to allow captures and commercialization of sharks for the Moskitia Region. As a result, an artisanal fishery...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2019
Country: Honduras

Enabling the coexistence of people and greater adjutant in India
Purnima Devi Barman

In earlier projects, it was observed that all the stakeholders were working in an isolated manner to conserve the greater adjutant. The conservation efforts were not supported by an action plan and the scientific information...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: India

Rescued chicks © Purnima Devi Barman
Endangered primates’ role in the conservation of Colombian ecosystem services
Ana Gabriela de Luna

The diverse inter-Andean lowland rainforests are currently disappearing due to habitat destruction and fragmentation. Information on all the ecosystem services these forest provide and how they are maintained is scarce. Our main objective is to...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Colombia

Endangered waterbirds conservation and their habitat management in Liaohe Delta Wetland, China
Li Xiaowen

The team will build upon a national project promoting the sustainable development of deltaic wetlands around the Bohai Sea by working in close collaboration with local government and Shuangtaihekou reserve staff. Ornithological and vegetation surveys...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: China

Endemic land snails and earthworms from a Protected Area in the Ventania Mountain System
Silvana Burela

The "ETP Reserve", located at the Ventania Mountain System, is the only reserve protecting the natural highland grasslands in the Argentinian pampas. These ancient mountains form a very particular outcrop in the pampas plain, containing...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Argentina

Engaging communities in the conservation of wild Maire’s yews in Nepal
Reshu Bashyal

Yews have been heavily exploited in Nepal. Annually, Nepal exports an average of 25 kg of 10-DAB-III about 45,454 kilograms of Taxus leaves. T. mairei’s leaves are raw materials for the production of cancer curing...

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PlantKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2019
Country: Nepal

Engaging key stakeholders in Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) conservation in Java Indonesia
Windi Liani Bukit

The Critically Endangered Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) remains one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates despite full legal protection and long-term in situ conservation efforts. This endemic species continues to face three core...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Indonesia

Enhancing community participation in the conservation of sea turtles in Kenya
Simmons Nzuki

Turtle conservation efforts in Kenya have for many years focused on providing scientific information which reveals diminishing turtle populations with low recruitment rates, reduced nesting activity and sightings, and increased cases of mortality and poaching,...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Kenya

Enhancing community-based vulture conservation in Western Lowland of Nepal
Khadananda Paudel

Subsequent to the dramatic decline of critically endangered vultures caused by diclofenac, Nepal is leading in-situ conservation of vultures in South Asia through innovative approaches, such as the declaration of community-managed Vulture Safe Zones. This...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Nepal

Ensuring effective conservation for endangered grassland birds in Uruguay
Valeria Perez Guida

Uruguay has natural grasslands covering 71% of the country that currently face numerous threats to their conservation. The major threat to this habitat is the use of land for forestation, cattle grazing and agriculture. These...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Uruguay

Ensuring harlequin toad conservation in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Andres Andres Rocha Usuga

Harlequin toads (Atelopus) are the most threatened group of amphibians in the world, with 81% of species classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered. Disease transmission by the Bd fungus and habitat loss and degradation have...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Colombia

Ensuring long-term protection of rare endemic plants at Lake Baikal, Russia
Denis Sandanov

The initial CLP-funded project helped us to conduct botanical surveys and monitoring of rare plants on Lake Baikal. The main purpose of this project is to organize the long-term protection of all rare endemic plants...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Russia

Environmental and human influences on the distribution of birds in the Western Amazon, and implications for conservation planning
Lazarus Pomara

Causes of biogeographic diversity may include spatial and temporal variability in ecological conditions, dispersal abilities of species, and historical climate changes. Additional complexity is contributed by human influences, including agriculture, hunting, and forestry. This research...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Peru

Environmental planning and education in Cerro Verde, the first coastal marine protected area in Uruguay
Milagros Lopez-Mendilaharsu

This proposal seeks to consolidate the work of diverse organizations in the area, strengthening and impelling the implementation and the participatory management on the first Coastal-Marine Protected Area in Cerro Verde, Uruguay. With the support...

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ReptileConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Uruguay

Eritrea ’94
Mike Morrison

The aim of the expedition was to conduct a baseline marine survey of the southern part of the archipelago, to identify primary marine habitat type and their main constituent genera. This information was used to...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Eritrea

Establishing a Conservation Network for Protection of Threatened Cave-dwelling Bats in Turkey
Emrah Çoraman

Globally threatened cave-dwelling bat species in Turkey are under threat by increasing mining and construction activities, cave tourism, and by human disturbance. Lack of population data and legal protection status of underground roosts of globally...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Turkey

Establishing a mangrove alliance in Latin America and the Caribbean
Laura Perdomo

The BirdLife Americas Program has identified the establishment of a Mangrove Alliance as a priority for 2010 in delivering key components of the Important Bird Area and Preventing Extinctions Programs and the flyways initiative. Its...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Dominican Republic

Establishing a stakeholder participation-based gharial conservation programme in Katernia
Gaurav Vashistha

The gharial is a freshwater crocodile, endemic to the Indian subcontinent. Girwa river in Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary has the second-largest breeding gharial population, which has been isolated to a 20 km stretch since 1976 due...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: India

Establishing baseline data for the conservation of the Critically Endangered Isabela oriole, Philippines
Joni Acay & Nikki Dyanne Realubit

The Isabela oriole, (Oriolus isabellae), is one of the least known Philippine bird species. Endemic to Luzon, it is Critically Endangered and probably survives in the last remaining lowland forests of this island. With its...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Philippines

Establishing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and improving MPA/fisheries management in Cambodia
Morokot Long

The goal of this internship is to promote inclusion and build the skills of female conservationists. This will be achieved by facilitating the research skills development of BSc/ MSc research students whom have expressed interest...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Cambodia

Estimating population density of elephants in Taman Negara
Jessica Tay Mui Li & Lalita Gomes

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Malaysia

Estimating the population of Maire’s yew and engaging communities in conservation in Nepal
Reshu Bashyal

Nepal hosts three Taxus species, Taxus contorta distributed west to central Nepal, Taxus wallichiana in central to east Nepal and Taxus mairei is scattered in Kavrepalanchok, Makwanpur and Sindhuli districts of central Nepal. Taxus are...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2018
Country: Nepal

Eurasian bridge ’99 : bat research in north-western Turkey
Arpat Ozgul

An investigative project aiming to locate and identify the populations of threatened bat species in north-western Turkey. This, the first study of its kind, will provide much needed information and by setting up the first...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Turkey

Evaluating threatened primates in Caquetá, Colombia
Javier Enrique Garcia Villalba

The National Parks of Cordillera de los Picachos and Upper Fragua Indi Wasi, and the municipality of Valparaiso are conservation zones of international importance. Here, a number of primate species - Ateles belzebuth (VU), Aotus...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Colombia

Evaluation of Important Sites for Flamingos in the Bolivian Altiplano: Raising Awareness for Wetland Conservation
Maria Sol Aguilar

We will evaluate three important sites for flamingos in the central altiplano of Bolivia from an ecological standpoint through periodical monitoring and habitat sampling. We will assess threats and propose possible solutions. We will conduct...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Bolivia

Evaluation of present distribution and condition of the manatee in Cuanza River
Edson Marcus Tuenongoa de Carvalho

The wide distribution of the African manatee along the west coast of Africa contrasts with the low level of information about the biology and present status of the species, particularly in Angola. The objectives of...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Angola

Evaluation of threatened amphibians in Colombian key sites
Victor Fabio Luna Mora

The Alliance for Zero extinction initiative by members of the BP Conservation Award partnership have identified over 26 sites of vital importance to CR and EN amphibians in Colombia. Seventeen of those sites are wholly...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Colombia

Expanding protected areas in Argun Midflow and bird monitoring network in Daurai ecoregion on Russia-China-Mongolia border
Evgeny Simonov, Cong Lulu

In 2007 we documented and publicized the fact that wetlands of Argun River are critically endangered due to lack of conservation management and expanding human pressures in the dry phase of local climate cycle. In...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: China/Russia

Expedition to survey status and threats of Globally-threatened bird species in South Nguruman Important Bird Area, Kenya
Anne Okelo

South Nguruman, located in the southernmost part of Kenya, consists of diverse habitats with vegetation ranging from Acaacia tortilis woodland on the plains, dense Acacia commiphora bush on the lower slopes of rift Valley escarpment,...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Kenya

Facilitating avian conservation in post-logging lowland rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia
Muhammad Nazri Janra

Harapan Rainforest (HRF) is a post-logging lowland rainforest in Sumatra. It encompasses an IBA, represents a critically endangered ecosystem, and hosts a pioneering conservation program. Our project proposes a set of activities welcomed by HRF...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Indonesia

Facilitating capacity building, knowledge exchange and collaboration in the Kenyan conservation technology community
Esther Githinji

This internship will grow and support the East Africa regional community in our global conservation technology network. In this internship, a promising conservation leader will map out and grow their understanding of the conservation technology...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: Kenya

Facilitative conservation – crocodiles as a proactive conservation model, Lake Nasser
Ekramy Mohammed Elabassery Elabassery

Since its inception, the field of conservation biology has been viewed as a reactionary discipline. While this may still be the case, it is clear that a shift is necessary in conservation to a paradigm...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Egypt

Fernando de Noronha’s Shark Project: Participative Fisheries Monitoring in Brazil
José Garcia Junior

Fernando de Noronha is an important shark nursery in the equatorial Atlantic that was commercially exploited for five years. Although part of the local population considers sharks as important ecotourism resources, juveniles are still captured...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Brazil

FFI Cambodia programme Species Conservation Internship
Trang Nguyen

Trang Nguyen will participate in a range of FFI Cambodia’s species conservation projects across three FFI Cambodia programmes: Marine, Flagship Species and the University Capacity Building project. Trang will assist in implementing a number of...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Cambodia

Trang Nguyen
FFI Tajikistan programme support and research intern: contributing to fruit and nut forest conservation
Yusufjon Qobilov

This internship will provide Yusufjon Qobilov with the opportunity to work as an integrated member of FFI Tajikistan, gaining exposure to the day-to-day workings of an international conservation NGO, with on-the-job training and networking opportunities....

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Tajikistan

Field internship on monitoring wildlife, tourism impact and chimpanzee habituation in Nyungwe National Park
Protais Niyigaba

The goal of the internship is to provide valuable experience and practical knowledge of various aspects of implementation, management and monitoring of a conservation project. Specific knowledge in wildlife monitoring and field techniques on chimpanzee...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Rwanda

Field research at the Sikhote-Alin research center
Darya Alexandrovna Maximova

The overall goal of this internship is to introduce the intern to the world of conservation research and to allow her to gain experience, leadership skills, and an understanding of how to plan and implement...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Russia

Finding and conserving the little spotted cat of the Yungas, Argentina
Erica Cuyckens

Oncilla or little spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus) ranges from Costa Rica to northern Argentina. It is rare in the majority of its geographical extension and patchily distributed. In the Yungas region of Argentina the only...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Argentina

Finding Napo: conservation of Napoleon Wrasses and rare corals at Namu Atoll
Maria Berger

Rare coral reef animals are highly endangered by the present threats imposed on reefs, yet a lack of information on their distribution, abundance and population dynamics means that rare species are seldom considered in conservation...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Marshall Islands

First characterization of mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCE) in Cozumel, Mexico
Erika Belen Gress Hernandez

Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) (reefs at 30-150 m depth) have been poorly explored due to inaccessibility, but are likely to be buffered from shallow reef impacts because of the depth at which they are found....

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Mexico

Five threatened species at Western Andes of Colombia
Karolina Fierro-Calderon

The study areas have been transformed severely, with the original landscape converted to agriculture and pasture for cattle. Our main objectives are a) to determine the population density of five threatened species in two protected...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Colombia

For sustainable recovery of grey-shanked douc monkeys in Vietnam

To prepare a handbook and train local teachers as a way to increase conservation awareness in the project area. Project update: “After receiving the final instalment of the KSMA funding, the second training course was...

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MammalKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Vietnam

For sustainable recovery of grey-shanked douc monkeys in Vietnam
Thang Long Ha

This project is designed to ensure the sustainable recovery of the grey-shanked douc monkey population in Kon Ka Kinh National Park as well as to educate local people about the conservation value of the species....

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Vietnam

Forest bird status in eastern Nepal
Tim Dodman

The forests of eastern Nepal are unique in the country and are at considerable risk of degradation and destruction. Within a relatively small area there is a high diversity of forest types and associated fauna...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Nepal

Fostering local support for the conservation of the Endangered Preuss’s monkey on the Obudu Plateau, Nigeria
Ebenezer Eyituoyo Ofuya

The population size and distribution of the Preuss’s monkey (Allochrocebus preussi), which is currently classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened species (Cronin et al., 2019), has been severely depleted by hunting...

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MammalKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Nigeria

Freshwater turtle conservation in the Nanling Nature Reserve, Guangdong, China
Shiping Gong

The Nanling Nature Reserve is located in the Nanling Mountain Ecoregion, northern Guangdong, one of the globally critical areas for biodiversity conservation. It has at least 7 endangered freshwater turtle species which are endangered due...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: China

Frogs of Gede-Pangrango: a follow-up proposal for the conservation of frogs in West Java, Indonesia
Mirza Kusrini

The Frogs of Gede-Pangrango Project aims to increase awareness of frog research and conservation and extend research based on the first years results. We proposed four activities: 1) frog conservation education to primary students and...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Indonesia

From fish spawning aggregations to effective Marine Protected Areas in Brazil
Matheus Oliveira Freitas

This follow-up initiative aims to provide support for the expansion and adaptive co-management of the Abrolhos Bank Marine Protected Area (MPA) network, Brazil. Results from the initial award backed-up proposals for an additional MPA (first...

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FishConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Brazil

Frontier social conservation action and research on horseshoe crabs in Indonesia
Hanifa Miranda

Horseshoe crabs are marine and brackish water arthropods fully protected by the Decree of the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry Regulation No.20/2018 and Government Regulations No.7/1999. As a marine ‘living fossil’, one of them...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Indonesia

Future-proofing endangered species conservation in Anguilla
Marlene Horsford

The goal of this internship is to train an emerging conservation leader on the impacts of climate change on Anguilla’s endangered plant and reptile species and the development and implementation of practical conservation actions to...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Anguilla

Galapagos marine survey 1991
John Brierley

Although the terrestrial ecology of the Galapagos Islands is well-known, little work has been done on the off-shore marine environment. Ten subtidal sites were surveyed by divers to establish quantitative baseline data on the marine...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Ecuador

Galapagos marine survey phase II
John Brierley

With a proven track record of achievement in marine conservation in Galápagos - following the successful completion of Galápagos Marine Survey 1991 - the aim of the Phase II follow-up project was to return with...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Ecuador

Gauging the impact of conservation education: an evaluation of conservation capacity building projects in Liberia
Ernest B. Waylee

The overall goal is to give an early career Liberian conservationist the opportunity to work within a busy international NGO office, supporting their professional development through exposure to, and engagement in various stages of project...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Liberia

Ernest Waylee
Gaynawaan 2004: conservation of threatened vertebrates at Mount Sinaka, Mindanao
Jayson Ibanez

This project will step-up the conservation of Mount Sinaka, a 19 sq km Important Bird Area (IBA), by focusing research and monitoring on globally threatened and indicator vertebrates, which are cost-effective conservation surrogates and umbrellas...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Philippines

Generating public support for bird conservation in Cambodia
Taing PorChhay

The objective of this internship is to build the conservation capacity of a fresh university graduate who will establish a bird watching and nature club in Cambodia. Within a 6 month project period, the intern...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Cambodia

Geographic Information Systems and Monitoring Information System Reporting
Phlong Nguon Leng

The overall goal of the internship is to help CI – Greater Mekong organize its GIS data/information, support an on-going prioritization process to target national areas for ecosystem importance, and maintain the Monitoring Information System Reporting...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Cambodia

Gharial conservation in India: a research, outreach, and training program
Laurel Converse and Abhijit Das

The gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) is a critically endangered crocodilian existing only in India and Nepal. India’s Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary contains a breeding population vital to the survival of the species. However this population is threatened...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: India

GIS climate change, resilient altitudinal gradient mapping and modeling
Fides Kirimi

The overall goal of the internship is to develop Fides' skills in geospatial mapping analysis and concurrently support the BirdLife Africa Secretariat in this important area of work. Using the Climate Resilient Altitudinal Gradient (CRAG)...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Kenya

Fides Kirimi
GIS officer
Takem Bienvenu

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Cameroon

Globally threatened birds of the Russian west
Ismail Nigmatoulline

Little is known of the globally threatened birds that live in the virtually untouched habitats of the Kaliningrad region of Western Russia. The lesser white-fronted goose, the ferruginous duck, the spotted eagle and the aquatic...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Russia

Globally threatened birds of the valley of the Desna River and their protection
Gleb Gavris

The Desna River in the Ukraine is one of the Eastern Europe's largest undeveloped wetlands. Working in a 172 sq. km. area at the top of the river this project will investigate the status, distribution...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Ukraine

Gola Forest Project, Sierra Leone 1988
Gary Allport

A survey of the forest's avifauna to determine the relative importance of forest areas with different logging and hunting pressures, with particular attention given to the endemic and threatened birds of the forest. To work...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1988
Country: Sierra Leone

Gorilla conservation through strengthening Ranger Based Monitoring and reduction of Human Wildlife Conflict
Marcel Twagirarugaba

The overall goal of the internship is to strengthen Ranger Based Monitoring (RBM) and human wildlife conflict (HWC) management, for mountain gorilla conservation in Volcanoes National Park (VNP), Rwanda. RBM activities that include daily gorilla...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Rwanda

Greater adjutant conservation through community participation in Assam, India
Purnima Devi Barman

The greater adjutant stork is the most threatened stork in the world and its population is decreasing. Many historic breeding colonies of this colonial nesting bird are missing now and the bird is probably facing...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: India

Green Corridor Leadership: biodiversity conservation with social involvement in the Atlantic Forest of Argentina
Diego Varela

Misiones (Argentina) contains one of the major Atlantic Forest remnants; nevertheless, deforestation threatens to isolate them. Since 2002, we have been working in the corridor between Urugua-í and Foerster parks. This proposal aims to consolidate...

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MultipleConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Argentina

Green corridor leadership: biodiversity conservation with social involvement in the Atlantic forest of Argentina

To preserve ancient forest in the Misiones province of northern Argentina, a project with which Kate had been personally associated. Project update, 2010: “The Urugua-í-Foerster Biological Corridor Project developed by Conservación Argentina (CA) has made...

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MultipleKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Argentina

Habitat assessment for a threatened keystone marsupial in Patagonia
Mariano Rodriguez-Cabal

The northern portion of the temperate forest of South America harbors a unique triangle of keystone species comprised of a hummingbird (Sephanoides sephaniodes), a mistletoe (Tristerix corymbosus), and the marsupial, monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides)....

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Argentina

Habitat conservation of globally threatened spot-billed pelicans in Sri Lanka
Kanchana Weerakoon Ranasinghe

Now we have identified main reasons for habitat degradation of Pelicans and other water birds who occupy the man made tanks in Sri Lanka. The man made tanks (previously home to many threatened birds) are...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Sri Lanka

Habitat conservation of globally threatened spot-billed pelicans in Sri Lanka

To train and qualify 20 young people with no previous experience in conservation. Project update: “The Kate’s Award-funded training programme conducted in 2008/9 was the first ever environmental conservation training programme for village youths aged...

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BirdKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Sri Lanka

Habitat loss and fragmentation in the Caldenal savanna region, Argentina
Mariano Gonzalez Roglich

The Caldenal is a semiarid savanna ecosystem of about 170,000 km2 located in central Argentina. This semiarid open forest system, dominated by Calden (Prosopis caldenia) and grasslands, is frequently interrupted by dunes, wetlands and lagoons....

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Argentina

Habitat mapping and conservation of horseshoe crabs in India
Siddhartha Pati

Tachypleus gigas is abundantly distributed along the eastern coast of Odisha, India. The presence of these horseshoe crabs in coastal zones indicates environmental health, as only optimal conditions are suitable for their survival, reproduction and development....

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2018
Country: India

Habitat requirements and management for Siberian cranes at Momoge, China
Liu Chunyue

The Siberian crane is listed as a critically endangered by IUCN. In recent years, over 80% of the world’s population of Siberian crane used Momoge wetlands for 1.5 months during the migration season. Due to...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: China

Habitat restoration and corridors creation to enhance conservation of the Pampean sand-dune lizard
Germán Tettamanti

The Pampean sand-dune lizard, which is endemic to the Pampean coastal dunes of Argentina, is highly sensitive to modifications to its habitat. Isolated subpopulations of this lizard have been cornered to a few patches of...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Argentina

Hainan Island ’99: a conservation expedition for rainforest endangered birds and mammals
Hu Huijian

Focusing on four small reserve areas in the mountainous region of southern Hainan Island, this team of six Chinese graduate students and three reserve staff aim to clarify the current status of threatened species endemic...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: China

Hainan Island’ 2001
Hu Huijian

Project "Hainan Island' 2001" (HI2001) will continue the work of the Project "Hainan Island' 99" (HI99). Project HI99 is the continuity of the Project "Census on Land Wildlife in Hainan" (CLWH), which was carried out...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: China

Halmahera ’94: a University of Bristol expedition to Indonesia
James MacKinnon

The 12-person British/Indonesian team undertook a biodiversity study to support the establishment and future management of the proposed Lolobata reserve on the Indonesian island of Halmahera. Five sites were surveyed along the proposed north-west boundary...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Indonesia

Hard corals mapping for Semporna, Malaysia
Choo Poh Leem

The main aim of this project is to complete the mapping for threatened species of coral, measuring their abundance and distribution in Semporna. At the same time, this project will provide education and awareness to...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Malaysia

Coral © Isabelle Masters
Harnessing the potential of promising conservation leaders to conserve South Sudan’s unique biodiversity
Emmanuel Kutiote Justin Omer

In a conflict-affected country with limited resources and capacity, FFI South Sudan aims to support the Wildlife Service and local communities to better conserve their rare but little known biodiversity and manage their Protected Areas....

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Award Year: 2019
Country: South Sudan

Herp watch Palawan 2001
Arvin Cantor Diesmos

Herp Watch Palawan 2001 is a collaborative project of De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Haribon Foundation, and Palawan State University. It aims to collect information on systematics and ecology of amphibians and reptiles from the forested...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Philippines

Hornbills and people: building an alliance for conservation in North Bengal, India
Karishma Pradhan

Hornbills are indicators of the health of a forest ecosystem, but globally they are threatened by habitat loss, fragmentation and hunting. The North Bengal region in India (part of the Himalaya global biodiversity hotspot) harbours...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: India

Hornbills: Connecting environment, economy and culture in Bhutan

Hornbills are the farmers of the forest. They are large, fruit-eating birds which live in sub-tropical forests of Asia and Africa. Because of their ability to commute over long distances, they are of extreme importance...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Bhutan

Humpback dolphin social ecology under anthropogenic threats in Langkawi, Malaysia
Teoh Zhi Yi

Multiple uses of coastal habitats pose a great challenge for conservation of coastal marine mammals. The Langkawi Archipelago is Malaysia’s top tourism destination and an intense fishing ground. It hosts the poorly studied Indo-Pacific humpback...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Malaysia

Identification and protection of important bat caves in Turkey
Emrah Coraman

Many of the cave habitats that are important for bat populations in Turkey are under constant pressure due to factors such as cave tourism, construction of water dams, and stone quarries. The lack of information...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Turkey

Identification of indices affecting local capacity for community conservation action in Peten
Nikolay Kazakov

For local communities to be able to actively and successfully participate in conservation they need to have a capacity to do that. Therefore, building local capacity for community conservation action (LCCCA) has become an important...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Guatemala

Identification of upland rainforest species in the Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park buffer zone
Cecil Valmores

The Mount Kitanglad Range is located in Northern Mindanao in the Philippines, and contains the second highest peak in the country. It is still densely forested and is considered to be one of the critical...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Philippines

Impact assessment of fuelwood and charcoal production on the forest cover in the Ituri landscape
Pacifique Madibi Mubamba

The overall goal of the internship is to conduct an analysis of the impact of fuelwood and charcoal production on the Ituri forest landscape. Data from field-based information on the demand from North Kivu and...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

Pacifique Madibi, CLP intern
Impacts, alternative solutions and awareness of mobula fisheries in Indonesia
Betty Laglbauer & Anindita Rustandi

Great concern has been raised regarding the vulnerability of mobula rays to overfishing in Indonesia, due to the increasing demand for mobulid gill rakers in the Chinese medicine market. Although mantas benefit from a large...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Indonesia

Mobula tarapacana © Jorge Fontes
Implementation of agroecological practices as a link to conserve the natural environment of the yellow-naped parrot in agro-ecological farms
Selena Hernandez

With a focus on empowering local producers, the mentee is contributing to the implementation of innovative agro-ecological practices and technologies that transform traditional farming into sustainable systems. By integrating agriculture with conservation, they are making...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Nicaragua

Implementing a community-based conservation management zone to protect the red siskin in Guyana
Leroy Aloyshius Ignacio

Our project will leverage grassroots support to provide a framework for the protection of the Endangered red siskin through the development of an innovative community-based conservation management zone in southern Guyana. Drawing on our detailed...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Guyana

Implementing the Oceanscapes policy framework in Fiji
Zahida Khan

This internship will develop a future woman leader in the Pacific. The intern will have developed understanding of the Pacific Oceanscape framework implementation in political and sustainable economical contexts under the regional governance regime. Furthermore,...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Fiji

Improving biodiversity conservation and management of Marine Protected Areas in the SWA-Uruguay
Angel Segura

Within the framework of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Uruguay has committed to protect 30% of its territory by 2030, but has reached only 1% at the moment. Government initiatives and implementation of...

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FishConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Uruguay

Improving Community Capacity for Salmon Conservation on Sakhalin Island, Russia
Sergey Didenko

The remaining population of the endangered Sakhalin taimen, an ancient apex predator salmonid, is centered on Sakhalin island, Russia. The population continues to be on severe decline due to impacts of extractive industries, poaching and...

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FishConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Russia

Improving community-based conservation of Lake Kuyucuk Ramsar Site, Turkey
Emrah Coban

In just four years at Lake Kuyucuk, the team has achieved quick results. The lake has been designated as a Ramsar site, a European Destinations of Excellence, and a Sustainable Ecotourism Destination by the Turkish...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Turkey

Improving Fledgling Recruitment and Habitat Quality for the Yellow-shouldered Parrot at Margarita island, Venezuela
Laurie Fajardo

Margarita Island is a threatened species hotspot. It is home to the yellow shouldered parrot, whose survival depends on active management interventions. In the absence of protection, 100% of monitored nests are regularly poached. Here,...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Venezuela

Improving hand raising techniques of one of the top 25 turtles on death row
Raiza Barahona Fong

The overall goal of the internship is to develop and test an upgrade strategy to improve the hand raising techniques of Dermatemys mawii in the Maya Forest. WCS will take advantage of the lessons learned...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Guatemala

Improving livestock production and biodiversity conservation in Mexico

The team plan to build on the success of their 2012 CLP Future Conservationist Award project by further improving connectivity between forest fragments in the Los Tuxtlas region in Veracruz and transforming conventional pastures into...

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PlantKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Mexico

Improving survival chance of the Liben lark, Ethiopia
Alazar Daka Ruffo

The Liben Plain in Ethiopia was once the most productive pastoral land in East Africa. Presently, its degradation in the form of overgrazing, bush encroachment and expansion of agricultural activities is taking place endangering the...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Ethiopia

Improving the local capacity to integrate research, education, and ecotourism into meaningful sea turtle management in Ghana
Andrews Agyekumhene

Ghana is home to five of the world’s seven species of endangered sea turtles, but unfortunately sea turtles face harvesting, egg poaching, disorientation, and degraded habitat on the nesting beaches. The primary risk to their...

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ReptileKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Ghana

Incidental capture of seabirds survey in coastal fisheries
Leandro Tamini

Incidental mortality associated to longline fishing is the main problem for the conservation of nearly all albatross and many petrel species throughout the world. The situation is so serious that 20 of the 24 albatross...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Argentina

Incorporation of perceptions and attitudes of rural people into conservation planning in Patagonia
Marina Fernanda Hertel

For the intern, the overall goal is to learn about working with local people and incorporating their perceptions and attitudes into strategic conservation planning. For the host institution, the overall goal is to obtain and...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Argentina

Initiating a bycatch monitoring programme for seabirds in Turkey
Dilek Sahin

Mortality in long-line fisheries is a widely recognized threat to seabirds. Turkey holds a wide diversity of seabird species including globally important numbers of threatened Yelkouan shearwater; almost the whole estimated population is passing through...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Turkey

Initiating conservation of new hog deer population, Myanmar
Ngwe Lwin

We aim to conserve hog deer (Axis porcinus) around Indawgyi lake, the third largest freshwater lake in South East Asia. Grasslands on the lake’s eastern shore are home to a newly discovered population of hog...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Myanmar

Initiative to reduce the mortality of Ganges dolphin in Brahmaputra River, India
Abdul Wakid

By-catch mortality and poaching are the two major issues responsible for the rapid declining of the endangered Gangetic dolphin in Brahmaputra River. To reduce these threats annual mortality of dolphins through fisheries by-catch and poaching...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: India

Innovative ecological research for high-priority aquatic reptiles in Sarawak, Malaysia
Siti Nor Baizurah A.Malik Chang and Anthony Pine

This study aims to conduct necessary field research to provide insight into the ecology of aquatic reptiles in Sarawak, Malaysia. Specifically, this study hopes to shed new light on species presence, habitat use, and movement...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Malaysia

Insect biodiversity of a montane rainforest expedition, Vietnam 1991
Vojtech Novotny

Working with the National Centre for Scientific Research, Hanoi, the team studied insect communities of the montane evergreen monsoon rainforest in the Tam Dao Mts (800-1000m) to provide data on the biodiversity of this unique...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Vietnam

Integrative conservation of the Terras Salgadas, Cape Verde
Alex Tavares

Terras Salgadas is the largest protected area on the island of Maio and the pressure put on this tranquil reserve has accelerated recently. We aim to raise awareness of locals and visitors on the importance...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Cape Verde

Intensive behavioral study of Callicebus ollallae, an endemic Bolivian titi monkey
Jesus Martinez

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Bolivia

Inventory of the bats of Cuc Phuong National Park
Ha Thang Long

This team from the University of Hanoi aim to conduct a baseline inventory of bats within the Cuc Phong National Park, Vietnam. The study aimed to assess the status and distribution of the bat fauna...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Vietnam

Inventory, distribution & conservation action of the Critically Endangered Philippine forest turtle, Philippines
Pierre Fidenci

This project will assess the distribution, habitat use, relative abundance and threats to the critically endangered Philippine forest turtle in Palawan Island, Philippines, a high priority hotspot for biodiversity. In addition, the project will conduct...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Philippines

Investigating preferred wet season habitats of white-shouldered and giant ibis, Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary
Sum Phearun

BirdLife International and its partners in Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary plan to establish species-specific conservation measures but request that wet season research is undertaken. Developing effective wet season monitoring programs will require logistical planning, advanced training...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Cambodia

Investigating Sustainable Coastal Tourism and Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in Cambodia
Chad-Erwan Udom Moni Ung

The fundamental tenet underpinning this internship work is that the increase in tourism (pre-COVID-19) in Koh Rong Marine National Park must consider options to ensure that growth in tourism does not compromise the natural asset...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Cambodia

Investigating the conservation status of the pygmy hippopotamus in the Sapo National Park, Liberia
James W. Gbeaduh

The internship is aimed at developing the technical capacity of a young Liberian conservationist through training in applied research, ecological survey techniques and biomonitoring. The internship will contribute to an already existing project – ‘Building...

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Award Year: 2015
Country: Liberia

Involving anglers as key stakeholders in a shark conservation programme, Argentina
Juan Martín Cuevas

Sharks are one of the most important top predators preserving equilibrium in the seas. Argentina's shark populations have dramatically decreasing due to overfishing resulting in several species being listed in the IUCN Red List from...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Argentina

Involving local communities in conservation of the imperial eagle in Georgia
Zura Javakhishvili

During the last decade in Georgia, imperial eagle populations have dramatically declined (from 53 pairs in 1991 to 10-15 pairs in 2003). This decline is caused mainly by the influence of anthropogenic factors (disturbance, habitat...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Georgia

Island Explorer Initiative: Documenting Dominica’s Biodiversity and Sparking Conservation Engagement
Garry Auguiste

The overarching goal of this Career Placement is to conduct comprehensive documentation of Dominica's biodiversity within its three National Parks while also conceptualizing engaging educational activities. Through field surveys and desk research facilitated by WildDominique's...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Dominica

Karumbé 2004
Milagros Mendilaharsu

The green turtle (Chelonia mydas) has experienced drastic declines over the last four decades and is presently listed as endangered throughout its range (IUCN 2000). Data collected by Karumbé since 1999 indicated that green turtles...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Uruguay

KARUMBÉ PROJECT: review & conservation of sea turtles in Uruguay
Milagros Lopez Mendilaharsu

Up until the beginning of 1999 there were no programs for the investigation and conservation of sea turtles in Uruguay. Only in very few cases were specific studies accomplished, despite the high number of sea...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Uruguay

Katala quest, Northern Palawan
Indira Lacerna

The flagship species of the expedition is the critically endangered Philippine cockatoo, an endemic to the island nation. As few as 1,000 individuals may be left in the wild. The island of Palawan is the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Philippines

KBA/IBA delineation
Wang Dezhi & Zhang Lu

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Award Year: 2006
Country: China

KBA/IBA delineation
Rafael Carvalho

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Brazil

Kikuyu escarpment outreach project 2002
David Kuria

This research has been developed by Kijabe Environment Volunteers as concern about the continuous destruction of the Kerita forest with little or no concern from the adjacent communities. This is illustrated by few community activities...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Kenya

Kimboza Project 2000: the conservation values and status of Kimboza Forest Reserve, Tanzania
Daniel Shilla

Kimboza project 2000 comprises team of students from the University of Dar es Salaam and Forest conservationists from the Ministry of Natural resources and Tourism, Tanzania. The project team will research the distribution, ecology and...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Tanzania

Kyabobo 1994
Jen Hurst

The Oxford University Kyabobo '94 expedition which showed that Ghana's newly formed Kyabobo National Park has a unique mixture of forest and savanna wildlife, with many rare and endangered species. The resultant follow-up initiative -...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Ghana

Kyabobo conservation project 1995
Jen Hurst

The Oxford University Kyabobo '94 expedition which showed that Ghana's newly formed Kyabobo National Park has a unique mixture of forest and savanna wildlife, with many rare and endangered species. The resultant follow-up initiative -...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Ghana

Land-cover and land-use changes, dynamics and impacts in the Tarangire-Simanjiro ecosystem, Northern Tanzania
Fortunata Msoffe

During the wet season, a majority of the large wild mammals lea by key migratory species such as elephant (Loxodonta africana), wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and zebra (Equus burchelli) move out of Tarangire National Park (dry...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Tanzania

Landuse and conservation in the Mount Loma Reserve, Sierra Leone
Philip Atkinson

This project changed rapidly from its instigation early in 1991. We originally planned to visit the Gola Forest in the east of the country to carry out faunal surveys and to survey riverine systems. However...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Sierra Leone

Last chance to save? Averting an amphibian conservation crisis in Bale, Ethiopia
Fikirte Gebresenbet Erda

The endemic amphibian species of Harenna have declined in numbers since their original description in 1986, and they are likely to become extinct without an effective and timely intervention. We plan to survey and monitor...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Ethiopia

Lesser florican community leadership programme in India
Supriya Radheshyam Jhunjhunwala

Lesser florican cannot be conserved by a site-based approach. It can only be conserved through involvement of communities with which it shares its habitat. We need to identify and train capable individuals from different stakeholder...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: India

Lesser kestrel baseline survey, Turkey 1993
Stephen Parr

Five UK and 12 Turkish ornithologists, from the Turkish Society for the Conservation of Nature (DHKD), surveyed, using repeatable methods, this little known and declining species of small falcon. They also obtained estimates of white...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Turkey

Linking education and research for the conservation of the Andean mountain cat
Mauro Lucherini

The Andean Mountain cat only lives in the high-altitude dry areas of the Andes of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. This project arose from 3 previous surveys carried out by a Team leaded by M....

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Argentina

Linking flooded forests, fish and people in the Río Caquetá: a first effort to conserve floodplains in Colombia
Sandra Correa

The importance of preserving flooded forests to ensure the long-term sustainability of fish populations is rarely recognized among Colombian Amazon communities. The río Caquetá-Japurá is one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon River. This...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Colombia

Litterfall dynamics and nutrient inputs under different tropical forest restoration strategies in southern Costa Rica
Danielle Celentano Augusto

Tropical forests are among the most important biomes on earth. They house high levels of biodiversity, maintain critical ecosystem services, and exchange large quantities of carbon and water with the atmosphere. However, deforestation is still...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Brazil

Local communities perception and distribution of giant pangolins in northwestern Tanzania
Michael Honorati Kimaro

Pangolin is the most trafficked mammal on the earth. Three species of pangolin occur in Tanzania, Temminck’s ground pangolin (Smutsia temminckii), white-bellied pangolins (Phataginus tricuspis), and Giant ground pangolins (Smutsia gigantea). Yet in Tanzania, their...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Tanzania

Local empowerment programme for Africa
Caroline Njoki Wamaitha

The first set of goals is for the intern to acquire the requisite skills and knowledge critical to be well positioned to take a lead role in developing the capacities of the local communities to...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Kenya

Long-term conservation planning for endemic plant species in Egypt
Karim Abdelhai Omar

Silene leucophylla, Micromeria serbaliana, Ballota kaiseri, Euphorbia obovate, and Hyoscyamus boveanus are endemic plants to the St Catherine Protected Area (SCPA) in southern Sinai, Egypt. The wild populations of S. leucophylla growing in SCPA are...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Egypt

Lorentz 95: the flora & fauna of the Nduga, Lorentz Reserve, Irian Jaya 1995-1996
Daniel Start

The expedition aims to document selected flora and fauna of the Nduga area, combining scientific fieldwork techniques and the traditional knowledge of the Nduga people. This will provide: baseline biological data on understudied taxa, giving...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Indonesia

Mache-Chindul ’94, Ecuador
Andrew Mudd

An ornithological survey carried out during September 1996 in the hills of Mache and Chindul, northern Manabi and southern Esmeraldas provinces, based at the fieldwork centre of Fundacion Jatun Sacha in the Bilsa Biological Reserve....

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Ecuador

Macroalgae taking over Caribbean coral reefs: searching for management solutions
Renata Ferrari Legorreta

The current research investigates the effects of seaweed competition on coral growth rate and survival. While previous work has shown that seaweed can reduce growth rate, fecundity and survival of corals, most of these studies...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Mexico

Madagascar Serpent-Eagle
Steffen Brogger-Jensen

Search for the Madagascar Serpent-Eagle (Eutriorchis astur), which has not been seen since the 1930s.View Project

BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1985
Country: Madagascar

Mangaia 96: conservation in the Cook Islands
Camilla Baker

The team investigated the status, distribution and habitat of rats and landbirds on Mangaia, Cook Islands. The Mangaia Kingfisher (Todirhamphus ruficollaris) was more abundant than anticipated. The preliminary population estimate was 582 +/- 181 (80%...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Cook Islands

Mannophryne olmonae: an ecological study in Tobago (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago)
Jahson Berhane Alemu I

Mannophryne olmonae is a poorly studied endemic to Tobago, listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. The population has undergone a rapid decline, over the last three generations (Hardy, 2004). An ecological study of M....

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Marine Plastics – Beach Clean Up and Waste Plastic Recycling
Lisseth De Los Angeles

The mentee will gain hands-on experience in protocol development, the application of technology, technical report writing, and the use of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) frameworks. Alongside these technical skills, the mentee will actively contribute...

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Award Year: 2024
Country: Nicaragua

Marine turtle project 2005: implementing a local community action plan to save marine turtles in Kenya
Simmons Nzuki

All 5 species of marine turtles occurring in Kenya’s marine waters i.e. Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata, lepidochelys olivacea, Caretta caretta and Dermochelys coriacea are listed by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) as either endangered or...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Kenya

Marketing and Communications multimedia designer
Dennis Collaguazo

The purpose of the internship is to support BirdLife partnership and America´s Secretariat implementing the communications and marketing plan through engaging content across diverse platforms and media.  “On one hand I have learned to work...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: Ecuador

Marsh deer project – proyecto ciervo de los pantanos
Santiago D'Alessio

This project will make the first quantitative assessment of the southern most population of the globally threatened Marsh deer (Blastoceros dichotomus) in the Paraná delta where the Paraná and Uruguay rivers flow into the river...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Argentina

Marsh deer project 2003
Santiago D'Alessio

This project aims to increase basic scientific information about the globally threatened marsh deer biology, and its' distribution and natural habitat in Delta del Paraná, the southern limit of its' geographical distribution. The main objectives...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Argentina

Marsh deer project 2005
Santiago D'Alessio

After long years of work, supported and accompanied by the BP Conservation Programme, we have obtained not only an invaluable amount of new information on the biology of the Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) and the...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Argentina

Meet the last population of the Marquesan kingfisher in French Polynesia
Thierry Autai

The Marquesan kingfisher (Todiramphus godeffroyi) became a Critically Endangered species on the IUCN red list in 2009 because one of the two populations of this species was declared extinct in 2005 on Hiva Oa. For...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: French Polynesia

Merg expedition to Tsaratanana, Madagascar 1989
Paul Thompson

A survey in RNI Tsaratanana, one of the largest rainforest reserves and which includes the highest mountain in Madagascar. Surveys will investigate: forest extent and exploitation, rainforest structure, birds (particularly endemic and threatened species), reptiles,...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Madagascar

Mexico’s KBA/IBA delineation and refinement
Victor Manuel Vargas Canales

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Mexico

Migration and conservation of eastern Pacific green turtles
Blanco, Gabriela

The eastern Pacific Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) inhabits the waters of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador, which makes it vulnerable to fishing activity by those countries. Declines in populations...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Colombia

Migration pattern and population genetic structure of the lesser long-nosed bat in Arizona and Mexico
Judith Ramirez

The lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) is a nectarivore and is one of only five bats in North America that is able to migrate up to 1,500 km between wintering and breeding grounds.  There...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Mexico

Mitigating biodiversity extinctions in Ghana: the case of the endemic Bobiri reed frog
Amaning Kwarteng David

This project is aimed at giving a fighting chance of survival to the endemic and endangered Bobiri reed frog (Hyperolius bobirensis) through research and action. The frog has not been seen in its type locality...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Ghana

Mitigating human-crane conflict in Driefontein Grasslands, Central Zimbabwe
Togarasei Fakarayi

The globally threatened wattled (Grus carunculatus) and grey crowned (Balearica regulorum) cranes are wetland dependent birds and found in the Driefontein Grasslands. They are reported to forage in crop fields resulting in conflict with humans....

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Zimbabwe

Mitigation of forest fragmentation in Aghanashini Lion-tailed Macaque Conservation Reserve, India
K. Santhosh

Aghanashini Lion-tailed Macaque Conservation Reserve (ACR), a newly formed protected area, contains many endemic and endangered species including the largest population of lion-tailed macaque (LTM). It also inhabits a large human population highly dependent on...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: India

Lion-tailed macaque © K.Santhosh
Mobilising local and international support for conservation of migratory birds through online tools and media
Vincent Otieno Onyango

The aim of this internship is  to support an early career conservationist with an opportunity to assist BirdLife International to create a new linked-up network of people and organisations contributing to the conservation of migratory...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Kenya

Vincent Onyango CLP intern, 2017
Mobilizing students to advocate shared spaces for humans and leopards in a human-dominated agricultural rural landscape
Vaibhav Bhogale

Nashik district (Maharashtra) is a densely populated agricultural rural landscape inhabited by the leopard, where many instances of leopard attacks on livestock and people are recorded. Our goal is to use the district’s student network...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: India

Monitor 2000: Hungarian amphibian biodiversity monitoring & education project
Brandon Anthony

In Hungary, amphibian conservation is a relatively new focus but has been recognized as an area of need. To address this problem, survey methods (road call count) were tested in Hungary during 1998. MONITOR 2000...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Hungary

Monitor 2002
Brandon Anthony

MONITOR 2000 is a follow-up initiative designed to introduce this time and cost-effective amphibian monitoring method to volunteers in Hungary, and other representatives of Central & Eastern European (CEE) countries. Results from the surveys will...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Hungary

Monitoring and conservation of Globally Threatened species in Azerbaijan
Shahin Isayev

Azerbaijan is one of Europe's biodiversity hotspots, especially for many globally and near threatened species of breeding, migrating and resting birds, and it serves as a bottleneck through which many species pass. Research and conservation...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Azerbaijan

Monitoring and Conservation of Tibetan Antelopes and other mid-large size Mammals along Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Highway
Lin Xia

The Qinghai-Tibet Highway and the accompanying new railway are major passages between Tibet and the hinterlands which pass through three national nature reserves and along the main migration route of the Tibetan antelope. Railways have...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: China

Monitoring and conservation strategies of dugong in northern Mozambique
Gelica Eugenio Inteca

The idea of the project comes from the involvement of the three project team members in an international cooperation project implemented inside the Quirimbas National Park (QNP), which allowed them to acquire information about the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Mozambique

Monitoring and habitat rehabilitation for Sharpe’s longclaw in Kinangop, Kenya
Martin Wachira Mwangi

This project will contribute towards efforts to conserve the unique highland Kinangop Grasslands Nature Reserve and its unique biodiversity. The grasslands are a stronghold of the Endangered Sharpe's longclaw and home to other important avifauna...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Kenya

Monitoring and Nominating Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas in Ghana
Joseph Afrifa

Joseph will provide regional support to BirdLife International Partners regarding Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) monitoring and updates, and Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) nomination. This will take the form of training, identifying data sources,...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Ghana

Monitoring harlequins frogs in Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Luis Alberto Rueda Solano

The decline of Harlequin frog populations (Atelopus spp) have been documented as the most alarming case of species loss in recent history. The main threats to their populations are the fungal disease chytridiomycosis and climate...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Colombia

Monitoring Important Bird Areas in Moldova to improve conservation management
Vitalie Ajder

Moldova is a small country at the eastern border of the European Union where development takes priority over environmental issues. Moldovan biodiversity is still in good condition due to the continued practice of traditional agricultural...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Moldova

Monitoring key sites for white-headed duck in Kazakhstan
Alyona Shmalenko

The white-headed duck, a globally threatened species is currently classified as Endangered by the IUCN. The largest sub-population of white-headed duck is in Central Asian and is declining for unknown reasons. We aim to identify...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Kazakhstan

Monitoring of Globally Threatened bird species in the Tengiz Lakes region in Central Kazakhstan
Maxim Koshkin

The Tengiz Lakes Region, covering the area of a proposed UNESCO-Biosphere Reserve with the existing Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve, is one of the biodiversity hotspots in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. It covers vast but fragile...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Kazakhstan

Monitoring otter populations and combating poaching through stakeholder participation in India
Nisarg Prakash

Otters are ambassadors of wetland ecosystems. Being top predators, they have been severely affected by loss of riparian habitats to agriculture and other anthropogenic activities like sand mining, hydroelectric projects and the usage of dynamite...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: India

Monitoring passerines in the Sahel
BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Ethiopia

Morant Cay research 1996
Catherine Michael

This joint University of London/University of the West Indies project set out to follow the IUCN recommendations "studies should be undertaken... with a view to declaration of the area as a marine park or conservation...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Jamaica

Mount Kupe, Cameroon
MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Cameroon

Mount Mabu conservation project field focal point
Momad Danif Satar Ernesto Remane

The internship will support the professional development and learning process of a technical person and at the same time contribute for the establishment of a conservation area through an inclusive participatory process where the communities...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Mozambique

Mulanje 97
Nicola Beharrell

Mount Mulanje, situated in the far south-east corner of Malawi, is the largest mountainous massif in the afromontane archipelago. Working in this unique area the project aims to highlight the conservation issues and shape future...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Malawi

NACRES’ large carnivore monitoring programme
Ivane Skhirtladze & Giorgi Mamadashvili

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Georgia

Nakanai ’93: an Oxford University expedition to New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Jonathan Clay

The original plan, a survey of the montane avifauna of the Nakani Mountain range, New Britain Island, had to be abandoned due to access problems. In collaboration with the Pacific Heritage Foundation and the West...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Papua New Guinea

Nepenthes project 2001
Nana Hernawati

The pitcher plant (Nephenthes) is a carnivorous straggling climber whose stems can reach up to 70 ft in length and whose trumpet shaped 'pitchers' can hold up to two litres of fluid. Nephenthes Project 2001...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Indonesia

Nepenthes project 2002
Nana Hernawati

Few studies of Nepenthes in West Sumatera are known, such as Rusjdi Tamin (1983) and Muhammadin (1994). It is only give some information about 12 species of Nepenthes. From these studies, we can not determine...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Indonesia

Newcastle University Project Mermaid: Venezuela expedition 1992
Lucy Ward

A biological survey of vertebrate species concentrating on the manatees in two river systems in a mangrove ecosystem: Cano La Brea, an undisturbed waterway where the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) is found and Cano...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Venezuela

Njule 92: an Oxford University expedition to Tanzania 1992
Neil Hanna

New transect techniques were used to determine the relative densities and the distribution of the Black-and-rufous Elephant shrew, Rhynchocyon petersi (Kiswahili name: Njule) in several natural forest habitats including the Pugu, Ruvu, Kazimzumbwi and Kiono...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Tanzania

Nosy Hara 2000
Jessica Metcalf

This collaborative expedition between The Universities of Antananarivo and Oxford will carry out research and provide equipment and training to facilitate further sea turtle conservation efforts in Madagascar. A baseline survey of the flora and...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Madagascar

Nottingham University Bolivia Project 1992
Adam White

A team of six British and five Bolivian students carried out surveys of the reserve's avifauna and established collaborative links between the two institutions involved. Problems were encountered due to unseasonal rainfall (the wettest winter...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Bolivia

Novel coral nursery designed to improve survivorship growth and increase biodiversity.
Juan Luis Sanchez Gonzalez

One of the most characteristic features of coral reef ecosystems is their high biological diversity. This exuberant biological diversity has been linked to the high structural complexity often observed in coral reefs ecosystems. They offer...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Puerto Rico

Numbers and distribution of rare birds of southeast area of Western Siberia
Evgenii Murzachanov

The purpose of the given project is to gain new information on numbers and distribution Oxyura leucocephala, Vanellus gregarious and other waterfowl in territory of lakes and steppes of a southeast part of Western Siberia. At...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Russia

Oakham school expedition to Madagascar 1992
Tim Gunn

Dry Forest is threatened by the demands of an increasing population for charcoal and land. This project is an attempt to build on the existing structure to create plantations of the dominant trees with swards...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Madagascar

Occupancy modelling to determine wildlife corridors at Makgadikgadi Pans, Botswana
Walona Burkie Sehularo

This project will carry out multi-species occupancy modelling for the western boundary of the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park (MPNP) in Botswana to assess the main transgression points that species use to leave and enter the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Botswana

Operation Moheli: linking conservation of marine flagship species with sustainable development, Comoros
Fouad Abdou Rabi

Moheli Marine Park harbours internationally-significant nesting sites for endangered sea turtles and one of the last havens for the vulnerable dugong. The Park is managed by 'ecogardes' elected by each village but there is currently...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Comoros

Options in Yala: wetland management for locals, sustainable development and biodiversity conservation
Francis Mungai Mwaura

Yala wetland in Kenya’s Lake Victoria Basin is the country’s largest papyrus swamp and contains numerous threatened fauna. It serves as a natural filter for agro-pollutants and effectively removes silt that would otherwise be deposited...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Kenya

Ornate paradisefish conservation in Sri Lanka
P.K. Tharushi Malshani

Malpulutta kretseri, the ornate paradisefish, is a very beautiful and endangered endemic freshwater fish species in Sri Lanka, which has highly specific habitat preferences. Unfortunately, its population has significantly declined due to anthropogenic impacts, including habitat...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Sri Lanka

Ornithological survey of the coast of Libya, 1993
Peter Meininger

The team worked in collaboration with the Marine Biology Research Centre at Tajura. The group rediscovered the Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna bengalensis) as a breeding bird in Libya. Two breeding sites were located, and other...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Libya

Ornithology survey of Mounts Namuli & Chiperone, Mozambique
Keith Barnes

The main aim of the project is to assess the current status of the forests and their birds on Mount Chiperone and the Namuli Massif, Northern Mozambique. These almost unknown sites are arguably the two...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Mozambique

Oxford Univerity Silhouette expedition
Justin Gerlach

The aim of this expedition was to characterise the Pisonia sechellarum forest on Silhouette Island, Seychelles. The island has important populations of rare animals, especially the Sechelles sheath-tailed bat (Coleura seychellensis silhouettae), endemic Amphibia and...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Seychelles

Oxford University Comoro Islands butterfly survey 1992
Owen Lewis

This butterfly conservation project assessed the status, ecology and distribution of 50 butterfly taxa of Grand Comore in the western Indian Ocean. Five full species - including the threatened swallowtail (Papilo aristophontes) - and eight...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Comoros

Oxford University conservation expedition to Mexico 1992
Keith Gardner

A study of the status and population ecology of some endangered Mexican cactus populations, including searching for new localities of the rarest species. Assessments of the major threats to the plants and of the general...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Mexico

Oxford University Eritrea ’96: an environmental assessment of the mangroves of Hergigo and Arafaile
Sarah Webb

Students from the University of Oxford in association with Eritrean scientists conducted a preliminary socio-environmental assessment of the mangrove communities in the Semhar region of the country. Three mangroves have thus far been surveyed: Hergigo,...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Eritrea

Oxford University expedition to Sabah 1991
Caroline Robson

The expedition re-surveyed four permanent coral reef sites, established in the national park during the 1987 Oxford Expedition, and established two new sites. Within each site, diversity, form and extent of all corals was recorded....

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Malaysia

Oxford University expedition to Sabah, Malaysia 1994
Victoria Chester

Continuing the work of two previous Oxford expeditions to Sabah, the team carried out underwater surveys of coral cover and diversity at six permanent reef sites in the Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park. Baseline data...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Malaysia

Oxford University Expedition To The Cook Islands 1991
Stephen Swabey

An examination of the dynamics of the freshwater body of the island was made using cave diving and other techniques. Special attention was paid to the relationship between tidal movements in both marine and inland...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Cook Islands

Palm species conservation in Itremo Protected Area, Madagascar
Mijoro Rakotoarinivo

Habitat loss and population decline are the main threats to the population of Dypsis decipiens and Dypsis ambositrae, respectively listed as Endangered and Critically Endangered. Both palms are native to the central highlands of Madagascar....

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Madagascar

Participative research on biodiversity (R.O.B.IN) in Uruguayan artisanal red shrimp fishery
Angel Segura

Shrimps trawling by-catch is a global threat to marine biodiversity. However, the use of selective gears allows an important fraction of fishes to escape, diminishing the negative impact of shrimp fishery on marine biodiversity. The...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Uruguay

Participatory conservation of the Critically Endangered brown-headed spider monkey, Ecuador
Nancy Nathalia Fuentes Salcedo

The brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps fusciceps) is one of the 25 most endangered primates globally. Habitat loss and fragmentation along with hunting have caused a severe reduction in population size of this species. Furthermore,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Ecuador

Participatory research towards the conservation of the Endangered-endemic river turtle Podocnemis lewyana in the Upper Magdalena River, Colombia
Mario Vargas-Ramirez

Podocnemis Lewyana, the Magdalena’s river turtle, is a fresh water threatened-endemic turtle species from the so-called Uraba-Magdalena eco-region in Colombia. It is considered endangered species (EN) in the IUCN red list. It has also been...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Colombia

Pato serrucho ’93
Philip Benstead

The Brazilian Merganser (Mergus octosetaceus) is one of the planet's rarest species of wildfowl, with an estimated population of fewer than 250 individuals. Three conservation biologists from the UK and three South American counterparts surveyed...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Argentina

Photographic mark-recapture of coastal dolphins in Madagascar to inform population conservation measures
Tahina Tsiresy Rasoloarijao

The overall goal of the internship is to use photographic identification data collected between 2007 and 2013 on two species of coastal dolphins (Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins) in the northwest of Madagascar...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Madagascar

Pirarucu management in Lower Jurua Extractive Reserve, Central-West Brazilian Amazon
Paula Soares Pinheiro

The largest Amazon fish, pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), has been largely overexploited. In the past decade, conservation strategies have shifted from government control to pirarucu management empowering local communities. However, the success of management efforts varies...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Brazil

Policy analyses and advocacy
Yeap Chin Aik

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Malaysia

Policy and markets internship: towards a greener and more sustainable economy
Farayi Madziwa

The intern is to support the overall Conservation South Africa (CSA) vision of supporting South Africa's movement towards a greener economy through conservation, restoration and sustainable use of healthy ecosystems. The intern will specifically support...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: South Africa

Polillo ’99: an Oxford-Los Banos university expedition
Katie Hampson

A collaboration between Oxford University and University of the Philippines at Los Banos. The expedition will study a 200 hectare remnant forest reserve and its surrounding area on the Island of Polillo; a sub-centre of...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Philippines

Polillo Island, Philippines
Daniel Bennett

Giant frugivorous monitor lizards are endemic to lowland dipterocarp the Philippine Islands. Their large size, inability to fly and dependence on a small number of relatively rare fruit resources mean that they are more sensitive...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Philippines

Population dynamics of Chlorocardium rodiei (Greenheart) in Guyana, South America
Sherica Nicole Isaacs

In Guyana, Chlorocardium rodiei (greenheart) is listed as a data deficient species. This tree species is of great economic importance to Guyana as the forestry sector is a major contributor to the country’s GDP. Due to the high...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2019
Country: Guyana

Population monitoring and awareness building for Ludlow’s Bhutan Glory in India
Sarika Baidya

Bhutanitis ludlowi (Ludlow's Bhutan Glory) is an endangered butterfly endemic to parts of Bhutan and North-East India. In India, this species is known to have only one pocket population at Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh....

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: India

Population of Ferruginous Duck in Azerbaijan: number, distribution, migration status and vulnerability
Elchin Sultanov

This project aims to contribute to the conservation of the globally threatened Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) in Azerbaijan. There is currently no information about this species in Azerbaijan, but the network of large lakes within...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Azerbaijan

Population risk and alternative fisheries management of thresher sharks in Indonesia
Rafid Arifuddin Shidqi

Thresher sharks have recently been added to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES, Appendix II). Despite international concern, international trade is increasing and thresher sharks are not specifically highlighted for protection in Indonesia. Thresher...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2018
Country: Indonesia

Population status & breeding ecology of ash-breasted tit-tyrant (Anairetes alpinus, Tyrannidae)
Isabel Gomez

We will estimate the population number of the Ash Breasted Tit Tyrant using direct observations in transects through the Polylepis forests. We will mark individuals of A. alpinus in order to determine their movements through...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Bolivia

Population status and behavioural ecology of the critically endangered brown spider monkeys in Colombia
Andres Link

Brown spider monkeys (Ateles hybridus) are one of the 25 most endangered primate species in the world. These primates are considered as “Critically Endangered” mainly due to habitat destruction and illegal hunting. These threats coupled...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Colombia

Population status and threat assessment of vultures species in Uttarakhand, India
Khima Nand Balodi

During the 1990s to 2000s vulture populations in the Indian sub-continent have severely decreased due to poisoning of their scavenged food with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) including Diclofenac, which is widely used for treatment of...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: India

Population status assessment and conservation measures of Butia Marmorii in Paraguay
Irene Gauto

Eastern Paraguay is located within the Cerrado ecoregion and is rich in local endemism. It was originally covered by dense subtropical forest interspersed with open areas of tropical savannas, yet 50% of this habitat has...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Paraguay

Population status, threats and conservation of the blue-winged goose in Ethiopia
Yihenew Aynalem

The blue-winged goose is an endemic waterfowl species, and the only member of the genus Cyanochen. It has a small declining population, roughly equating to 3,000-7,000 mature individuals, within a tiny distribution range in the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Ethiopia

Population Surveying and Raising Awareness of Three Newly Discovered Tree Frogs in Ha Giang province
Hoa Thi Ninh

Amphibian declines are frequently compared to the extinction of the dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous and have become an icon of the current global biodiversity crisis (Mendelson et al., 2016; Wake et al., 2008). Theloderma...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Vietnam

Population trends and conservation status of Marca’s marmoset in the Brazilian Amazon
Felipe Ennes Silva

The Marca´s marmoset (Mico marcai) was described in 1993 based on three skins collected by the Scientific Expedition Roosevelt-Rondon in 1914. In January 2012, after almost 100 years we confirmed the presence of the species...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Brazil

Population viability of northern muriqui at Caparaó National Park, Brazil
Mariane da Cruz Kaizer

Northern muriqui Brachyteles hypoxanthus is a Critically Endangered primate endemic to the Atlantic Forest. Less than 900 muriquis survive in small wild populations in 11 isolated remaining fragments. The Caparaó National Park is one of...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Brazil

Northern Muriqui © Mariane Kaizer
Potential threat assessment and conservation of Sclater’s monal at Mt. Gaoligong, China
Luo Xu

Sclater's Monal (Lophophorus sclateri) is endemic to the eastern Himalayas, and has been poorly known due to its remote and inaccessible habitats. Based on our long-term research work on this species, we realize that food...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: China

Practical management planning within the ADEPT agrienvironment and farmer extension
Monica Beldean

The intern will: 1. plan and supervise biodiversity field work in ADEPT project areas; 2. work embedded within the ADEPT agro-environment and farmer extension team to apply results of grassland flora and fauna studies to...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Romania

Preliminary population assessment and monitoring of Baer’s pochard in central Myanmar
Thiri Dae We Aung

The goals of the internship are for Thiri Dae We Aung to improve her skills using the core count method, in scientific report writing as well as learn to identify Baer’s pochard among migratory waterbird species....

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Myanmar

Baer's Pochard (female) ©Thiri Dae We Aung
Preparation of conservation profiles for Stemonoporus species in Sri Lanka
Sisira Ediriweera

The scope of the project is to prepare conservation profiles for species belongs to Stemonoporus (Dipterocarpaceae) in Sri Lanka. It is an endemic genus with large number of critically endangered and endangered tree species confined...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Sri Lanka

Preventing river pollution in the rural mountains of Southwest China
Yue Gong

The intern will assist the fresh water conservation program on rural waste water treatment, artificial wetland construction, design and installation of a bio-gas digester and rain water treatment system.View Project


Award Year: 2013
Country: China

Preventing the disappearance of three frog species from Oaxaca, Mexico.
Edna Leticia González Bernal

Amphibian populations are declining globally at higher rates than other vertebrate groups. Despite its amphibian richness, conservation efforts in Mexico have not been focused on amphibian diversity. We aim to study the population status of...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Mexico

Preventing the extinction of the Critically Endangered blue-throated macaw
Edgar Gustavo Sánchez Avila

The blue-throated macaw's adult population is assumed to range between 73 and 87 pairs. Though this estimation is not supported by objective population censuses, there is reason to believe the population is small. The entire...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Bolivia

Primate survey in Nonggang National Nature Reserve
Qihai Zhou

he Nonggang National Nature Reserve is a natural refuge for many rare and endemic plants and animals. Due to habitat degradation and human interference including unregulated cultivation, firewood collection and poaching, biodiversity in the area...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: China

Priority objectives under the ‘species’ and ‘sites’ components of BirdLife’s 2009-2012 European Programme
Tsovinar Hovhannisyan

The intern will work closely with the European Science and Data Manager to help meet several priority objectives under the ‘species’ and ‘sites’ components of BirdLife’s 2009-2012 European Programme. In particular, she will help to...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Armenia

Programme for the Conservation of Cuban Cacti
Luis Roberto Gonzalez Torres

This Programme will solve most of the problems for Cuban cactus conservation identified during the previous BPCP funded project - Conservation of Melocactus actinacanthus. The Programme for the Conservation of Cuban Cacti is aimed to...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Cuba

Programme Officer, Caucasus
Mikheil Potskhishvili

The overall goal is to undertake a key supporting role within the programme; working closely with the Regional Technical Coordinator (RTC), to deliver technical, administrative and language support to conservation projects and the Tbilisi office.View Project


Award Year: 2014
Country: Georgia

Mikheil Potskhishvili
Project Abiseo ’94
Charles Davies

The team assessed the conservation status and habitat requirements of birds and mammals of the remaining cloud and elfin forest on the Cordillera de Colan, a semi-isolated mountain range in north east Peru. The project...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Peru

Project Aguará ÑU
Rob Clay

Direct follow-up of Project Yacutinga. Working in the critically threatened grassland habitats of Paraguay, this project aims to ensure the long-term viability of Aguará Ñu, a cerrado site of exceptional global importance within the Reserva...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Paraguay

Project Atelopus: Conservation of Critically Endangered Amphibians, Colombia
Jose Oswaldo Cortes Herrera

Species Atelopus are Critically Endangered and endemic to Cundinamarca, Colombia. Although extremely poorly known, their current distributions are likely to be highly restricted and their remaining forest habitat is under intense anthropogenic pressure, in order...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Colombia

Project blue swallow
Steven Evans

The blue swallow is a globally threatened sub-Saharan African grassland endemic. Grasslands are one of the most intensively inhabited and altered ecosystems. Historical and current information on blue swallow distributions in Uganda form the foundation...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Uganda

Project Canopy, Paraguay ’92
Thomas Brooks

Forest in Paraguay is in serious danger from development. The expedition surveyed birds and mammals in remnant patches of humid subtropical rainforest in collaboration with local conservation groups. Six sites were surveyed, four in newly...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Paraguay

Project Chicamocha II: saving threatened dry forest biodiversity
Jorge Enrique Parra Bastos

The Critically Endangered Niceforo’s Wren and Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird are dependent on remnant forests in the Chicamocha canyon. Niceforo’s Wren is at risk of extinction as none of its habitat is protected and it survives in...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: Colombia

Project China 2000
Hongliang Du

In Guangxi, there are 15 main habitat patches, 4 of which survive a population of more than 100 each, and others survive < 50 each (Liu, 1995). There are 4 patches located in Chongzuo and...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: China

Project Eakihei: parrots in peril
Elliott P Toyne

After the success of Parrots in Peril 1990 and 1992 expeditions, a follow-up expedition consisting of four British and two Ecuadorian biologists continued studying the avifauna of Podocarpus National Park and the temperate forests of...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Ecuador

Project Emas 2000: survey on the vertebrate fauna
Flávio Rodrigues

ENP, covering 132.000 ha is the largest federal conservation unit in the Cerrado, but is virtually an island of preserved landscapes in a matrix of agro-ecosystems. ENP is covered mostly by open grasslands (68,8%), while...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Brazil

Project Garuda
Pupung Firman Nurwatha

Mts. Burangrang and Tangkuban Perahu sized 4,36 ha located north of Bandung are given priority in this project. At least seven pairs of Javan Hawk-eagle were recorded here and therefore the area is an important...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Indonesia

Project giant otter 2001: status of the giant otter in the Parque Noel Kempff Mercado
Paul Van Damme

Project GIANT OTTER 2001 is the direct result of a project which was developed in 2000 in the river Ichilo, which forms the boundary line between Parque Carrasco and Parque Amboro. In that project, aquatic...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Bolivia

Project Green: Ghana rainforest expedition ’89
Stuart Nash

Six separate but related fieldwork studies by Cambridge University undergraduates centred on a comparison of primary forest with secondary rainforest selectively logged 17 years ago. Entomological research included species abundance, diversity and behaviour studies. An...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Ghana

Project Hapalopsittaca: conservation of threatened parrots and their habitats in the Colombian Andes
Jorge Velasquez

Parrots are one of the most threatened bird families in the world, suffering from habitat loss, exploited for trade and heavily persecuted, yet one of the most publicly charismatic groups of living organisms. The serious...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Colombia

Project Ifotaka – Madagascar phase three
Barry Ferguson

Project Ifotaka, initiated in 1998 and runner up in the BP Conservation Programme in 1999, is based in the community of Ifotaka in the southern eco-region of Madagascar. This region has been widely identified as...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Madagascar

Project Ifotaka 1999
Barry Ferguson

This Anglo-Malagasy expedition aims to study an un-surveyed patch of endemic spiny forest in southern Madagascar. The team of eight students represent a collaboration between the University of Durham, Tsimbazaza Botanical and zoological park and...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Madagascar

Project Kasigau ’98
Jim Barnes

Mount Kasigau in Kenya is potentially a vital region for biodiversity conservation if, as suspected, it supports many of the nearby Taita Hills endemic bird species. It is currently known to support a population of...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Kenya

Project Knuckles 2005 phase II
Suraj Goonewardene

The Knuckles Mountain Range is home to 10 of the 15 Agamidae found in Sri Lanka. Five of the endemic species are thought to be under threat. The most well known of these is the...

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ReptileConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Sri Lanka

Project Ngezi 1998: densities of the endemic birds of Pemba in degraded habitats
Richard Mellamby

The East coast of Africa contains a large number of bird species that occur nowhere else in the world. Many of these endemic species are threatened by loss and alteration of habitat and are vulnerable...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Tanzania

Project Nusa Tenggara ’96: a University of East Anglia conservation expedition to Indonesia
Stephen Henson

The Indonesian/British team will survey three proposed protected areas on the islands of West Timor and Roti, Indonesia to determine their conservation significance. The team will compare the relative biodiversity values of environmental domains (vegetation...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Indonesia

Project Ortalis ’96
Robert Pople

The principle aim of this bird conservation project - which was run by Ecuadorian, Argentine and British biologists - was to identify the forest remnants adjacent to Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco that contained populations of...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Ecuador

Project Pawi: recovery of the Trinidad piping-guan
Aidan Keane

The Trinidad piping-guan, or pawi, is considered Critically Endangered due to its extremely small population, continuing habitat loss and illegal hunting. Our project addresses several priority actions proposed in Threatened Birds of the World 2004....

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Project Pelican ’99 – study of the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) on the Kuban coastal salt lake
Mikhail Dinkevich

A collaboration between Russian and German students, this project plans to survey the salt lakes of the Black and East Azov sea coasts for the rare Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus rispus). The team will consolidate and...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Russia

Project Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Sarigol National Park, Iran
Mohammad Farhadinia

Sarigol NP is one of the last well-conserved habitats for the very little known Persian leopard in Iran. The present survey targets the leopard as one of the most endangered felids in Iran beside a...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Iran

Project Podocarpus ’95: the Cambridge conservation project and research expedition in Southern Ecuador
Francis Jiggins

An Ecuadorian and British team assessed the levels of mercury pollution from gold mining in Podocarpus National Park and near the mining town of Nambija. Samples of mercury in riverine sediments, fish muscle, wild bird...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Ecuador

Project proposal development and reporting for FFI
Josephine Mutuku Nzilani

The internship is office based with frequent visits to FFI project areas. It will involve project management, financial management and office administration. The internship will offer a solid understanding of FFI work, while building on...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Kenya

Project Sabrewing
Floyd Hayes

This large team under the supervision of Dr Floyd Hayes studied the endangered White-tailed Hummingbird. The species is the only globally threatened species in Tobago where it is extremely vulnerable. The team gathered data on...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Project Seabirds Argentina: Conservation through Community Involvement
Leandro Luis Tamini

Through initial research on the incidental capture of sea birds, we identified two opportunities on which we could build a longer term project to conserve threatened sea birds in Argentina. Based on the high enthusiasm...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Argentina

Project Tutururu
Caroline Blanvillain

The critically endangered Tutururu, or Society Island Ground dove (Gallicolumba erythroptera) is known to exist only on a few small islets in the Tuamotu island group near Tahiti. The project will search areas of its...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: French Polynesia

Project Tutururu 2
Caroline Blanvillain

In 1999 the status of the critically endangered Tutururuí, or Polynesian ground-dove (Gallicolumba erythroptera), was assessed during two expeditions visiting eight islands in the Tuamotu Archipelago. Data were also collected on the Endangered Tuamotu sandpiper...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: French Polynesia

Project Utila ’96
James Guest

The island's spectacular coral reefs have experienced an exponential increase in diving activity in the past few years. Project Utila 96 surveyed six baselines permanently marked by Project Utila 95 to monitor changes in the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Honduras

Project Yabelo: status of the Ethiopia bush crow and white-tailed swallow
Sandy Philip Watt

The Ethiopian Bush-crow and the White-tailed Swallow both have remarkably restricted ranges in southern Ethiopia and are currently classified as vulnerable. Despite their restricted range and relatively small population size, there is almost a complete...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Ethiopia

Project Yacutinga ’95
James Lowen

The project was a follow-up to Project Canopy '92. Working with the governmental National Parks Directorate and non-governmental Fundacion Moises Bertoni (the BirdLife Partner), Project Yacutinga united 24 conservationists of seven nationalities from ten institutions....

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Paraguay

Project Zombitse 1996: a Malagasy-Cambridge conservation expedition
David Capper

Working in collaboration with Malagasy field scientists, the project aimed to facilitate the implementation of WWF's Integrated Conservation Development Plan for the proposed Parc National Zombitse-Vohibasia. The team provided a comparative biological and socio-economic analysis...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Madagascar

Promoting conservation measures for Ader’s duiker in Arabuko-Sokoke, Kenya
Caroline K. Lumosi

The goals of this project are a) survey Ader's duiker population; b) determine the conservation threats faced by this species; c) establish the perspectives of the peripheral communities towards Ader's duiker and d) initiate a...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Kenya

Promoting conservation of amphibians at El Pedregal in Mexico City
Jose M. Serrano Serrano

The Pedregal ecosystem in the south valley of Mexico is one of the richest areas in terms of biodiversity and endemism. The status and threats to this biodiversity is mainly related to urban sprawl therefore,...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Mexico

Chiropterotriton chiropterus © Jose Manuel Serrano
Promoting conservation of threatened birds in Western Colombia
Eliana Fierro-Calderon

The Colombian Inter-Andean Slopes and Chocó Endemic Bird Areas are two of the world´s richest areas in terms of biodiversity and endemism. The status and threats to this biodiversity is largely unknown making it difficult...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Colombia

Promoting fruit and nut forest conservation through climate change research and education
Aigul Zhusupbaeva

The internship will focus on, for example, gathering information and data on climate change and assessment of likely impacts of climate change on fruit and nut forests, gathering information on the current situation of products...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Kyrgyzstan

Promoting public support for northern muriqui conservation and yellow fever prevention
Mariane Kaizer

Caparaó National Park is a priority area for the critically endangered northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) conservation, and the habitat for other four threatened primate species. In our previous CLP-funded project, we found dozen of brown howler...

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MammalKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2018
Country: Brazil

Promoting sustainable fishing in Sumbawa, Indonesia
Ida Ansharyani

Around 85% of the coral reefs in Indonesia are in poor condition. Sumbawa Island, Indonesia lies within the coral triangle. Most of the coral reef here has been destroyed by destructive and unsustainable fishing practices....

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InvertebrateConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Indonesia

Promoting sustainable fishing to conserve the last river dolphins in Nepal
Gopal Khanal

Reducing accidental entanglements and mortalities in fishing nets is one of the key challenges for ensuring the survival of the Ganges river dolphin population in the Karnali River, Nepal. This population is the only potentially...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Nepal

Protecting brown spider monkeys and their habitats in a biodiversity hotspot in Colombia
Ana Gabriela de Luna Uribe

Brown spider monkeys are one the most endangered primates in the world mainly due to habitat destruction and hunting and aggravated by the absence of protected areas in the region. As we evidenced in our...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Colombia

Protecting endangered plant species of the mecrusse forest in Panda, Mozambique
Clayton Filipe de Brito Langa

Mozambique is home to several endangered plant species. However, there is little scientific information about them and some of them occur in very specific environments or with very restricted distribution in the territory. The legume...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Mozambique

Protecting priority nesting sites for Craveri’s murrelet in Mexico
Yuliana Rocío Bedolla Guzmán

Through our previous CLP project, we assessed the conservation status of the Craveri’s murrelet in the Gulf of California, Mexico, and developed a conservation action plan to address its main threats. We found that the...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Mexico

Protecting the Endangered flora of Papenkuils wetland in South Africa
Lyndre Nel

Papenkuils wetland is a biodiversity hotspot located along the Breede River. The area is designated by UNESCO and WWF as a priority site with a high conservation status and it is an irreplaceable ecological cornerstone...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: South Africa

Protecting the horseshoe bats of Romania
Bücs Szilárd Lehel

All five European horseshoe bat species are listed in the European Union’s Habitats Directive, and are threatened by multiple factors, which are related to human activity and lack of awareness. Méhely's horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus mehelyi)...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Romania

Protecting the threatened Thorntail Mountain Lizard and its habitat in Famatina mountains Argentina
Camila Alejandra Kass

The Thorntail Mountain Lizard (Phymaturus mallimaccii) is a threatened vulnerable endemic species from Famatina mountains (La Rioja, Argentina). The overall goal of this project is to ensure the habitat conservation of this species considering the...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Argentina

Protecting the waterbirds of Son Kol and Chatyr Kol Alpine lakes in Kyrgyzstan, with a focus on the mountain goose as a flagship species
Almaz Oskonbaev

Kyrgyzstan is a country dominated by fragile mountain ecosystems that support a wide range of fauna and flora, particularly birds. The lakes of Son Kol and Chatyr are two of the main stopover water bodies...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Kyrgyzstan

Providing support to the BirdLife Partnership’s work on climate change
Bhopal Pandeya

2009 is a critical year for climate change culminating in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties in December 2009. BirdLife believes that the Copenhagen conclusions must effectively address the significance...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Nepal

Providing technical and administrative support to FFI in the Caucasus
Giorgi Arabuli

The intern will provide both technical and administrative support to the nascent FFI Caucasus programme office. Particular focus will be on supporting a Wildlife Trade Specialist in researching and developing a programme of work to...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Georgia

Proyecto Hapalopsittaca: study of two Endangered parrots in oak forests, Colombia
Jorge Ivan Velasquez

Two enigmatic Colombian parrot species of the genus Hapalopsittaca are virtually unknown in life and restricted to the threatened montane ecosystems of the Northern Andes. Critically, the threats facing them are little known despite being...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Colombia

Proyecto Rio Nambi 1992: Colombia ’92, Cambridge rainforest project
Paul Salaman

As a result of findings from their 1991 project - which included the discovery of a new species of bird for science - 2,000 ha of pristine forest was purchased in the Rio Nambi watershed...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Colombia

Queens University of Belfast Madagascar expedition
James O'Neill

This project will undertake a bat research project in pristine and fragmented environments of the Masoala peninsula, Madagascar. Particular emphasis will be placed on the endemic genus Myzopodidae, which, uniquely in Madagascar, uses suction pads...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Madagascar

Rainforest reserves for Critically Endangered Comorian fruit bats
Brent Sewall

Motivated by the plight of a critically endangered fruit bat, Livingstone’s flying fox, and that of a range of other threatened species sharing its rapidly disappearing species-rich rainforest habitat in the Union of the Comoros,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Comoros

Range-wide action to safeguard the Critically Endangered Togo slippery frog
Caleb Ofori-Boateng

The Togo slippery frog is a high priority Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) amphibian endemic to few sites in Ghana and Togo. Rapid forest loss, human consumption, and the pet trade have pushed this...

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AmphibianConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Ghana

Re-Fyn – putting Cape heath vegetation (Fynbos) back
Irma C. Knevel

RE-FYN: Cape Heath Vegetation, known as Fynbos, is a unique South African vegetation type. The Grassy Fynbos studied in this project is strongly neglected by conservation organizations in South Africa. Of the 59 413 km2...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: South Africa

Reconciling the expansion of oil palm plantations and the conservation of Endangered grey parrots
Ifeanyi Maxwell Ezenwa

The expansion of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations is a major threat to biodiversity in the tropics and finding ways to reconcile the demands of a growing human population with biodiversity conservation is a central...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Nigeria

Reconnecting with nature: attitude change towards conservation of the cloud forest herpetofauna in a Chinantec community
Edna Leticia González-Bernal

La Esperanza, an indigenous community in Oaxaca, Mexico conserves through the ICCA´s modality 4421 Ha of montane cloud forest where 45% of the endemic amphibian species of the state are distributed. However, among La Esperanza...

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AmphibianKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Mexico

Recovering the Critically Endangered El Rincon stream frog in Patagonia, Argentina
Federico Pablo Kacoliris

With just a handful of isolated sub-populations remaining in the wild, the El Rincon stream frog (Pleurodema somuncurense) is the most critically endangered frog in Patagonia. The recent expansion of invasive rainbow trout has restricted...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Argentina

Recovery of the Nahan’s Francolin
Richard Fuller

This project focuses on one of the world's most threatened Galliformes, the Nahan's francolin (Francolinus nahani), a forest-specialist ground-dwelling partridge. This bird is found globally in less than ten forest fragments in Uganda and the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Uganda

Red siskin (Carduelis cucullata) research and conservation programme
Justin DeFreitas

The endangered Red Siskin has been extirpated throughout most of its historic range, primarily due to trapping for the caged bird trade. In 2000 a previously unknown population was discovered in southwestern Guyana. The South...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Guyana

Reducing human-giraffe conflict along the Kenya-Somalia border
Owino Otieno Raymond

The reticulated giraffe has experienced greater than 80% population declines and is currently listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). About 90% of reticulated giraffes inhabit Kenya, with each subpopulation...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: Kenya

Reducing human-snow leopard conflict in upper Spiti Valley, India
Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi

Negative attitudes of pastoralists toward the endangered snow leopard erode tolerance and threaten its survival in many places across central Asia. In our CLP project, we identified drivers of negative attitude toward snow leopards and...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: India

Snow leopard
Reducing poultry-carnivore conflict and promoting guigna conservation in Chile
Carolina Susana Ugarte Caraball

The guigna (Leopardus guigna), the smallest felid in the Americas, is listed as Vulnerable and its populations are declining, mainly due to habitat loss and fragmentation. This vegetation specialist lives mainly in native forests and...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Chile

Reducing threats to the endemic Cochabamba mountain finch, Bolivia
Noemi Esther Huanca Llanos

The Cochabamba mountain finch is endemic to Bolivia. It is considered Endangered by IUCN because of its small distribution and small, fragmented population. Most of the species’ native habitat has been destroyed, but recently it...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Bolivia

Reforestation with native species in the dry lands of Panama
Carla Chizmar

La Toza de Cocle, located in the dry arch of Panama, has suffered intense deforestation in the past decades and now faces serious environmental degradation. Natural populations of precious timber species in Panama are being...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Panama

Refugial Forests of the Western Lesser Caucasus
Levan Mumladze

The Western Lesser Caucasus has extraordinarily high proportion of relic species. Forests here survived the Pliocene and Ice Age. Many species descend from taxa that are extinct elsewhere, yet these forests are under extreme pressure....

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Georgia

Reintroducing the Sumatran rhinoceros in Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia
Wulan Pusparini

The Leuser ecosystem in northern Sumatra has been identified as an area with one of the largest Sumatran rhinoceros populations in the world. While the population in southern Sumatra is well studied, little is known...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Indonesia

Reproductive ecology and conservation of Alder Amazon (Amazona tucumana)
Luis Rivera

Basic biological information for many neotropical parrot species is lacking; this information is a prerequisite to identify threats, effectively monitor population trends, and evaluate the conservation and management actions required. Specifically, there is a lack...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Argentina

Research & conserv assessment for the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanc in post-conflict Sierra Leone
Aiah Lebbie

The civil conflict in Sierra Leone has resulted in the proliferation of weapons while creating a refugee crisis throughout the country. (Lebbie 1998, 2001; Garnet and Utas 2000). During the rebel insurgency, Tiwai remained inaccessible...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Sierra Leone

Research and Conservation Assessment of the threatened grey-hooded parrotbill at Wawu Shan in south-western Sichuan, China
Bi Zhonglin

The small, fragmented population of grey-hooded parrotbills of Wawu Shan in Southwestern China is declining due to forest loss through logging, conversion to agriculture and localized tourist development. The small number of localities for this...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: China

Research and conservation in Amazonian Brazil
Fabio Rohe

The intern will coordinate and support field expeditions for WCS Brazil, help in the elaboration of new funding proposals to expand  activities in the Amazon, participate in data entry, analyses and preparation of publications, and...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Brazil

Research and conservation of the velvet scoter in Georgia
Nika Paposhvili

The Tabatskuri Lake in Georgia holds the last geographically isolated breeding population of velvet scoter ducks (Melanitta fusca, listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List) in the Caucasus. Our previous CLP project on the...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Georgia

Velvet Scoter duck mural with team who are protecting it sitting in front of it.
Research and educational outreach for the Bangladesh cetacean diversity project
Emile Mahabub  

The intern will help the Bangladesh Cetacean Diversity Project’s (BCDP) research team with ongoing dolphin surveys and do calibration of the captains who are engaged with the dolphin survey to find out their accuracy and...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Bangladesh

Research assistant, inventory & monitoring unit  
Albert Walanga    

The internship’s overall goal is to improve the conservation research conducted by WCS’s Inventory & Monitoring Unit (IMU), while also improving the independent research conducted at Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière (CEFRECOF),...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

Researching bird and mammal populations on the Liben Plain, Ethiopia
Bruktawit Abdu

The Liben Plain forms the last remnant of the southern Ethiopian rangelands - once Africa’s most productive pastures. It is an IBA, part of the South Ethiopian Highlands EBA and home to several threatened species,...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Ethiopia

Researching Siberian tigers, and conservation and ecology of the Far Eastern leopard
Elena Igorevna Salmanova

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Russia

Resilience of coral reefs in the face of climate change
Aji Wahyu

This work will focus on analyzing WCS, NGO and government data on coral reefs including biological, physical, social and governance factors that most likely confer coral reef and social resilience in the face of environmental...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Indonesia

Restoring the wild population of Maire’s yew in Nepal
Kumar Paudel

Yew species are key in biomedical terms. Their leaves are used in the production of taxol, a chemical used in cancer treatment. It is threatened by unsustainable and illegal harvesting. Maire's yew (Taxus mairei) is...

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PlantConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Nepal

Rethinking participatory management: towards ecoregion-based conservation in Trinidad & Tobago
Ainka Granderson

As the most rapidly industrializing country in the Caribbean region, Trinidad and Tobago’s biodiversity is under ever increasing threat. Protected areas are seen as key in conserving the rich biodiversity, and a comprehensive protected area...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Review and analysis of ecosystem services provided by reptiles, amphibians, and birds in the neotropics.
Anyelet Valencia Aguilar

The overall goal of the internship is to generate a theoretical framework through a literature review of studies of ecosystem services provided by amphibians, reptiles, and birds in the Neotropics. This will be done in...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Colombia

Rio Máximo Fauna Refuge: an internationally important Cuban wetland
Ariam Jimenez

Rio Máximo Fauna Refuge is one of the most important wetlands in Cuba and indeed in the Caribbean. Our aim is to obtain information to propose this area as an IBA and support its proposal...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Cuba

Rio Mazan 1986
Adam Gretton

The Río Mazán Project was initiated by conservationists in the town of Cuenca who successfully campaigned to protect 500 hectares of high Andean habitat in the Río Mazán valley in the 1980s. Most of this...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1986
Country: Ecuador

River dolphin population assessment in Yarinacocha Lagoon, Peru
Elizabeth Campbell

River dolphins in Peru are under protected status and have been studied for several years in the Pacaya Samiria Reserve, Iquitos. However, little is known of their occurrence in non-reserve areas. Threats to these dolphins...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Peru

Roost and habitat protection for short-tailed roundleaf bats in Nigeria
Iroro Tanshi

Previously thought to occur only in Cameroon and Bioko (an island in Equatorial Guinea), the short-tailed roundleaf bat (Hipposideros curtus) was recently discovered in Nigeria by our team in 2016. As all previously known roosts...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Nigeria

Rugezi wetland conservation project, Rwanda
Marc Ndimukaga

Rugezi wetland is a refuge for wetland-dependent species and plays important roles in regulating water flow. The unsustainable use of wetland resources and that of its watershed coupled with climate change have affected the wetland...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Rwanda

Safeguarding suitable habitats for Niceforo’s wren and chestnut-bellied hummingbird in Colombia
Marcela Beltran

Niceforo’s wren and chestnut-bellied hummingbird are two endemic and Endangered birds inhabiting riparian forests located in the Chicamocha Canyon dry forest of Colombia. These species are threatened by habitat loss caused by overgrazing of cattle,...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Colombia

Safeguarding the Endangered White-bellied (Phataginus tricuspis) pangolin in Ghana
Agro Prince Pascal Kwadwo Mawuse

Pangolins are regarded as the most traded mammals globally and Africa’s four species are no exception. Pangolins are also considered among the least known mammals in the world in terms of their ecology. Of the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Ghana

Samoa protected areas intern
Danita Marietta Strickland

The overall goal of the internship is to build the professional capacity of a young national Samoan graduate in the field of protected areas, conservation and natural resource management by enhancing research skills and in...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Samoa

Saving Nigeria’s last elephants: Supporting the conservation of Yankari Game Reserve
Nachamada Geoffrey

The overall goal of the internship is to provide hands on training for a Nigerian to help conserve Nigeria’s remaining wildlife.  At the same time the internship is expected to provide much-needed additional support for...

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Award Year: 2013
Country: Nigeria

Saving pangolin and sea turtles from being eaten in Guangzhou restaurants, China
Wang Jing

Guangzhou city has a long history of bush meat consumption is the most important hub of illegal wildlife trade in China, driving species like pangolin and sea turtles into extinction. This project aims to reduce...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: China

Saving the blue-billed curassow: an emergency student conservation initiative
Jose Ochoa

The Blue-billed Curassow (Crax alberti - local name “Paujil”), endemic to Colombia and the Nechí Endemic Bird Area (EBA), is one of the most critically endangered birds in existence. Intensive deforestation, hunting and human settlements...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Colombia

Saving the blue-billed curassow: building a secure future – Colombia
Luis Eduardo Uruena

Deforestation and hunting drove the enigmatic Blue-billed Curassow (“Paujil”) to the edge of extinction. ProAves launched a conservation initiative in 2004 that identified possibly its last viable population in Serranía de las Quinchas, produced a...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Colombia

Saving the blue-billed curassow: implementing urgent conservation actions
Luis Eduardo Uruena

Cracids are ecologically important primary forest birds that are highly susceptible to human disturbance from both hunting and habitat destruction, making ideal bio-indicators for forest monitoring and management, as well as flagship species for the...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Colombia

Saving the Critically Endangered giant guitarfishes in Ghana
Seidu Issah

The proposed project aims to improve the conservation and management of the Critically Endangered African wedgefish (Rhynchobatus luebberti) and blackchin guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus) through research and community participatory approaches. The decline of these species is...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Ghana

Saving the Critically Endangered Intermediate puddle frog in Ghana
Francis Osei-Gyan

The intermediate puddle frog (Phrynobatrachus intermedius) is a high priority Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered amphibian endemic to a single locality, the Ankasa Conservation Area (ACA), a key biodiversity site in Ghana. Due to the...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Ghana

Saving the Critically Endangered intermediate puddle frog in Ghana
Francis Osei-Gyan

The intermediate puddle frog (Phrynobatrachus intermedius) is an evolutionarily distinct and Critically Endangered frog endemic to the Ankasa conservation area, a key biodiversity site in southwestern Ghana. It occurs in a single sub-population and because of...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Ghana

Puddle Frog Conservation Team members standing together.
Saving the Endangered giant West African squeaker frog in Ghana
Gilbert Baase Adum

The Endangered giant West African squeaker frog (Arthroleptis krokosua) is in immediate danger of extinction as only 12 individuals are known to exist, all within logging concessions in western Ghana’s Sui River Forest Reserve. Throughout...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Ghana

Saving the Endangered goliath frog in Cameroon
Fogwan Nguedia Cedrick

The goliath frog is an endemic species found along the fast flowing rivers in secondary forests and farmlands of southwest of Cameroon. It is listed as Endangered according to IUCN and under the Protected category...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Cameroon

Cedrick Fogwan holds goliath frog, the largest frog on the planet.
Saving the Hildegarde’s tomb bat from local persecution due to its association with the Covid-19 pandemic
Josephine Linet Ambaisi

The Hildergarde’s tomb bat (Taphozous hildegardeae) is a species of sac-winged bat found within rangelands in the Kenyan coastal area, feeding in tropical dry forests and roosting in caves categorized as UNESCO cultural and educational...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Kenya

Saving the last giant squeaker frogs in Ghana
Gilbert Adum

The Sui River Forest Reserve (SRFR) is the only known site for the Critically Endangered giant squeaker frog (Arthroleptis krokosua), which has now been lost from its type location, the Krokosua Hills Forest Reserve. SRFR...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Ghana

Saving the major non-breeding populations of blue swallows and their habitats in Uganda
Achilles Byaruhanga

The blue swallow (Hirundo atrocaerula) is a globally vulnerable species whose habitat is disappearing rapidly in both breeding and non-breeding areas. Uganda is one of the major sites for the non-breeding population of this species...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Uganda

Scaling-up mitigation of human-crane conflict in Driefontein Grasslands, Zimbabwe
Togarasei Fakarayi

The globally threatened wattled crane (Bugeranus carunculatus) and grey crowned crane (Balearica regulorum) have been reported to damage maize crops in Driefontein Grasslands resulting in conflict with subsistence farmers. Snaring and poisoning of cranes in...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Zimbabwe

Sea Turtle Conservation: A participatory approach in Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site, Ghana
Prosper Kwame Antwi

Muni-Pomadze is one of Ghana’s five designated Ramsar sites. Aside its rich and diverse biodiversity, it is one of few existing nesting sites for threatened sea turtles in Ghana. This project aims to stimulate and...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Ghana

Seabirds of SãO Tomé and Principe: the taxonomic status of the Oceanodroma Castro population and conservation of the whole community
Rita Covas

This project aims to investigate the little known seabird community of São Tomé and Principe, gathering data on the population numbers, breeding status, and major threats, as well as train local people in seabird field...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Sao Tome and Principe

Search for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker in eastern Cuba 1993
Martjan Lammertink

This project surveyed the last forests in Cuba from where this critically endangered species was last seen in March 1987. During the entire expedition not a single Ivory-billed woodpecker was observed. The project discovered a...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Cuba

Seas of Borneo expedition
Giles Mackey

This project is the cumulative result of over three years collaboration between the University of Aberdeen and the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). So far 28 reefs along the eastern and northern coast of Sabah have...

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FishConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Malaysia

Seascape and marine program support
Robert Kafoa

The overall goal of the internship is for the intern to learn practical skills on liaising and strengthening CI Fiji’s linkage with communities and partner organizations to support the development of a marine program in...

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Award Year: 2014
Country: Fiji

Securing coral reef ecosystem of Karimunjawa, Indonesia
Aji Wahyu Anggoro

Coral reefs in Karimunjawa Marine National Park (MPA) are highly threatened by destructive fisheries and tourism activities and temperature rise due to global environmental changes. This project aims to deliver awareness and education to fishermen,...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Indonesia

Securing the future of Asian elephants in Manas National Park, India
Jyoti Das

In northeast India, the status of Asian elephant is seriously threatened because of incidences of conflict between humans and elephants resulting from human induced factors. Local people require assistance to enhance their knowledge of conflict...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

Seed dispersal and regeneration of hornbill dispersed tree species in forests of the Indian Eastern Himalayas
Pia Sethi

Hunting and logging both for subsistence and commercial use is rampant throughout the tropics with potentially severe though largely undelineated consequences for plant-animal interactions and forest dynamics. Frugivorous animals have been shown to play an...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: India

Serra Do Urubu Important Bird Area: Promoting conservation through ecotourism & education, Brazil
Tatiana Pongiluppi Souza

The Serra do Urubu Important Bird Area is a complex of Atlantic Forest patches, located in the most threatened tropical forest of the world. It is one of the poorest regions in Brazil and the...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Brazil

Seychelles conservation expedition 1996
Allan Mee c/o Dr Cresswell

Detailed survey of the status and ecology of the Seychelles White-eye (Zosterops modestus) and Seychelles Fruit-bat (Pteropus s. seychellensis) to determine population size and distribution, identify habitat preferences, feeding preferences and assess actual/potential threats. Project...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Seychelles

Sharing the landscape with an Andean symbol: conserving the Andean condor in southern Peru
Sandra Cuadros

Vultures are species of ecological importance for healthy ecosystems. Despite this, many species in this guild are heavily threatened due to direct persecution, land-use change, habitat pollution, use of poisons, and in most cases, all...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Peru

Sharpes Longclaw and African People; Conservation through Co-existence in Kinangop Plateau Kenya
Martin Wachira Mwangi

This project will be implemented in Kinangop Plateau, a grassland Important Bird Area which joins two high biodiversity sites Aberdare Mountains and Lake Naivasha. The grasslands are stronghold habitat of endangered Sharpe’s Longclaw and home...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Kenya

Siamese Crocodile Species Conservation Officer/CLP Program Officer
Brian Martin

The intern will play a dual role. Firstly, by providing technical support to a species-based conservation project that aims to conserve Indonesia’s only known remaining population of the Critically Endangered Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) and,...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Indonesia

Sinharaja ’97 – a Cambridge ornithological expedition to the rainforest of Sri Lanka
Julia Jones

The Sinharaja forest is the largest undisturbed remnant of primary rainforest within Sri Lanka. This project aimed to carry out important baseline surveys of the birds (particularly the endemic and globally threatened species) in Delwella...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Sri Lanka

Small carnivore conservation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Phuong Tran Quang

Small carnivores struggle against habitat destruction, over-exploitation and insufficient conservation action. This project will focus on the rarest, most vulnerable of habitats, the inland wetland, the endangered small carnivore species that persist there and the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Vietnam

Small felid conservation in an endangered ecosystem in Bolivia
Paola Micaela Nogales Ascarrunz

Worldwide, the information on small felids compared to larger felids species is limited. In Bolivia, seven species of small felids are registered, and there is a possibility that the southern tiger cat Leopardus guttulus is...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Bolivia

Small mammal declines: predicting who & why
Andrew Van Eck

Habitat fragmentation is a major cause of species losses. When habitats are anthropogenically fragmented, hunting pressure increases because hunters can more easily access previously remote habitats. This correlation of fragmentation and hunting hinders our ability...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Lebanon

Socio-scientific research on sawfish populations in Indonesia
Sihar Aditia Benrid Silalahi

Sawfishes, also known as carpenter sharks, are the only elasmobranchs included in Appendix 1 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which prohibits any commercial trade in those species. The decline in...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Indonesia

Southeastern Cuba: a unique bird habitat
Arturo Kirkconnell

The main goals of the southeastern Cuba Project are to rediscover the Cuban kite (Chondrohierax wilsonii) and the Cuban parauque (Siphonorhis daiquiri); to estimate the population size and distribution of the Cuban sparrow (Torreonis inexpectata),...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Cuba

Spatial Ecology and conservation of hammerheads (Sphyrna zygaena) in Peru
Claudia Ampuero

Marine resources are of vital importance to Peru, yet are increasingly threatened through overfishing, pollution and the loss of keystone predators such as sharks. Hammerhead and other shark species, especially juveniles, are caught along the...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2019
Country: Peru

Spatial ecology of wild cats in the Calden Forest: implications for conservation and management
Juan Ignacio Zanon Martinez

Natural environments and native species densities in South America have been greatly reduced by of human activities such as agriculture, livestock farming, hunting and poaching.  Calden Forest, Argentina, is one of the most severely affected...

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Argentina

Spatio-temporal distribution of human-snow leopard conflict in Spiti Valley, India
Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi

Retaliatory killing due to the livestock hunting behaviour of the snow leopard is one of the major threats for the survival of this species throughout its distribution range. We propose to assess the spatio-temporal distribution,...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: India

Status and distribution of some rare and endemic bat species in the Nicobar Islands, India
Bandana Aul

Zoogeographical isolation on the Nicobar Islands of India has led to very high degree of endemicity that includes several species of bats (Das, 1999 a; Andrews & Sankaran, 2002). The mammalian fauna of the Nicobar...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: India

Status and ecology of the Sokoke pipit in Zaraninge Forest, Tanzania
Robert Modest Byamungu

Our study will focus on the endangered bird species, Sokoke pipit, which has a very small range, and its habitat is declining owing to clearance for cultivation, intensive charcoal production and logging. Our aim is...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Tanzania

Status and Population Trend of Amphibians in Relation to Microenvironment at Montane Forests, Southern Mexico
Georgina Santos Barrera

The major goal of this project is to evaluate the diversity (abundance and richness) of threatened amphibians in tropical montane cloud forests in Veracruz and Guerrero, Mexico in order to assess the population trend of...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: Mexico

Status of lion-tailed macaques in the Nilambur forests of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India
Asish Mangalasseri

Lion-tailed macaques are endemic to the Western Ghats with an estimated population size of 3,500 individuals. Globally assessed as Endangered, these primates face threats from forest fragmentation and illegal hunting. Systematic population studies are lacking...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: India

Status of two threatened species in two IBAs in Rwanda
Charles Kahindo

The study will assess the status of two globally threatened bird species; Grauer's Rush Warbler (Bradypterus graueri) and Papyrus Yellow Warbler (Chloropeta gracilirostris), in Rugezi swamp and Volcano National Park, northwest of Rwanda in the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Rwanda

Status survey for orange-necked partridge in Binh Phuoc, Vietnam
Hung Le Manh

The orange-necked partridge (Arborophila davidi) is a globally endangered bird and the species is endemic to the Southern Vietnam Lowlands. There are two confirmed sites for the species: Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam and...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Vietnam

Status surveys of focal species in the Magdalena Medio, Colombia
Andrés Quintero Angel

The Magdalena Medio, part of the Magdalena-Urabá moist forest ecoregion, is one of the most critically endangered regions in Colombia and is undergoing rapid conversion to oil palm plantations. Data collected since 2012 indicates the...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Colombia

Stopover ecology of spoon-billed sandpipers and Nordmann’s greenshanks, China
Jing Li

The spoon-billed sandpiper, Calidris pygmaea (Critically Endangered) and Nordmann’s greenshank, Tringa guttifer (Endangered) are two of the most threatened migratory shorebird species in the world. They congregate on the south Jiangsu coast in significant numbers...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: China

People and shorebirds © Luke Tang
Strategies for community-based coral reef conservation in Sumbawa Island, Indonesia
Ida Ansharyani

Despite the fact that Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, lies within the Coral Triangle, coral reefs here are poorly studied and conservation initiatives are nonexistent. Meanwhile, the reefs are threatened by unsustainable fishing and climate change. This...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Indonesia

Strengthening bio-monitoring for protected area management in Chimanimani National Park, Mozambique
Alfredo Feliciano Laquene Gotine

This internship will provide practical field and protected area management experience to a young Mozambican conservation scientist, whilst tackling one of the pressing needs in Chimanimani National Park, which was re-designated from National Reserve status...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Mozambique

Strengthening conservation capacity for the future BirdLife partner in Vietnam
Ha Van Nghia

The overall goal of this internship is to build technical conservation capacity for BirdLife as well as for conservation on the ground in Vietnam. In the one year internship, the intern will be trained through...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Vietnam

Strengthening of the reforestation fund under the ongoing Philippine Penablanca Sustainable Reforestation Project
Marissa U. Dacanay

The intern shall be trained to facilitate the strengthening of the Reforestation Fund under the on-going Philippine Penablanca Sustainable Reforestation Project (PPSRP). A Conservation Agreement utilizing Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) shall be set up...

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Award Year: 2010
Country: Philippines

Strengthening vulture safe zones in Nawalparasi, Nepal
Anand Chaudhary

Nepal is leading in-situ conservation of vultures in South Asia through innovative approaches such as community-managed vulture restaurants and declaration of Vulture Safe Zones (VSZ). The VSZ approach primarily targets veterinary drug 'diclofenac'. This project...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Nepal

Study and conservation of the monkseal in Mauritania
Manuel San Felix

The biology of the monk seal, the world's most endangered seal species, is poorly known. This project carried out research on monk seal biology (reproduction, census, habitat) and on causes of seal mortality. Project results:...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Mauritania

Study of predation and anthropogenic threats to loggerhead and Nile softshelled turtles in Turkey
Meryem Tekin

Dalyan Turkey is one of the very few places where the Nile and loggerhead turtles can both be found nesting. Studies have been conducted on loggerheads all over the world with little on Nile turtles....

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Turkey

Study of the impact of plant exploitation on the habitat, population & behaviour of mountain gorilla
Chifundera Kusamba

Medium-altitude forests house the mountain Gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) an endangered species that merits serious protection (OATES, 1996, BUTYNSKI, 1997). The mountain Gorilla population does not exceed 650 individuals who are scattered throughout the Democratic...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

Study of the influence of fencing on Przewalski’s gazelle in Qinghai Province, China
Lu Zhang

The endangered Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii) has experienced severe population decline and habitat loss during the past century. Today it survives in only one area of Qinghai. Among those factors which are believed to affect...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: China

Subsistence hunting effects on Amazon wildlife within indigenous territories in Acre
Pedro Constantino

Indigenous lands are currently considered essential to natural resources conservation in Brazilian Amazon, and local involvement in decision-making processes to manage resources is seen as the most feasible way to achieve conservation in these areas....

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Award Year: 2008
Country: Brazil

Sumba forest conservation project
Martin Jones

Following Manchester Metropolitan University's successful conservation research projects in 1989 and 1992 - which assessed population sizes, status and habitat associations of the restricted-range bird species of the Indonesian island of Sumba - the 1993...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Indonesia

Supata’s Golden Frog Project: Conservation of new amphibians in Colombia
Giovanni A. Chaves Portilla

Supatá's forests are been degraded at an alarming rate. In order to assure the conservation of these forest it is necessary to promote the sustainable use of forest resources and the protection of amphibian habitats....

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: Colombia

Support marine plastics monitoring and research in MPAs and coastal areas in Cambodia
Phon Sophea

The Marine Plastic Project, as part of the Coastal & Marine Conservation Programme at Fauna & Flora – Cambodia, is implementing marine litter monitoring and research in coastal areas and key islands of Cambodia, with...

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Award Year: 2023
Country: Cambodia

Support to BirdLife’s flyway conservation work in the Americas
Arne Jent Lesterhuis

The overall aim of the internship is to train an intern to provide a range of technical support to BirdLife’s flyway conservation work in the Americas, focusing especially on the development of Important Bird Area...

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Award Year: 2009
Country: Paraguay

Support to cultural values and conservation – an approach towards conservation of natural resources in Uganda
Henry Kizito Seguya

The role of cultural and spiritual values in achieving conservation goals is gaining popularity among researchers and practitioners. Research findings prove that cultural values contribute to conservation goals, but, little has been done in the...

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Award Year: 2012
Country: Uganda

Support with monitoring and coordinating BirdLife International Africa’s fundraising
Tania Nderitu Syokau

Institutional donors represent a key source of income for BirdLife International (BLI): trusts, foundations and multilateral institutions represented 47.5% of BLI’s income in 2011-2014. Tania will support the senior BirdLife Europe fundraising consultant to coordinate and...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Kenya

Tania Syokau - CLP Intern
Supporting conservation of West Caucasian tur (Capra caucasica) in Georgia
Natalie Avaliani

The West Caucasian tur is one of the most endangered and highly endemic species in the Caucasus. The lack of recent data about the population status of this species rendered it impossible to carry out...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Georgia

Supporting gazelle conservation through the Rare Pride Campaign in Mongolia’s Eastern Steppe
Bilegt Turkhuu

The WCS Eastern Steppe internship will provide the intern with broad exposure to the challenges and opportunities associated with conserving the world’s largest intact temperate grassland, Mongolia’s Eastern Steppe.  The intern will experience first hand...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Mongolia

Supporting production of information and knowledge to improve conservation action in Mesoamerica´s last wild places
Ana Gladys Calderón Mérida

This internship will contribute to the development of the 'Human Footprint' in Mesoamerica, an analysis that has the objective of understanding conservation trends in the biggest and wildest areas in Southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras,...

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Award Year: 2015
Country: Guatemala

Ana Gladys Calderon - CLP intern
Supporting the BirdLife Americas Secretariat in IBA research and prioritization, Ecuador
Francisco José Prieto Albuja

The publication of the launch of the Americas Important Bird Area (IBA) directory in May 2010, which documented 2345 IBAs throughout the Americas, marked an important milestone in the Americas IBA programme, and paved the...

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Award Year: 2011
Country: Ecuador

Supporting the implementation of Marine resource management project in Nui Chua National Park
Hue Thi Huynh

The internship was designed to help introduce Fauna & Flora’s work and mission in the local communities, assist capacity building for stakeholders and research on the local communities’ social background, and support the preparation for...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: Vietnam

Supporting the update of Important Bird Area information in West Africa
Amady Ndiaye

Since 2001, when the information on Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Africa was published in the book “Important Bird Areas in Africa and Associated Islands”, there have been no official updates on IBAs in West Africa...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Mauritania

Amady Ndiaye, CLP intern 2017
Supporting tree and primate conservation in Vietnam
Dinh Thi Kim Van

Vietnam is home to several endemic and/or Critically Endangered tree species, as well as some of the most important and threatened primate species in the world. The primary goal of this internship is to support...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Vietnam

Dinh Thi Kim Van, CLP intern
Survey and assessment of three red listed trees, Western Ghats, Karnataka
S. Gokul

Assessing the population and distribution status is an essential prerequisite for prioritising species for conservation. However, this information is poorly documented for the endemic trees of the Western Ghats. Our study will focus primarily on...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: India

Survey for Tonkin snub-nosed monkey in Bac Can, Ha Giang and Tuyen Quang province
Nguyen Manh Ha

Vietnam has been identified as one of Asia's most biologically valuable countries. The wide range of habitats has given rise to the country's rich and diverse wildlife species, most of that are endemic. The Tonkin...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Vietnam

Survey of corridors, issues and movements of elephants in western Ghana and eastern Cote D’Ivoire
Daryl Bosu

The forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) lives in the equatorial forests of the Central African Basin and West Africa. Elephant populations worldwide have suffered drastic decline, which has largely been attributed to poaching for the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Ghana/Cote D'Ivoire

Survey of endangered fish species of the Moraca River system
Radek Sanda

The Balkan Peninsula, especially the Adriatic and Ionian Sea drainages, is one of the greatest European centres of endemism. During the last decade, due to civil wars, sanctions, as well as NATO bombing, economy of...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Montenegro

Survey of Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee in the Oban Hills, Nigeria
Jennifer Arubemi Agaldo

The Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, recognised as a distinct species within the last decade, is the most endangered of four currently recognized chimpanzee subspecies, which combined have a remaining population of between 6,000-10,000 individuals. The Nigerian-Cameroon chimpanzee...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Nigeria

Survey of the Eastern Carpathians and Dobrogea underground bat habitats
Zoltan Nagy

This project aims to conduct detailed surveys on cave dwelling bat species in the Eastern Carpathians and Dobrogea regions of Romania, along with bat conservation training workshops for volunteers. According to IUCN criteria, seven bat...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Romania

Survey of the four-horned antelope in South India
Suresh Jones

The four-horned antelope is primarily distributed in India and little is known about its ecology or feeding/breeding behaviour. This unique antelope is threatened by poaching, grazing, and habitat loss. In the proposed study area, they...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: India

Survey of the southern and western Carpathians underground bat habitats
Zoltán Nagy

In Romania, as in all of Europe, the cave dwelling bat colonies has suffered a drastic decline in the latest decades. This was confirmed also through the monitoring fieldwork of the Central European Miniopterus Protection...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Romania

Survey of threatened and restricted range species of Borana Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Anteneh Shimelis

The six globally threatened species studied, restricted to tiny habitats confined within the six IBAs, are severely affected by habitat loss as result of deforestation, overgrazing, and natural and man-made fire. If such a destructive...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Ethiopia

Survey of three potential Important Bird Areas in collaboration with students in Uzbekistan
Anna Ten

The inventory of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Uzbekistan has been implemented between 2006 and 2008. As a result 48 IBAs with a total territory of more than 2 million hectares have been identified. Nevertheless,...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Uzbekistan

Survey, Conservation and Monitoring of Critically Endangered Gyps Vultures in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, India
Kulojyoti Lahkar

Two resident species of vultures have been declined steeply in recent years in South Asia including Assam and Arunachal Pradesh as a result of a veterinary medicine (Diclofenac) used to treat domestic cattle. However, there...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2007
Country: India

Surveys of microchiropteran bats in Madagascar 2000 (previously the Queen’s University of Belfast Madagascar expedition 1998)
Daniel Bennett

This project will undertake a bat research project in pristine and fragmented environments of the Masoala peninsula, Madagascar. Particular emphasis will be placed on the endemic genus Myzopodidae, which, uniquely in Madagascar, uses suction pads...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Madagascar

Sustainability of conservation agreements in IBAs from north Western Ghats, India
Jayant Sarnaik

Continued degradation of habitat in an around protected areas is a fundamental cause behind biodiversity loss in the north Western Ghats (NWG) of India. Absence of forest based sustainable livelihood options, lack of skills and...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: India

Sustainable bat conservation in Caucasus Mountain regions
Zoltan Nagy

Caucasus is one of the most biologically rich regions on the Earth; the extremely various landscape providing many types of habitats for bats. The overall goal of the project is to maintain the actual population...

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MammalConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Armenia, Georgia

Sustainable water management for conserving Siberian cranes at Momoge, China
Liu Chunyue

The Siberian crane is an aquatic crane which mainly inhabits wide, shallow wetlands. It is ranked as Critically Endangered by IUCN. Momoge wetland is the largest stopover site for this species in the world. With...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: China

Svjatoj Peninsula expedition
Petr Styblo

This expedition was the first international biological expedition to Siberia with special respect to wetlands. 145 species of birds were observed during the course of the expedition, of which 40 were new to the region....

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Russia

Tackling invasive alien species in the Western Ghats Hotspot, India
Krishnakumar K

The Periyar Lake-stream system in the Western Ghats Hotspot is an Alliance for Zero Extinction site harbouring the remaining population of six globally threatened endemic fish species, Crossocheilus periyarensis, Garra periyarensis, Hypselobarbus periyarensis, Lepidopygopsistypus, Nemacheilusmenoni...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: India

Taking action to conserve understudied key seagrass species in Osa, Costa Rica
Marylaura Sandoval Siles

Seagrasses provide essential ecosystem services and play a key role in protecting other endangered species. However, they are experiencing an alarming decline, and conservation and scientific efforts are nearly nonexistent, especially in middle- to low-income...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Costa Rica

Tanzanian Mpingo ’96
Steve Ball

The project aims to provide much needed basic data on the distribution, ecology and exploitation of the rosewood Mpingo (Dalbergia melanoxylon) in the study area, as well as setting up a joint Cambridge/Tanzania long term...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Tanzania

Taxonomic and conservation status assessment of salamanders in Santander, Colombia
Fabio Leonardo Meza Joya

Salamanders have experienced a dramatic decline in their natural populations, making them a symbol of the global biodiversity crisis. The taxonomic status of Colombian salamanders is unknown or ambiguous due to cryptic speciation and the...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Colombia

Terskij coast: conservation of virgin sub-arctic landscapes on the northwest of Russia
Stepan Kovalsky

Project "Terskij bereg - Terskij coast: conservation of virgin sub-arctic landscapes on the Northwest of Russia" will open a new page in sub-arctic conservation researches on the North-West of European Russia. Our preliminary data received...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Russia

Testing conservation and habitat restoration methods to preserve Rapa’s endemic avifauna
Adara Tehani Savita Withers

The island of Rapa is a place of extraordinary biodiversity that includes the Critically Endangered Koko, the only fruit-dove of the Austral Archipelago (French Polynesia). Its off-shore uninhabited islets are also an essential reproductive site...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2021
Country: French Polynesia

Testing efficacy of inexpensive, simple deterrents and repellents to reduce livestock-carnivore conflict
María José Bolgeri

The goal of this internship is to obtain new tools to reduce killing of native Patagonian carnivores, by testing simple and inexpensive methods for deterring predators from attacking livestock.View Project


Award Year: 2014
Country: Argentina

Testing snow leopard human-wildlife conflict prevention measures in Tajikistan
Qobiljon Shokirov

Human wildlife conflict (HWC) poses a significant threat to snow leopards and human livelihoods in the Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan. In particular, mass livestock killings by snow leopards inside corrals occur regularly, and can represent a...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Tajikistan

The Bazaruto expedition – Mozambique 1997
Chico Birrell

This team from the University of Edinburgh and the Universidade de Eduardo Mondlane aims to study the coral reefs of the Greater Bazaruto Marine National Park, Mozambique. The project will ascertain indigenous use of and...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Mozambique

The Bhimashankar strategy: toward a region-wide community conservation programme in the Western Ghats, India
Sameer Punde

To develop a small enterprise that will train local youth groups and provide them with opportunities to earn a living through ecotourism activities. Project update: “The BWS is one of the most popular tourist destinations...

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MultipleKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

The Bhimashankar Strategy: Toward region-wide community conservation in the Western Ghats, India
Sameer Punde

Conservation often requires resource-users to give up destructive or excessive use of biodiversity. This is a challenging task in biodiversity rich areas inhabited by poverty-ridden communities heavily dependent on the area’s resources for survival and...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2009
Country: India

The Biota of Boa Nova region: a baseline for a conservation plan
Eduardo Mariano

The Boa Nova of Brazil consists of two highly threatened vegetation types—deciduous dry forest and humid patches of Atlantic Forest. The region is well known by bird specialists as a critical spot for numerous globally...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Brazil

The Cambridgetanzania rainforest survey 1990 – A wildlife survey of the East Usambara and Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania
Tom Evans

To report on the conservation status of two evergreen forests in the Ukaguru Mountains and in the Mtai Forest of the East Usambaras of Tanzania. Forest birds studied using mist-netting and several threatened or endemic...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1990
Country: Tanzania

The conservation of key forests and their threatened birds on Sumba, Indonesia
Tom Evans

In common with many Islands, Sumba and Buru both show high levels of endemisim: there are eight endemic birds species on Sumba and ten on Buru. Knowledge of the birds and the threats to them...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Indonesia

The Cuban plant conservation initiative
Luis Roberto Gonzalez Torres

Cuba supports the greatest plant diversity of the Caribbean Biodiversity Hotspots. The Cuban Plant Conservation Initiative aims at the conservation and sustainable management of Cuban plants. To achieve this goal we will develop a national...

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PlantConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2012
Country: Cuba

The Cuyacocha rainforest initiative in Ecuador’s Upper Amazonia
Sarah Dixon

The Cuyacocha community contacted Equafor, a UK charity, via an adventurous tourist from the States. Equafor part-funded preliminary reports on the Reserve. The Cuyacocha community have demonstrated their commitment to and understanding of what they...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Ecuador

The effect of fragmentation and climate change on amphibian assemblage in the South Western Ghats, India

Forest fragmentation, and the resulting micro-climate change, is one of the largest threats to biodiversity and effects local fauna which is sensitive to changes. Canopy dwelling organisms would be the most affected as canopies are...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: India

The empty forest reexamined: Establishing the basis for a long-term, ontogenetically-integrated, basin-wide study of the effects of hunting-induced mammalian extinctions on forest regeneration in lowland western Amazonia
Varun Swamy

In the past few decades, many formerly remote and pristine areas of lowland Amazonian rainforest have become frontier regions for the settlement of rapidly expanding rural human populations. Studies have shown that rapid depletion followed...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: India

The frogs of Papua New Guinea
Jamie Macfarlane

Amphibian populations are declining worldwide. Papua New Guinea is a world hotspot for biodiversity and contains very speciose communities of amphibians. PNG has 197 species of frog, which are very poorly studied, and are under...

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AmphibianFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Papua New Guinea

The globally threatened white-naped crane (Grus vipio) in Mongolia
Ute Bradter

Information for the development of a land use programme to coordinate economic and environmental goals will be provided (Priority Conservation Measure in key breeding sites as the Uldz River Basin (Meine & Archinald 1996)) as...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Mongolia

The Green Corridor: linking landscapes, people and institutions in Atlantic Forest of Argentina
Diego Varela

The project also aims to increase the knowledge and valuation of the marsh deer and of the whole wetland ecosystem. Educational talks in schools, production of materials for local communities, a documentary video and discussions...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Argentina

The human factor in mouse lemur (Microcebus griseorufus) conservation: local resource utilization and habitat disturbance at Beza Mahafaly special reserve, SW Madagascar
Emilienne Rasoazanabary

This project focuses on the interactions between local people and lemurs at Beza Mahafaly (SW Madagascar).  The target species is the smallest of endemic primate species at this reserve, Microcebus griseorufus, the gray-brown mouse lemur....

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Madagascar

The Javan slow loris project, Gunung Gede Pangrango national park—Indonesia
Jarot Arisona

The Javan slow loris is the only nocturnal prosimian living in Java and listed as data deficient (IUCN Global red-list 2003). Great deforestation in Java has threatened many primate species. Since there’s inadequate information about...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Indonesia

The last East African sirenians: conservation of dugongs in Bazaruto Archipelago
Almeida Guissamulo

Dugongs are Critically Endangered throughout most of the western Indian Ocean. In East Africa, the last viable population inhabits Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique, but its survival is threatened by human-caused mortality and habitat degradation. This project...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Mozambique

The Manchester Indonesian island expedition, 1989
Martin Jones

To provide baseline data on the status, distribution and habitat preferences of endemic birds on the islands of Buru and Sumba, and to test theories which attempt to explain why certain species are more susceptible...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Indonesia

The Mpingo conservation project
Steve Ball

Working with local foresters, and using as a flagship East African Blackwood – one of the world’s most valuable timbers – we seek to develop sustainable forestry under the management of local communities, and thereby...

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PlantConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Tanzania

The Pinstripe Damba: Endemic fish conservation in Madagascar
Mamilaza Eunicia

The pinstripe damba, a Critically Endangered species of fish thought to be extinct, was rediscovered at Lake Tseny in Madagascar in 2010 by a team from Madagasikara Voakajy, Denver Zoo and the University of Antananarivo....

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: Madagascar

The purple frog for ‘President’! Improving the profile of amphibians among local communities of the Western Ghats, India
Arun Kanagavel

Our social surveys including the current CLP project revealed that frogs were less appreciated by local communities since they feared them or found them disgusting. They were also not keen in protecting frogs. Numerous Endangered...

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AmphibianKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: India

The role of coffee production in local economy and biodiversity conservation in Southern Mexico
Cesar Tejeda-Cruz

El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, located in Chiapas, Mexico, is considered one of the best preserved natural areas in Mexico. High biodiversity levels, great number of endemic species and forest quality, make of El Triunfo a...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Mexico

The role of Tibetan sacred sites in snow leopard conservation
Zi-Yun Zhu

Zaduo County, located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is the headwater area of the Mekong River and the Yellow River. It has the largest continuous snow leopard habitat in China. Only few parts...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: China

Snow leopard © Isabelle Masters
The Samoan ‘dodo’: Saving the manumea
Moeumu Uili & Rebecca Stirnemann

Manumea, also known as the tooth-billed pigeon or Samoan dodo (Didunculus strigirostris) is known to exist only in Samoa yet it is currently listed as Endangered. A recovery plan for the species was produced after...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Samoa

The snaring disaster and optimistic solutions for in situ wildlife conservation in Vietnam and Laos
Minh Thi Anh Nguyen

The Critically Endangered large-antlered muntjac (Muntiacus vuquangensis) is one of several threatened endemic species in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos. These species are under high pressure from intensive illegal commercial snaring and wildlife...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Laos

The soul of the Andes: promoting the long term conservation of the Andean mountain cat
Mauro Lucherini

The Andean cat is one of the worlds most endangered and least known felids. It exclusively lives in the remote high-altitude deserts (Puna) of the Andes. The present follow-up project designed a long-term conservation strategy...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Argentina

The Sozoranga forest project
Chris Jiggins

This project aims to secure the long term future of forests in a remote area of south-west Ecuador which has high conservation significance owing to it's threatened and endemic birds, mammals and plantlife. The biological...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Ecuador

The status, distribution, ecology and conservation of Javan hawk-eagle (Spizaetus Bartelsi, Stresemann, 1924) in south part of West Java, Indonesia
Wahyu Raharjaningtrah

The spectacular Javan Hawk-eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi), locally known as Elang Jawa was declared Indonesia's national bird and symbol of all the country's rare species in 1993. The Javan Hawk-eagle is only found on the island...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Indonesia

The threatened birds of Cuba project 1995
Andy Mitchell

The fieldwork scheduled for March 1995 to February 1996 had to be limited due to problems with visas and counterparts in Cuba. However, the team managed to study the status and distribution of nine threatened...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Cuba

The Tulbagh renosterveld Project
Ismail Ebrahim

The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is recognised as a global biodiversity hotspot and has recently received World Heritage status. Renosterveld, which occurs in lowland areas, is the most threatened vegetation type in the CFR. Only...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: South Africa

ThongBat 2001: up-to-date status of bats in Bachma NP: disbn, habs, influent factors & cons strategies
Vu Dinh Thong

The project proposal will be carried out at the Bachma National Park, where bat compositions are most diverse in Vietnam, with a variety of endemic and rare species. However, several species were extinct and many...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Vietnam

Threatened avifauna of Negros Island, Philippines
Lisa Marie Paguntalan

This project will focus on the threatened endemic avifauna on lowland and montane forests of south Negros as recommended by previous studies (Brooks, et al., 1992; Evans, et al, 1993; Curio et al., 1998). The...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Philippines

Threatened avifauna of the Chicamocha’s dry forest valley, Colombia
Jorge Enrique Parra Bastos

Niceforo’s wren and chestnut-bellied hummingbird are both critically endangered species, endemic to the dry valleys of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. Although very poorly known, their current distributions are likely to be highly restricted and...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Colombia

Threatened birds of Bolivia project
Ross McLeod

The project’s goal is to help in the conservation of all 29 of Bolivia’s globally threatened bird species and the habitats they live in. The project team will use a series of species specific conservation...

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BirdConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Bolivia

Threatened birds of the Bolivian Yungas – especies amenazadas de Los Yungas Bolivianos
Ross MacLeod

The aim of the Bolivian Yungas Project is to enhance the protected status of the Carrasco National Park, which is one of the most important areas for threatened bird species in Bolivia. The first expedition...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1998
Country: Bolivia

Threats to nesting leatherback turtles in Pongara National Park, Gabon
Guy-Philippe Sounguet

Pongara National Park, located just 15 minutes by boat from Libreville, Gabon's capital, is a key leatherback turtle nesting area. Around 3,500 nests are laid each year between the months of October and March along...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Gabon

Threats, ecology, and conservation opportunities of giant guitarfish in Karimunjawa, Indonesia
Faqih Akbar Alghozali

Critically Endangered giant guitarfish (CITES Appendix II) are heavily exploited as bycatch in the Northern Java Sea. Karimunjawa National Park (KJNP) is located near the main fishing grounds for Northern Java commercial fisheries, where giant...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Indonesia

Toisan project
Orfa Rodriguez

Based on the slopes of the Cordillera del Toisán within the buffer zone of the Cotacachi-Cayapas reserve, this project involves Ecuadorian students and local residents. The study will span both seasons, comparatively assessing floristic composition,...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1999
Country: Ecuador

Tortoise and freshwater turtle conservation in the Cardamom Mountains
Sitha Som

This project aims to develop ongoing tortoise and freshwater turtle research and conservation activities in and around the Central Cardamoms Protected Forest (CCPF), Cambodia, to help reduce threats to its wild populations. The number of...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2004
Country: Cambodia

Towards the conservation of Lago Fontana birds in Patagonia, Argentina
Lorena Mart

This project will introduce the first year round bird survey of the basin. It will asses the diversity, distribution, use of habitat and abundance of bird communities. These activities will be carried out not only...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Argentina

Towards the conservation of the threatened Tandilia Lizard of the Pampas highland grassland
David Gustavo Vera

The Tandilean Lizard, Liolaemus tandiliensis is a threatened (IUCN Vulnerable) and endemic species from the Tandilia Mountains in the Argentinean Pampas. This lizard lives exclusively in the highland grassland associated with rocky outcrops. Most of...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Argentina

Tracing the cultural beliefs and ecological impact of using black corals “Akar Bahar” in Indonesia
Nenik Kholilah

The term "Akar Bahar" is used in Indonesia to refer to black corals (Antipatharia), which hold cultural and economic significance, particularly in the Karimunjawa islands. These corals are used as cultural talismans and souvenirs. This...

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Indonesia

Tracking sociable lapwing in Eritrea: Conservation beyond the breeding grounds
Russom Teklay Tewelde

Sociable lapwing is designated as Critically Endangered (IUCN 2008) with populations still declining for reasons not entirely clear. The breeding population remains confined to Kazakhstan. Most birds apparently migrate south-west to winter in East Africa...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Eritrea

Training the next generation of biologists to help save elephants and lions in Nigeria
Dennis Andrew

The goal of the internship with WCS in Yankari Game Reserve is to provide field training and conservation experience to a young Nigerian biologist so that he may acquire the necessary skills and attitude to...

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Award Year: 2021
Country: Nigeria

Training the next generation of biologists to help save the Cross River gorilla in Nigeria
Charles Emogor

The goal of the internship with WCS is to provide hands on training and field experience to help produce a new generation of biologists to support our work to save the Cross River gorilla and...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Nigeria

Charles Emogor, CLP intern
Trans-boundary amphibian conservation in the Ailao Mountain Range, China

With this award, a training camp will be established to train the future ambassadors of amphibian conservation in China to build their capacities and develop their careers. The team will also publish and distribute an...

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AmphibianKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: China

Trans-boundary amphibian conservation in the Ailao Mountain Range, China
Ben Han

The Ailao Mountain Range is a trans-boundary region encompassing numerous important protected areas in China and Vietnam. The area is considered a biodiversity hotspot due to its high diversity and endemism levels. Many of the...

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AmphibianConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2011
Country: China

Transboundary conservation of horseshoe bats in the Romanian-Serbian Iron Gates
Szilárd-Lehel Bücs

All five European horseshoe bat species are threatened by multiple factors (including direct roost disturbance) and have decreasing populations (IUCN, 2016). Méhely's horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus mehelyi) is still vulnerable (Alcaldé et al. 2016). Recent data...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2020
Country: Romania

Transboundary habitat evaluation and conservation of cao vit gibbon
Fan Pengfei

The cao vit gibbon is one of the rarest primate species in the world, with only one population of 110 individuals living along the China-Vietnam border. Since its discovery in 2002, serious conservation activities have...

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: China

Trinidad 1992
Wendy Rooke

An ecological investigation of the native tree Penny Piece, (Pouteria multiflora), which has edible fruit of potential economic and commercial value. The programme will assess current resource management schemes of the Chaguaramas Development Authority and...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1992
Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Tritonia expedition ’93, faunistical & conservation status survey, Albania
Zoltan Feher

The expedition studied the conservation status of the country (especially Lake Ohrid) and collected land and freshwater molluscs and waterbears, observed the bird fauna and trapped rodents. The expedition collected waterbears from 13 different locations....

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Albania

Turtle population survey and conservation planning for Pulau Pasoso Reserve, Donggala Regency
Rusdin Sinaling

Pulau Pasoso Reserve is a primary turtle nesting ground for Green Turtles and a megopode (Megapodius reindwardtii), among others, in the Donggala Regency of Indonesia. Unfortunately, the reserve designation carries little weight, and Pulau Pasoso...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Indonesia

Turtles and tortoises of Northeast India: saving them from extinction
Ahmed Mohammad Firoz

The Northeast region holds the highest turtle diversity in all of India. Recently, the local turtle species have become extremely rare, as many have been exploited for meat. Their status in the wild has not...

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ReptileFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: India

UEA Saint Lucia 1987
Peter Robertson

The team plans to look for four of the island's rarest birds, including Semper's Warbler (Leucopeza semperi), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Cooperatives. Need to contact Donald Anthony at Forestry...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1987
Country: St. Lucia

Uea-Mexico expedition Bosque tropical 89
Clair Graham

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Mexico

Understanding the distribution, value and threats to ‘Okoubaka aubrevillei’ in West Africa
Solomon Tamba George

The tree species Okoubaka aubrevillei, also known as the ‘death tree’ is Endangered with only 100-2,500 mature trees remaining in Africa. During his internship Solomon be will helping to establish the distribution of the Okoubaka Death Tree in West Africa,...

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Award Year: 2017
Country: Liberia

Understanding the impact of sap harvesting on dragon trees in Cape Verde
Gilson Carlos Sanches Semedo

The dragon tree (Dracaena draco; globally VU) is one of only five native trees of Cape Verde, and its Cape Verdean variant was recently described as a Critically Endangered sub-species endemic to the archipelago (Romeiras...

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Award Year: 2020
Country: Cape Verde

University of Aberdeen expedition to the Western Visayas Islands Philippines 1996
Daniel Bennett

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1996
Country: Philippines

University of Aberdeen project Madagascar 1994
Matthew Wells

The team studied, in conjunction with a Malagasy scientist, the effects of agricultural encroachment into the Zahamena Reserve (the largest and perhaps most important of Madagascar's rainforest reserves) on small mammal communities, bat activity and...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Madagascar

University of Aberdeen Volta Hippo project
Daniel Bennett

This University of Aberdeen Expedition to the Black Volta River system is intended to help foster co-operation and understanding between European and African students through studies of the wildlife of the West African Savannas. The...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1997
Country: Ghana

University of Bristol Choiseul ’95, Solomon Islands
Evan Bowen-Jones

A checklist of bats on the island of Choiseul was compiled. A study of Fruit bats showed that the Monkey-faced fox (Pteralopex anceps) previously thought to be extinct still exists on Choiseul, and provided further...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Solomon Islands

University of Bristol Rio Paute headwaters expedition, Ecuador 1991
Toby Maitland

The aim was to produce useful data on the hydrology and aquatic ecology of the primary and secondary Montane Cloudforest, 2000-3000m. Fieldwork included an investigation into the contribution of fog drip to the total water...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Ecuador

University of East Anglia Cloudforest expedition, Ecuador 1991
Nikki Dayton

The original aim, of comparing five ecological aspects of primary, secondary and plantation forests, had to be modified due to the inaccessibility of primary forest and the absence of plantations. Instead, the surveys were carried...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Ecuador

University of East Anglia Gunung Halimun 1994 Java expedition
Durwyn Liley

This UEA/Biological Sciences Club (BScC) project aimed to assess the effects of human usage and population pressures on forest vegetation and bird communities around the periphery of the Gunung Halimun National Park on Java, Indonesia....

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Indonesia

University of East Anglia Gunung Halimun ethnobotanical expedition, Java 1995
Heather Bailey

The nine person multi-disciplinary team included three people from the University of East Anglia, UK and six people from the Biological Sciences Club of Jakarta, Indonesia. Research focused on the perception and use of forest...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1995
Country: Indonesia

University of East Anglia Kackar expedition, Turkey 1993
Marcus Rowcliffe

An ecological survey of the threatened Caucasian blackcock (Tetrao miokosiewicizi), to establish its population status and habitat requirements, and identify possibly threats to the bird and its habitat from hunting, overgrazing or increased tourism. At...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Turkey

University of East Anglia Taliabu expedition, Indonesia 1991
Bas Van Balen

An ornithological survey and habitat evaluation of the proposed Pulau Taliabu reserve and other primary forest areas which concentrated on the ecology of seven globally threatened bird species. Information will also be collected on the...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Indonesia

University of East Anglia/International Council for Bird Preservation Sozoranga Expedition, Ecuador 1989
Brin Best

The expedition was set up to formulate a conservation strategy for the Tumbesian Endemic Centre. It rediscovered the Ochre-bellied Dove (Leptotila ochraceiventris) as well as locating 9 other threatened birds endemic to the region. The...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1989
Country: Ecuador

University Of Wales, Cardiff expedition to Ecuador 1991: Amazula ’91
Joe Tobias

The forest fragments remaining in south-western Ecuador are amongst the top 10 areas for bird conservation worldwide. Despite widespread degradation of habitat, 8 forested areas were located and studied. 427 bird species of which 12...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1991
Country: Ecuador

Unraveling the occupancy patterns of Guiana dolphin in Southeastern Brazil
Caio Noritake Louzada

Cananéia estuarine system is one of the most important estuaries in Brazil and it has a high conservation level which, despite legal protection, is undergoing a series of increasing threats due to human impacts. The...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2014
Country: Brazil

Unravelling Wolffsohn´s viscacha: Conservation of a mysterious inhabitant of Patagonia, Argentina
Lucas Aristides Hormachea

Wolffsohn's viscacha (Lagidium wolffsohni) (WV) is an endemic rodent species native of Austral Patagonia. It is categorised as Data Deficient at a national and international level. Almost nothing is known about the biology, ecology, population...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Argentina

Update of the information on species, criteria and limits of the IBAs of the Americas
Estefania Montesdeoca

The purpose of the internship is to assist in all activities related to the IBA Program in order to obtain an updated database about IBAs in the Americas: review and update the World Bird Database...

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Award Year: 2022
Country: Ecuador

Urugua-í green corridor 2002
Nicolás Rey

The project will evaluate the ecological connectivity between two provincial parks of Misiones (Argentina): Urugua-í (84,000 has., Key Bird Area) and Horacio Foerster (4,000 has.). To evaluate this, a series of field surveys focused on...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2002
Country: Argentina

Using an education and awareness programme to conserve endangered plants in South Sinai, Egypt
Karim Abdelhai Omar

A group of endemic plants (11 species) are found exclusively in the mountains of South Sinai in Egypt, which are not found in any other region except those mountains. Due to the very small population...

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PlantKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Egypt

Using landscape species as indicators of functional corridors in the Brazilian Amazon
Fernanda Michalski

Conserving wildlife species in fragmented landscapes is an immediate challenge facing conservation biologists and managers. Expansion of both human populations and resource requirements are driving habitat conversion at an increasing scale and speed; such that...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: Brazil

Using light to reduce mobula ray by-catch in Indonesia’s small-scale fisheries
Vidlia Putri Rosady

Mobula rays are migratory species that are vulnerable to extinction. The genus has received international conservation attention, with inclusion under the Convention on Migratory Species in 2014 and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Indonesia

Using lowland tapirs to preserve biocultural diversity in an Indigenous Territory in Colombia
José Jarol Muchavisoy

Initiatives to support the conservation of indigenous communities worldwide have focused almost exclusively on biological and environmental aspects and have excluded cultural views. Working hand-in-hand with a local community, this project proposes to preserve the...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2024
Country: Colombia

Vision 2005: an integrated conservation and development project for the Kikuyu escarpment forest
David Kuria

Through this proposed project KENVO (Kijabe Environment Volunteers) hopes to diversify its voluntary awareness activities while still advocating for sound management and conservation of the Kikuyu Escarpment Forests. In doing so KENVO will be building...

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MultipleConservation Leadership Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Kenya

Vulture conservation in Africa
Mercy Njeri Waithira

This internship will grow the professional capacity of an forthcoming conservation leader. Mercy will learn to use multiple approaches to address species population decline crisis, while at the same time make use of the internship...

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Award Year: 2016
Country: Kenya

Watershed assessment for threatened fish in Halgurd-Sakran Park, Iraq/Kurdistan
Nabil Musa

This project will conduct an assessment and inventory of the general health and threats to fish habitat in the nine rivers/streams that are present within the Halgurd-Sakran Park Area. This area includes three key biodiversity...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Iraq

Way Kambas ’93: Southampton University expedition to Sumatra, Indonesia
Colin McHenry

An ecological survey of Way Kambas to establish whether this is a suitable refuge and alternative habitat for a breeding nucleus of endangered Javan rhioceros to be translocated from Ujung Kulon National Park, Java. Major...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1993
Country: Indonesia

Way Kambas elephant and rhino survey, Indonesia 1994
Joanna Riley

From 1993-95 a British-Indonesian team conducted a survey of the Sumatran Rhino and Asian Elephant populations in Way Kambas National Park on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. By December 1994 a total of 400 sq....

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MammalConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Indonesia

West Visayas Small Islands survey
Marisol Pedregosa

Like most small islands in the Philippines, Siquijor, Tablas and Masbate had suffered severe habitat loss. Almost totally strip of vegetation cover, biological disaster encompasses loss of unique species of birds (i.e. Visayan Tarictic Hornbill,...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Philippines

Western tragopan population assessment in Daranghati Wildlife Sanctuary, India
Lakshminarasimha R

Information deficiency pertaining to its population status and distribution is a major limitation for conserving the Vulnerable western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus), an endemic montane pheasant occurring within a narrow distributional range in the north-western Himalayan...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: India

Wetlands of South Guinea Bissau
Antonio Araujo

The project aimed to increase knowledge of the birds of Guinea-Bissau and to draw international attention to the importance of the country's tropical forests. The project assessed human impact on forest resources and intended to...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Bissau

Wetlands survey in Antsalova and Belo-Sur-Tsiribihina region, Madagascar
Rabarisoa Rivo

The survey area is located in the western part of Madagascar in the region of Antsalova and Belo-sur-Tsiribihina covering an area of about 1.2 million hectares. This region includes a huge area of wetland which...

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PlantFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2000
Country: Madagascar

Whale shark, Indonesia
Mahardika Rizqi Himawan

Whale shark, the largest fish in the world, has been listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Despite protection by the Indonesian government the species faces various threats such as becoming bycatch when caught by local...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Indonesia

Whale shark © Isabelle Masters
Where are the manta rays in Bahia De Banderas, Mexico?
Antonio Takahiro Ruiz Sakamoto

Manta rays are an iconic example of charismatic marine megafauna and like many large marine vertebrates they are threatened globally by targeted and indirect fisheries. While the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2015
Country: Mexico

Manta ray © Isabelle Masters
Where the antelope once roamed: the demography and movement patterns of a migratory ungulate population in a human-altered landscape
Thomas Morrison

Migratory ungulate populations are declining worldwide due to anthropogenic activities, such as habitat loss, loss of connectivity and poaching interfering with the biological properties of the migratory cycle. This project focuses on a declining population...

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Award Year: 2006
Country: Tanzania

White sand forests in Upper Amazonia: conservation of its endemic avifauna and flora, Peru
Roosevelt Garcia Villacorta

White Sand Forests occur disperse in Peruvian Amazonia and despite its low diversity they harbor a unique community of organisms, mostly composed of endemics. In the past few years 10 species were described new for...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2006
Country: Peru

White-lipped peccary conservation within and outside Amazonian extractive reserves, Brazil
Hugo Cardoso de Moura Costa

Large herbivore species are facing dramatic population declines and range contractions, which induce a huge loss of vital ecosystem functions. White-lipped peccaries (WLP) form the largest group biomass of any Neotropical vertebrate, exploit high-density resource...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Brazil

White-shouldered ibis project 2003
Edy Sutrisno

White-shouldered ibis (Pseudibis davisoni) is a waterbird species from the Threskiornithidae family and is declining in population and has been classified as a critical endangered species in Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2003
Country: Indonesia

Wildlife inventory of two national parks in south eastern Angola
Ezequiel Fabiano

This project is based in the Angola section of the Kavango - Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA), the world’s largest transfrontier conservation area and Africa’s largest conservation landscape. Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga National Parks have been...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2016
Country: Angola

Wildlife picture index at Myangan Ugalzat National Park, Mongolia
Munkhjargal Myagmar

Mongolia has seen rapid social, economic and environmental change over the past decade. In order to reverse Mongolian wildlife population declines, robust monitoring is needed to define the scope and severity of the problem. This...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Mongolia

Wildlife survey in a proposed Protected Area in Afghanistan
Habiba Amiri

The project aims at better understanding the wildlife status in the Shah Foladi Mountains in Afghanistan after nearly four decades of war. Anecdotal evidence, interviews with local communities and habitat suitability suggest that a number...

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MammalFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2013
Country: Afghanistan

Wintering ecology of hooded crane at Chongming Dongtan, China
Chi Yeung Choi

The hooded crane is a vulnerable species globally and only 10% of the total population can sustain themselves in natural habitats without supplementary feeding during winter. About 100 hooded cranes winter in Chongming Dongtan, which...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2008
Country: China

Woodpeckers in modified dipterocarp forests in Sub-Himalayan India: investigating habitat relationships and survey methods
Raman Kumar

Woodpeckers, although studied in detail in Europe and North America, still haven't been researched in tropical Asia, especially India. Since woodpeckers are strongly dependent on forests, their abundance and interspecies proportion show strong linkages with...

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Award Year: 2007
Country: India

Working towards the conservation of angel sharks based on fisheries research in Peru
Rosa María Lorena Cañedo Apolaya

Peru has a long history of fishing with the highest accumulated shark landings in the Pacific Ocean, and along the eastern Pacific. Angel sharks are among the top six shark species with the highest landings...

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FishFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2022
Country: Peru

Working with the community to save the goliath frog in Cameroon
Fogwan Nguedia Cedrick

The goliath frog, the largest frog of the world, is an endemic species found along the fast flowing rivers in secondary forests and farmlands of southwest Cameroon, listed as Endangered by IUCN. The Nlonako Wildlife...

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AmphibianKate Stokes Memorial Award

Award Year: 2023
Country: Cameroon

YARÉ II: Yariguíes assessment and research of Endangered species
Blanca Huertas

The Serrania de las Yariguies was biologically unknown until YARE project studied its flora and fauna. We produced first inventories of the massif in all habitats from 150-3,200m above sea level. Multiple new taxa of...

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MultipleConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2010
Country: Colombia

YARÉ: Yariguíes assessment and research of endangered species
Blanca Cecilia Huertas-Hernandez

Serranía de los Yariguíes is an isolated spur of Colombia’s Eastern Andean Cordillera. It straddles three endemic bird areas (EBAs), two of which are rated critical, but remains almost completely unexplored biologically. Yariguíes' pristine forests...

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MultipleFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2005
Country: Colombia

Yungas 2001
Ross McLeod

The Cordillera de Mosetenes is the largest biologically unexplored area of the Bolivian Andes and one of the largest unexplored parts of the Andean range (pers. com. Hennessey, Co-ordinator of Bolivian IBA programme). The south-western...

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BirdConservation Follow-up Award

Award Year: 2001
Country: Bolivia

Zapata swamp project, Cuba 1994
Juan Criado Hernandez

This project is mainly focused on Zapata Rail (Cyanolimnas cerverai) and Zapata Wren (Ferminia cerverai), both globally threatened species within their known and possible range. They are range restricted bird species and only occur in...

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BirdFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 1994
Country: Cuba

Zoning, conservation and research on Brazilian coral reefs
Pedro Henrique CIpresso Pereira

This project aims to perform zoning, conservation and research actions on a threatened coral reef complex in the north-eastern Brazil an area of great importance to marine biodiversity with many IUCN CR and EN species....

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InvertebrateFuture Conservationist Award

Award Year: 2017
Country: Brazil

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