Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) Career Placements put early-career conservationists within regional host organisations of one of the CLP partners (BirdLife International, Fauna & Flora and the Wildlife Conservation Society), providing them with on-the-job training and skills development to boost their career prospects. These emerging leaders are mentored by our partner staff, with many mentees going on to secure permanent positions within their host organisation and achieving significant conservation impacts.
The past year has been exceptionally busy for seven of our mentees positioned around the world. They have been involved in wildlife research, orchestrated public engagement projects, and provided invaluable support to their host organisations – to mention just a few of their numerous contributions. Below we share highlights from these Career Placements and extend our congratulations to our mentees for their achievements.
Esther Githinji, WildLabs East Africa, Kenya: Esther diligently expanded and strengthened the East Africa conservation technology network, fostering a vibrant community of like-minded professionals dedicated to leveraging technology for conservation efforts. In this role, Esther curated events and resources to support this community. Esther has since been employed by WildLabs, Kenya. Read more about Esther’s achievements during her CLP Career Placement.

Sherrel Charles, Environmental Awareness Group (EAG), Antigua & Barbuda: Sherrel made significant contributions to the creation of the “Wildlife Warriors Programme” with EAG and brought innovative strategies to elevate their social media presence throughout her Career Placement. Sherrel is now working full time with EAG as a Science Communications Officer.

Hue Thi Huynh, Fauna & Flora Vietnam: During her Career Placement, Hue supported the implementation of a marine project in Nui Chua National Park, Vietnam. Hue, along with her team, laid the groundwork for an ongoing project exploring the feasibility of seaweed and blue carbon to build sustainable finance for local communities in this Marine Protected Area.

Aigul Jumabaeva, Fauna & Flora Kyrgyzstan: In efforts to combat illegal trade, Aigul conducted research on threatened fruit-and-nut trees at ecologically significant sites in Kyrgyzstan. This research was intrinsic with stakeholder engagement efforts to reduce illegal wildlife trade of “Red Book” species. Working with local schools also nurtured the next generation of environmental stewards dedicated to the countries natural heritage. Aigul has since been employed by Fauna & Flora Kyrgyzstan.

Tharamony Ngoun, Fauna & Flora Cambodia: Ngoun passionately contributed to marine turtle conservation efforts in Cambodia. This required thorough skill development in marine surveying and identifying turtle nesting sites. Ngoun went on to train volunteers in nest identification; her efforts proved successful as the team discovered nine new nesting sites – a key step in good coastal management and sea turtle protection. Ngoun now works within Fauna & Flora’s Asia Pacific team.

Phon Sophea, Fauna & Flora Cambodia: Phon dedicated his time working with the Plastics Team in Cambodia. His work has revolved around developing behaviour change activities regarding plastic waste, while assessing the impacts of plastics on the local environment; notably on populations of sea-turtles.

Chantia Mahavory, Madagasikara Voakajy, Madagascar: Chantia is in the final stages of her Career Placement and has been busy developing an environmental education programme for local community schools. This will cultivate young conservation ambassadors and significantly contribute to Madagascar’s biodiversity action plan through community engagement. Chantia has diligently broadened her impact locally by working with communities to develop a literacy programme.

We want to thank all our mentees for their dedication to these projects, and we are grateful to our partner organisations for hosting and inspiring such impactful work. We also extend our thanks to Fondation Segré for supporting our Career Placements. We are excited to see what our nine current Career Placements will achieve over the next year!